How this painting summarized all that i learned from my 1st year of painting. Handcrafted by @errymil

in #art7 years ago (edited)

IMG_3230.JPG40x 40 inch oil on canvas, with embossed flower of life!

This painting got me started on big canvases and oil painting, I love making this painting as it has a lot of symbols and details.
I always start my painting with the embossed flower of life

its a template that i use in every painting, and i meditate first on it and find within myself the inspiration and vision to put in my painting. Actually althroughout the painting process, i pray and clear my mind, the more calm and clear my mind is, the more ideas are flowing, just allowing yourself to be relaxed and free is very powerful!

This painting started with yin and yang symbol, just plain black and white, with dots in each side.IMG_3310.JPG

The left part or the yin, represent the female principle of the universe, that is considered dark cold and passive. I was inspired by stories about Mt Shasta and although i have not been there during that time, thats how i was envisioning it, i placed in the sky the aurora borealis as i felt that it was a dancing soul of earth! And on the other side is the milky way galaxy, in a very dark sky you will be able to view this galactic sky, its like another world but we are all part of it, it's like a journey towards our higher selves! IMG_3313.PNG

I placed a cabin near a deer couple. As the deer can see naturally in low light, and can see through darkness, and can guide others to safety and home. They are very gentle and graceful animals even under attack, they remind us that no matter what obstacles come our way, we should treat it with gentleness and grace, after all a gentle soul is not a helpless one, they also have horns just in case of self defense and only uses it when needed.IMG_3315.PNG I place my dream cabin near a waterfall lake as it would always remind us that no matter how the day goes bad nature will always be there for us and as a therapy, its a very comforting site to see. I also added a bridge for the transition from winter to spring.

Now i placed the tree of knowledge/tree of life in the shape of the yin and yang as it is always with us all year round it was perfect as i can represent winter, spring , summer and fall. At the base a couple of squirrels and it symbolizes to take life a little less serious and have fun doing it. Squirrels are also commonly known for saving up food for the next winter, it should remind as to have a plan for the future as its always comforting to know that we have something saved for the future like retirements or for our kids.

And now going to the yang, the masculine principle of the universe, that is considered creative and associated with light, heat and heaven. I was inspired by the beaches in my home land the Philippines, although it is hot but its abundant with resources and beauty, its a heavenly paradise, people are so nice and happy all the time, as our saying goes "its more fun in the Philippines"
I placed a Bahay Kubo its a very comfortable and traditional house, as it is made 100% from the mother of all trees, the Coconut tree, i also placed a Balsa its like a canoe made from the trunk of the coconut tree as well. My country is very self sustaining, when i was in the province, being "off the grid" is the normal way of life, nowadays with the introduction of controlled fiat system, the normal way of life become unsustainable as everything has to be worked for, all the basic need are being payed now, just imagine water itself has to be bought, and maybe eventually the air we breath would be a commodity. But i believe it will go back to how it was before, but better! We are going to create this change "the kingdom of God is within all of us"

And finally i added an Eagle as it represents Freedom. The Eagle is the Chief of all creatures as it flies high above than any other animal. It puts you on notice that the wind of change is headed your way as some type of rebirth or renewal is about to happen.
Thank you so much for viewing what i had to share to the world!





The painting is fantastic!
You are very talented!
Just look at all those details! All those different components that come together as one!
Very well done!!
Upvoted !!! :)

I appreciate your comment, thank you so much, i followed you by the way @taraamin77

I followed you as well <3

Just saw this on steemchat; beautiful!!!

Thank you @twirble! Appreciate it, and congratulation to us for the challenge!🙌🏼

That's an awesome painting, love the color, flowing lines, the symbolism.
Very beautiful.

Have a nice day.

Thank you @wordsword its one of my favorite paintings

you have a big talent !!! but you know that :)

Thank you so much @lenatramper i really appreciate it! I just love to paint and share whats deep inside my thought. I myself can't believe till now on how i can paint this beautiful piece! I know im being guided on each art i make, theres always a hidden message for those who are ready to listen.

thanks !.i learnt a lot.upvoted.follow back

Thanks @bestbiz im gald you learned something from it

Your art are beautiful expressions!
Thanks for being here 😃

That's amazing! I love it and the story behind it... All the best!

Thank you so much my friend @creutzy!

You're welcome! :)

gorgeous! I am following for more :)

Thank you @michelleart, yes i will
Post some more this week

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