Durinnian's, Underneath all Mountains .- Bestiary 1.4

in #art7 years ago (edited)

"The Sons Of Durin's"

In contrast to what is believed, the Durinnian's are not a single race but a complex genetic tree with diverse ramifications, in which each anthropological singularity manages to archive each representative of the different manifestations in which the Durinnian breed had its appearance, exist Very old records in which the children of Durin are shown since the term Durinnian comes from "Durins" the home planet of the first intraterrestrial race that dominated the old power of the crystals, and was made known by its capacity to understand the Energy of these crystals and to channel their energy this primitive race was very prosperous in the star Durins Haag Dur or the "eye of Durins", planet located in the sector z45 - 000900099239333ETP - 119488683754934990234000000 PLM.

The term Durinnian is given to all those organisms whose biochemical composition has mutated in extreme circumstances as is the case of the first children of Durin who are said to have emerged from the same rock and were the architects of the most rigorous intraterrenal strongholds in that star, In the great majority of records found on earth described by man it is usual to find fault with cataloging the great variety of ways in which this race has made its appearances ignoring that they are all part of the same species, as Is the case of the distinction between Goblins, Trasgos, Gnomes, Dwegars among others, who are only differentiated between them by their domination and understanding of the energy in the stones that are the main motor of life and the interaction between the colonies , Counting on an endless number of tunnels connected in the depths, from where they managed to extract the raw material to perform their experiments with metal and Other materials that resulted from the casting metals such as Adamantium and Mithrill, high strength and lightweight metals ideal for interstellar transfer at lower cost.

The Durinnians are often seen in different ways, depending on their ability to grow the crystals that are often their main source of organization, some communities in the galaxy have reached the status of civilization 5 to make the most of their local sun and its moons, Are usually a peaceful race, but always depending on their development in the work of the stones that channel the energy of the source, if their manifestations do not reach that comprehensive level of magic in minerals, they tend to regress evolutionarily until they degrade their morphology .

They are often seen in the depths of the planets, is a race adaptable to various atmospheric conditions and some communities of Durinnians have reached a total dominion in the channeling of the energy through the crystals which has allowed them to travel extraplanalmente without moving of Their places allowing them to communicate through telepathy with other manifestations of life in the vast cosmos.

It has been said that the Durinnians inhabited the land millions of years ago and that even very close to its core, guardians of a huge treasure sleep guarding their entrance, to share it with humanity when it is time, since to access the old knowledge Durinnian, humanity must have overcome various conditions that will allow them to witness the awakening and the arrival of this race, which for many eons, seeks, through its connection with the primordial molecules that form the rock, have sought their return to the source.

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