Looking back and applying what I learned | A TWICE Fanart

in #art6 years ago

Lessons learned

It has been a year. Seriously, though, it felt like Time has literally pulled the rug from under my feet and got me flustered with the rush of everything that has happened. Take for example my Quest to Learning to Draw with Colored Pencils. I know, I know. It has been a year now and I am yet to see vast improvements.

Regardless, I took the time to look through my old colored pencil drawings and subsequently cringe at how they had been. While fairly decent, they were not anywbere near really great. Yesterday, I had some sort of epiphany: why not apply what I had learned so far, from the nearly 10 months I have been here on Steemit?

For reference, here's one of my most favorite posts that I did: Drawing the Twelfth Doctor. It was the exact post where I realized where I was lacking, and what to do about them. Of course, execution still matters, but knowing what to improve is a start, hey?


What's wrong? First thing to do was identify what's wrong about the drawing. I'd say the paper used -- but then again, I didn't know better before. Also, there's nothing else that can be done about it but jusg improve the drawing itself. Another thing is the execution of colors -- too light. The colors chosen were wrong. It was, at best, shabby.

Unfinished attempt at correcting the drawing.

What to do about it? Apply what I learned over the last few months. Thay is, when coloring, color in a generally circular motion. This way, we can avoid unidirectional shades. The same can't be said about the hair; with coloring the hair, follow through the direction it falls.

The original drawing.

It's not as easy as I thought it would be

Now, as soon as I started, I got irrationally demotivated. What if, instead of fixing the drawing, I worsened it? What if I got something supposedly tribial very wrong? Something I learned about this activity is that it isn't OK for people with strong anxiety. Not that you shouldn't do it if you're anxious like me. It's just... proceed with caution, else your obsessive compulsive tendencies will wreak havoc, and we wouldn't want that now, do we?


Dibujar es algo complicado. Sobre todo si te equivocas cuando ya has avanzado bastante. Yo personalmente no paro hasta que quede perfecto y si me equivoco, prefiero empezar de cero. Yo pienso que esa obsesión de que tu dibujo debe quedar perfecto y como te lo imaginas, es lo que ayuda a convertirte en mejor artista.

Don't worry if you see all the mistakes you made. Mistakes are important too--they are part of the journey and how we grow. An artist once told me to never change old drawings. They are a record of their time. Later we look back and see what stage we were at artistically when we created them. Just file them away and make new ones. :) Someday these early drawings will be precious to you.

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