in #art6 years ago
     Greetings #steemit community, not feeling great satisfaction for some of my first publications on this site, partly because of ignorance of crucial details to make a post, I have seen the need to recycle a painting I had published. The idea is to bring it closer to a new dimension of meaning: for this I create a collage of three photographs of the same painting, which present subtle differences that serve as a subterfuge to develop the text. Additional, I include a brief review, which in the first instance had not considered. The work in question I have titled: UTOPIA. And with another couple of photographs I try to explain where this work was born or what is the purpose of its existence.

26648640_10215716929182626_1587043063_n (1).jpg

Title: "Utopia".

Technique: acrylic / fabric

Measures: 90 x 70 cm.

Years: 2017- 2018

Author: Fránmar

Photography: Fránmar

     Primarily I want to clarify that UTOPIA was inspired by another work of my authorship entitled "Gears and magnetism", I present below.


Título: "Engranajes y magnetismo".

Técnica: Acrílico/tela

Medidas: 90 x 70 cm.

Año: 2016

Autor: Fránmar

Fotografía: Fránmar

     It can be seen so far, that the content of both works are significantly related, in "Gears and magnetism" there are figures that resemble chess pieces, which are not well defined, but suggestively we can distinguish that principle. In UTOPÍA, the painting is more lucid because the figures are clearly more defined, far from the sinuous mode of the original work. These appreciations allow us to speak of two very similar compositions at the level of the drawing, but very different by their characteristics in the color and the treatment of the forms.

     Essentially that's it. Nor do I wish to make an exegesis of the subject so as not to ruin the interpretative conception of each one. However, UTOPIA presents the figure of a chess piece on the top: a synthesis of that scenario consists in that this composition represents a non-terrestrial landscape, where an era persists, of a civilization that does or did chess worship. I speak in the past because of the feeling of loneliness transmitted by the painting. in view of the fact that there is no human or animal soul in the painting.



photograph: Jhonny Espinoza

     Until next time, thank you very much for your reading.

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