Street art?...Highway art more accurately!

in #art7 years ago

Street art is everywhere these days. Walking around your town or city will probably reveal some, either sanctioned or unsanctioned. I’m not a fan of unsanctioned graffiti art, in fact graffiti art of any sort tends to annoy me; I think it’s because quite often it defaces a public or private building which would look better without it. Also because most often there’s not much art to it at all, in my opinion anyway. I found some great street art driving through a small country town a few days ago though and had to stop to take a picture.

The town is Coonalpyn is about 160 kilometres from Adelaide on the way to Melbourne. There’s not much to it really and most people drive right through, possibly stopping for a coffee, often not. I have been there many times and have never stopped. The population is about 215 people and it’s not particularly well known for any reason at all. However, drive through these days and instead of white pained wheat silos you will see this amazing piece of artwork.

This silo mural stands 30 meters high and took 6 weeks to complete. Below is some detail on the information board at the base.

It’s difficult to gain perspective on the size so I took the following picture with a vehicle and caravan parked at the base. It sort of gives an idea of the scope of the project. It’s been an excellent attraction for the town and the cafe opposite the silos is busy all the time now as people driving by stop for photos rather than drive straight through.

This sort of street art makes me happy to see. It promotes this small community and makes the featureless drive through the area a little more interesting.

Design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default


I’ve seen really good murals and some awful ones. This is one of the best I’ve seen. What a clever way to make those ugly silos less intrusive. This is why I love artists; their talent enriches all of us as it beautifies the world.

Agreed mate. We stopped again when we came past on the way home from the IPSC State Titles...Such good artwork.

Street art is the best art in my opinion, but it hurts me that not everyone supports that culture while supporting the killing of animals and that if they call it art!

nice art.....

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