Cyber Hatchling II - Remember Lawnmower Man?

in #art7 years ago

As one of my followers you may have noticed much of my illustrated artwork I've posted lately carry themes of Virtual Reality but of a 80s/90s era. It's true I am obsessed with this imagery however I'm not really up to date with current VR tech which actually seems to have now finally made it to where it's inevitably going to take over.

I remember in the early 90s hearing about virtual reality and the fear of how everybody would be living the rest of their lives like caged cattle in factory VR farms, living out their aspirations and fantasies never to leave. It was really clunky back then but there were real fears that it was in the very near in the horizon and ready for mass adoption.

Fast forward almost 30 years and it's still hasn't taken over. Soon very soon though. It's been a whole new generation and we don't have the same anxieties we had about technology back then in the early 90s.

Cyber Hatchling II (2014)

Cyber Hatchling II_steemit.jpg

In the past I've never really illegally downloaded or streamed music I was so against it. I only bought music from bandcamp because I wanted to directly support the musicians for their music, craftsmanship and hard work. Then Apple offered me that 3 month free offer for their Music service when I was financially in the red. I've been hooked ever since. In a few more years when VR gets better Apple should create a new product, a 3 month subscription to a new service "Apple VR" or a company alike and I bet most of us will be absolutely gone.

I hope you enjoy this illustration I made and let me know what you think.

follow me @duanesworld


I would love to do some VR gaming, maybe Halo or a nice horror shooter :) Awesome illustration pal!

Yes I'd like to try it out to. I'd be more into wondering strange worlds exploring. However I'd love to fly and dogfight in some WWI bi-planes.

another great piece of work @duanesworld

thanks bud :D

I can't help but think about the show Silicon Valley when I see the words VR. Amazing art as always.

never heard of that show before. Is it good? Thanks for your eyes :D

Um, yeah! It's on HBO.

I would NOT be kicking those Boston Dynamics Big Dog robots like that. When the robot uprising comes. It's going to be like, "remember when u and all u scientist were kicking us around!"

Hahha yeah. You should watch the show. It's really good.

love this art style man. ( ̄▼ ̄*)

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