What do you value, how do you value it and who will value it when you're gone...

in #art7 years ago

Value: The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. Value is often taken to mean monetary but there are many different applications for the word; Or more specifically I guess, there are many ways to apply the word to us and our lives. I just read a really great post by @dissfordents about his priceless art collection and it made me think about art, life and value.

My dad was an artist, is an artist I should say. He is afflicted with dementia these days at almost 82 and so his artwork is not of the same quality and complexity as it once was. It's still better than I could achieve, but compared to his work of the past it's somewhat...Different.

I have several pieces hanging in my home and have many others stored dating back to prior to my arrival on planet earth. It's interesting to see how how his style changed over the years but not surprising; We all change through experience, circumstance, wisdom, emotional influences and of course changing one's location certainly can change an outlook. No matter how my dad's work evolved though he applied the same care and effort to what he did. Hours and hours of time and effort. Relentless dedication.

He worked in acrylic on canvas mainly and his work is generally quite large being at least 1 to 1.5 meters in length generally. They were quite impactful when hung on a wall typically, and gave one the idea of looking out a window into some distant place. I have my favourites, the most favourite of which was commissioned and purchased so hangs elsewhere unfortunately. Having said that I am fortunate to have some very favourite works hanging in my home.

Please forgive my lack of photography skills but the two images you see here are a couple of paintings that I have in my home. Both my dad's of course. Both are quite large.

The most highly esteemed @dissfordents talks about value and pricelessness in his recent post...He says...

"I have several pieces of artwork hanging on the walls of my home that I consider priceless. Mind you, if I were to bring any of them into a gallery for an appraisal they would laugh. Their standard of valuation is very different than mine."

...And he is probably right about a gallery not valuing them as highly but to him they are unique, irreplaceable and indeed priceless. They have history and emotional value. Mine are the same. My dad was a professional artist selling work all over the place, domestically and internationally, and his work had a dollar value to those who followed his career however to me he was just dad and his work is valuable for a different reason.

These days my dad still paints. I visit him at the nursing home and he is almost always painting, although he's slowing up a little now. His work is a shadow of its former self and he struggles with composition, perspective and colour-balance a little but he paints still. His work is still valuable to me, and the rest of my family and we encourage it.

I wonder what will happen to his work when I am gone. I have no children and my siblings are spread out all over the world and in no real position to move or store his artwork. Of course it will be willed to them but I wonder about the logistical challenge of dealing with it. I suppose I won't have to worry about it as I will be a pile of smoking ash on a viking-style funeral pyre but one thing gives me some comfort which is that my dad's work will continue to have value, not necessarily a monetary one, but a deep emotional and sentimental value, for whomever care-takes them when I am gone.

A big thanks to @dissfordents for writing his great post and provoking these thoughts in me. Thanks brother.

Design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default


Good Story I enjoyed Read it thank you brother for this post

Very touching Piece...

My father is an artist too and so Am I. So it gives an extra relatable dimension.
It is indeed amazingly valuable that he is still painting at his age,
and even more valuable that you are connected as such.
His artworks are very impressive, incredible light.
Thanks for sharing, I will be following for more on your story and artworks.

Best wishes for you and your father

Thanks for saying so. I generally don’t post much about art I guess despite growing up around it. I have many of my dad’s works and drawing etc...I might post a few.

Nice of you to comment though and hopefully you find something interesting in my blog.

There is not much in life that gives greater satisfaction and pleasure than connecting with other human beings in a real way. You and I @galenkp live oceans apart yet we share a number of interests and experiences.
Your post about your Dad was very moving to me. His painting of the tugboats looks to be in the style of photorealism, or close to it. I love it. I am impressed by his tenacity; 82 and still painting. I have no artistic talent but I enjoy studying art history, and the one constant that comes up again and again in studying the lives of creative people is their longevity and their work ethic. Your dad apparently has that admirable quality. Thanks again "mate," I'm glad I caught this one fresh for a resteem.

I Agree with you man, so far away and yet similar in interests and quite probably thoughts as well.

My dad would do abstract work, some photo-realism and other stuff that I can't name because I didn't study art history! :) He is a great painter, amazing with pen and ink and pencil also. I will take some more images of some of his work and post them sometime. He was very creative...You should see what he could do with paper mache! Thanks for the RS on it, much appreciated.

Oh, just on your art history background...The first time we went to Firenze, Italy we hired a personal guide. Fortunately she double booked and had to send her best friend instead. Laura has a PhD in art history and has worked in galleries and museums all over the world including NY and the Louvre in Paris. We got so much more our of our time with her.

When we went back a couple of years later we hired her again and now we're friends. She takes us to places no tourist would ever see and her knowledge...Amazing. Here she is with my wife when we were in Tuscany.

For some reason I had you pegged for Mil or LE, not an art historian. Scratch the surface of a person and it's amazing what one finds.

You're a champ. Thanks for your kind words about my dad mate.

Ps. I did notice your "mate" comment...I'll have you speaking like an Aussie in no time!

Your friend Laura has what I consider to be the best job in the world. I'm no art historian, just a layman, an amateur, with a life-long interest in the subject. I made a living the hard way; as a sub-contractor in the building trades. The gun stuff, Gunsite and the like, was more of a "hobby" than anything else. Does driving a Subaru OUTBACK qualify me as an honorary Aussie?

Hey man, let me see...You have an Outback...Australia has an outback...You know what? YOU'RE IN! Consider yourself an Aussie. (honourary) We spell honour with a 'u'. :)

great father, you can learn from him ... for me the art is life, motivation, the feelings of a person ... so the artist expresses his feelings through his work ... every eye that looks at it, must be different judgments.

very nice photograph.good work in the artical.

Your Dad is an accomplished artist.

Who is to say whether his work now is less accomplished in his diminished state ~ perhaps they have a more naive, innocent, spontaneous and touching quality about them? I would love to see a few...

Value is a funny thing ~ back in the 1990's my paintings sold for £1800 each, nowadays I can't give them away.

As a vintage/antique dealer I kept lots of my finds but was never motivated by monetary value of a piece; rather I had to feel an emotional connection.

Too much emphasis is placed on material achievement and many a great soul is dismissed through the misconception of them being poor :(

I am sorry your Dad has dementia. My Mum had it and it is cruel beyond words.

With Love.


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