
I agree that SEO is not always suited to unique creative ways of creating content but it’s not necessarily impossible to leverage! When you create content that has a low search volume because there is no generic terms used for it you should leverage social media, even run some ads and get it infront of people

If your content is really what people want to see, listen to and read they will come and they will help distribute it amount their networks

As you grow organically you’ll start to build ‘brand’ related keywords or keywords youve created yourself that you can rank for with search volume and then leverage SEO for continued traffic

It may be a long tail game but very much worth it

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hmmm, maybe that will serve me posthumously! (Hopefully the tail isn't quite that long. lol)

THANK YOU, @chekohler, for taking the time to break this down for me, and give me another perspective and strategy to consider. I really appreciate it. :-)

Happy to, I know its not ideal and I feel your pain believe me I do. I've actually been busy for the last 3 years building a tool that I feel will help this issue, hopefully launch next year

Oh wow... expertise AND empathy?! Hello there, Mr. Unicorn :-)

Wishing you EVERY SUCCESS with that launch, @chekohler. A tool like that is so needed.

I'm really glad you're out there, doing great tech stuff!

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