Video: Walking the tunnel. (Artsy fartsy)

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Just walking. Boring you to death. ;D

Edit: I suggest watching this on mobile while walking the tunnel at night. Might make for a nice recursion art piece.

[Previous post: City lights inside the city.]

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"hey, maybe for steemit i should post a vid of me walking through a tunnel" lmao

Worked out pretty well though. All these nice comments and upvotes, not to mention my upvotes to these comments. Everybody got something out of me thinking a good tunnel walk is what Steem urgently needs. :)

Incredible artistic video !

that is one long tunnel haha! Nice shoes btw aswell :). This is a new form of art your video! ;)

Thanks a million. I just bought those sneakers day before yesterday and had never used them before the walk last night. Bought them from Lidl, just because they looked cool with their knitted outer shell, lining, whatever.

It was a pleasant surprise they were quite comfortable to walk in too. I wasn't prepared for that, buying them from a cheapo shop.

Yes, I thought this will eventually be my art from this on, walking through tunnels. ;) Maybe not. But I guess it works as a minimalist performance art piece pretty well.

Now that this one is done, I will really need to think how to make the next one even better. :)

Artistic video, and a little philosophical too.

Scary view man alone in the night

It's a subtle reference about walking forward and never let go of your dream.
Or maybe just walking... lol

Art and its meaning comes both from the artist's vision and interpretation of the beholder.

See? Just a simple tunnel walk made you say all these wise things, magic!

Bored to death, aghhh. No, just kidding. I always love to take a walk when it's dark outside. It's a great way to think.

Btw dude, I have never told you, one of my friends has a group filled with awesome people if you want to join. :)
I think you will fit right in.

That's a loooooong tunnel :D

This is amazing art!

Good video!
What would you do when you see someone with ugly face walking toward you at that time?? :D I am so curious to know...haha

Why I shoot at the sneakers of course. :)

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