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RE: The Rust Belt Treasure

in #art7 years ago

FUN PosT !!! - )))
... intriguing STORY, and well told !! - ))
ThankS !! - ))

... looKING forward to more ! - )))))

greb'Z )

... PumpeD and reSTEEMed !!! - )))
... and trusting tHERE will BE a FoLLoW UP StorY ?? - ))
... and EspeciallY 'if' YOU take IT to the ROAD-SHOW -)))
... a STEEM road-show ??????? - ))
... ha ha)))


Wooow ... i missed the V_iD !!! - ))
... the deTAILS and DeeptH from different angles !!! - )))
nice 'choice' for the MusiC TOO )))
... )))

HoneSTLY ... your post, an UNexpectED treasure !! - ))

... i kNOW i would have scROLLed right by IT ... -((
... if i was just on youtube !!! - (((

... this STEEM is just so curious !!! - )))

FeelinG compelled to ... try NEW things, and support PASSIONS outside of my "BOX" ... and i've got to say, ... IT FEEL S GREAT !!! - )))

SO many GEMS ... in L(if)E ... unNOTICED - (((

YET NOW, this PLAN_eT ... FEELS .. different .. lighter ???
... i've felt 'something' since mid-may ??? - ))

NOW that i'm HERE ... i SEE IT EVERYWHERE !! - ))
... and i ENJOYED finding IT aGAIN ... thROUGH YOU !!! - )))

BE WELL ... and find the StorY !!! - )))
... pl-EASE - ))

ha ha )))

I'm with you on that, dude. However the way your comments are styled makes me want to read them in Zed's character!



ha ha ))))))
ThanK YOU !!! ... age 46 here, ( i hear your hand, slapping your forehead -)) SO YOU just lit UP someTHINg in me .. that had LONG PASSED !! - ))
... going to BE a FUN DAY !! - ))

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