Crocheted beads. A small lesson on working with polymer clay.

in #art8 years ago

Good afternoon Steemit!
Did you try to knit in your life? Those who have tried, will agree that it is very exciting.
I came up with the idea of making "knitted" beads. Only not from threads, but from polymer clay!
I am pleased to tell you how I did it.


As can be seen in the photo, the knitted beads I alternated with beads with a pattern, which the mokume gane performed in the technique.

But, in this post, I want to concentrate on knitted beads.

Some masters use a special tool - an extruder - to mold in the technique of knitting imitation. Since I do not have it yet, I rolled all the "threads" with my hands.
The process is very interesting!

In work are used:

  • Polymer clay "FIMO professional" (colors - white, blue, lavender and carmine)
  • foil
  • stationery knife
  • Toothpicks
  • Working surface for modeling and baking
  • Fitting for assembly


We roll beads-bases for beads from foil.

This method allows you to save polymer clay and reduce the weight of the product.
We wrap the foil ball with a thin layer of plastic and pierce it with a toothpick.


We roll out thin strings of polymer clay


Two strings are twisted in one string. And it should turn out that one rope was twisted to itself, and the other from itself:


If you attach them to each other, you get a knitted texture


Begin to twist the ropes with a string on the toothpick:




Remove unnecessary, correct, smooth out irregularities. The bead is ready:


In the same way we perform the remaining beads


We collect the product. The beads are ready! I also made earrings to them




My father wrote such poems when he saw these beads

I'll put on Crocheted beads
Outside the city I'll go in broad daylight.
Goose goose to the horizon,
Shouting me with a beckoning.

If the wings were, flew
Far behind a pack of gray swans,
But, to dream about it, I did not dare,
Glancing at the wedge of the geese.

I'll put on Crocheted beads
Mentally, I am again in those parts
Where is always spring, little boy fair-haired
Running - he does not know the fear.

In dreams I fly over the blue sea
To mountain slopes and large meadows.
Flying mountains and plains
The heart freezes here and there.

The beauty of nature is amazing
Bewitch and captivate yourself
Who dreams of traveling?
The distant countries are attracted by its magnet.

Who in the soul of a romantic and a dreamer
The thirst for travel in the blood,
For him everything was done by our Creator
And the Creator of the pearl is the Earth !!!

Я надену вязаные бусы,
За город пойду средь бела дня.
К горизонту улетают гуси,
Криками меня с собой маня.

Если б крылья были, полетела
Вдаль за стаей серых лебедей,
Но, мечтать об этом, я не смела,
Взглядом провожая клин гусей.

Я надену вязаные бусы
Мысленно я снова в тех краях
Где всегда весна, мальчонка русый
Бегает - ему неведом страх.

В грёзах я лечу над морем синим
К горным кручам и большим лугам.
Пролетая горы и равнины
Сердце замирает тут и там.

Красота природы восхищает
Завораживает и собой пленит
Кто о путешествиях мечтает
Дальних стран влечёт его магнит.

Кто в душе романтик и мечтатель
Жажда путешествия в крови,
Для него всё сделал наш Создатель
И Творец жемчужины - Земли !!!

I hope that you liked my story!

I will be very happy if someone inspires to tie up the beads of polymer clay or do something else with my own hands!

With respect you



I'll try this technique! Great idea, beautiful results!

Very happy, I think you will succeed))

Wow, very pretty...Good Idea :)

thanks for the support, @chrissysworld ! For me is very important your praise)))

You are most welcome , my Dear :)

Thank you))

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