"Spookylemon" 絵の制作日記

in #art7 years ago (edited)

A portrait of an Instagram friend インスタ上の友人をデフォルメして描いて見ました

Last April I asked a friend to let me experiment with one of her photos and make a manga-style version in oil. I wanted to broaden my brush stroke vocabulary and I thought of learning from Makiko Kudo. 四月に友人の許可を得て、実験的に彼女の写真をデフォルメして油絵でおこして見ました。マチエルの幅を広げたいと思い、工藤真紀子の真似をしてみようと思いました。


Some more Naadia またNaadiaを:

In the real photo, my friend's face was partially hidden with a leaf and she was looking at her feet. So I first thing I did was to change the direction of her gaze. 元の写真には本人が下を向いて、口は葉っぱに隠れてあるのです。まず眼差しの向きを変えて見ることに決めました。

Here I'm experimenting with different skin tones and trying to figure what to do about the leaves. 肌色と葉っぱの色のバランスを考えて絵の具を載せています。

After having some trouble with the eyes I decided to get rid of the leaf in front of her face, and try to draw a complete face. Later this choice would turn into a headache when I'll try to decide on what expression to give her :D The colors became colder as well. 目を描いて色々迷ってしまい、葉っぱを消して、顔全体を描いた方がいいんじゃないかと思いました。ただし、後にきて表情はどうするのかと大きな問題になります。背景の一体感を探り全体的に冷たい緑に。

Here I try to change the eyes, hair and skin tone and continue to extensively work on the face. I give her "vinyl plate" eyes and the weirdest smile I could come up with in the end. 目を変えて見たり、髪の毛や肌色を探ったり見ます。口をどうしようとずっと悩んでいます。ビニルディスクのような瞳に一番変な口の形を描きます。

I finish the hand and the background by outlining the leaves with purple, adding more branches and adding yellows. Done! I guess :) 手を描き終わって、背景を描き続けて、ところどころ枝を追加しました。葉っぱを紫でアウトラインしました。これで終わりにしましたが、どうもあまり気が済まなかったです。


Truth be told, the only part of the painting I like is this hand and the leaves around it^^ I was about to cut it out, but a friend at the Academy stopped me and pursuaded me to give her the whole work. So now it has a new owner :)




Thank you for taking a look :)
Feel free to comment and ask questions. Let me know what you guys think ^^


I blog about daily life, post my artworks and illustrations :)

i saw this video and i liked in your post because it s a great art

thank you!

welcome where are you from dear.... may be a question dear

The hand, indeed, is lovely... But, so is the whole picture... <3 <3 <3

thank you shei-sensei <3 I actually used the painting as a payment, because this friend has kindly helped me move in summer, when I had no money to rent a car. it's great that she came by before I cut it up :D

I see... ^^ It feels great to help each other out, isn't it? ^^ That's a great thing, indeed... I'd personally think that it'd be a waste to cut it up... xD



What you did is so awesome. ♡ can you be my sensei?

thank you! I don't think you need a sensei :)

I still need one. I need to learn digital aart :)

ahahaha then I definitely can't be your sensei, because I only do analogue art. but you can ask @anritco, he makes amazing digiral art and shares tips if you ask him :)

The hand, indeed, is lovely... But, so is the whole picture.......

Really great post @fukako! I see you've gone from ink to paint!

thanks @karencarrens :) nah, I do both. But ink is something I do to relax my colour senses :)






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