“Artist Entrepreneur”

in #art7 years ago

“Artist Entrepreneur” is a an oxymoron…if you are real artist you are not an entrepreneur. A business person can be creative but he is not an artist.
Gallery owners and consultants seem to think it is all about them and the artist is only there to pay the rent and give him/her a comission.
It is time artists were acknowledge for creating visuals that help transcend this bleak and brutal world because they communicate with their souls, not yet jaded by the marketplace. Even Jesus threw out the moneychangers from the temples, due to that activity being incompatible with spiritual life. Art should be given a chance to thrive in a space similar to a temple, where spirit and creativity combine to produce an inspiration for the people. Instead it is all about making artists into moneychangers.
And if not, then at least let them be useful as community activists with what they create, so moneychangers in our our society are telling artists what to create, soul be damn! The clinck of coins is music to the ears of all the art administrators in Canada, who are making a living dictating to the artists and bullying them into paths they normally would not go on but for the fact they have to eat.
A sorry state of affairs I say…when help for artists is conditional on them becoming business tycoons and community developers, with no time for soul searching which is what art is really about. Then when their souls dry up from internal tears over the years what is left? Kitsch of course, what else can they produce in that diminished capacity!


You come up with a very great post
good work @elewarne

Creativity takes courage and artist make is a reality !

“Artist Entrepreneur,business, artist,
3 Differences in interference have not been discussed before
thanks for creative thinking.

I would actually argue that artist in and of themselves are entrepreneurs. The small self employed variety, but still an entrepreneur nonetheless. A person can be an amazing creative, yet still balance it with the logical, business mind. Unfortunately the world is ran and operated on cold, hard cash, and that's not going to change anytime soon. This is why most of us as artist have personal work, and commercial work. As artist, we do have the ability to negotiate the terms of our agreements, and what we will and wont do. Perhaps being that entrepreneur, and capitalizing on your talent to create wonders with a pencil or brush, IS soul searching for some. Lastly, artist should not be letting society dictate what they should and should not create, unless they are paying for it; and even then, I still get to decide whether or not to go through with it depending on whether I deem it ethical or not. Artist should instead be learning to negotiate, and embrace being able to capitalize on their work. It's how most of us earn a living after all.

Just a thought.

You missed the point of this...aritists role should be more like a priests in society...should priests be business men?


Morally, and ethically they should not, but good majority do lol. That is a good point though.

@elewarne - Sire, love your work. I like this discussion Sire. Therefore, I wish t resteem this post Sire.

+W+ [ReSteemed & UpVoted]

I feel it is really sad what you are talking about. So much mainstream in the galleries and where the big money flows. I have just recently reflect upon myself as an artist and find this platform really inspiring. More freedom and a chance to get something back. Society should really value the free souls of artists more.

Actually a business person can do that artwork! Coz it cost $$$ :D Great article and suited to the current "money based functioning" world! Thanks for sharing with us!


amigo #resteemia at your service

'dollar butterfly' yes, successful entrepreneur can build him. nice post @elewarne

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

Wow....it is amazing artwork by @elewarne
Smart wirk my dear friend...
I think you have more creative ideas about artwork..
Happy steeming..

And that is why we cheer at something like the Blockchain, eridicating those middlemans taking a cut from the contributor...

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