"Ithaqa" Comic Book Update #205 A View Of Ithaca
Hey all! Hope this week has been good to you so far, and that the weekend will be even better. I've been heartened to see the price of steem slowwwwllly rising again, and dared to dream of a return to 1 dollar+ per steem.
In the meantime, we're still working to deliver what we've promised to the steem community, issue 1 (36 pages) colored, lettered, and digitally delivered to you guys for free! Theresa's work on Issue 1 is done, and the ball is now in my letterer's court. Lucas is going to have a lot of work cut out for him, since I've changed so much of the dialogue, but I'd still expect a Mid-Late February release.
We'll have some exciting new announcements coming around then too, so stay tuned!
If you have any friends or family who might be interested in a Lovecraftian horror comic, please send them to our website to sign up for some free pages! https://www.ithaqacomic.com/contact-us/
Additionally, If you're new to this comic I strongly recommend you check out our instagram, as I'm currently uploading pages every day.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ithaqacomic/
Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here: http://www.theresachiechi.com/
Lucas Gattoni's (The Letterer/Logo Designer) website is here: http://bit.ly/LG_Lettering
Sign up to buy the comic on our website: https://www.ithaqacomic.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/pg/IthaqaComic/about/?ref=page_internal
Twitter: @IthaqaComic
exelente contenido!