My daily Art #43 : Predators are useful in eradicating rat pests.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hello steemian semua ....
Kami berharap semua dalam kondisi baik dalam kegiatan sehari-hari dan rutinitas sehari-hari.
Pada kesempatan malam ini saya ingin berbagi gambar burung hantu dalam seni digital.
Kita tahu semua, bahwa mereka sering di hubungkan dengan hal-hal mistis. pada kemerdekaan burung hantu (Tyto Alba) adalah burung yang sangat berguna bagi petani dalam mengendalikan hama para tanaman. Burung hantu adalah predator tikus yang sangat potensial dalam membasmi hama dalam masyarakat dan pertanian.

Hello steemian all ....
We hope all are in good condition in daily activities and daily routines.
On this occasion I want to share images of owls in digital art.
we know all that they are often connected with mystical things. the independence of owls (Tyto Alba) is a bird that is very useful for farmers in controlling pests of plants. Owls are rat predators that are very potential in eradicating pests in society and agriculture.

Predator ini mampu menurunkan serangan hama tikus pada tanaman muda hingga di bawah 5%. Pengendalian hama tikus dengan cara ini sangat tepat, di bandingkan menggunakan racun untuk membasmi hama tikus, selain tidak ekonomis juga dapat mencemari lingkungan.
Penggunaan burung hantu sebagai musuh alami bagi hama tikus merupakan satu alternatif dalam penanggulangan hama tikus bagi petani.

This predator is able to reduce pest attacks on young plants below 5%. Rat pest control in this way is very appropriate, compared to using poison to eradicate rat pests, in addition to being uneconomical can also pollute the environment.
the use of owls as a natural enemy for rat pests is an alternative in the management of rat pests for farmers.

Saya berharap postingan saya malam ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.
Terimakasih untuk steemians dan juga @hr1, @r2cornell, @bue, @artzone (motivator seni) @poeticsnake, @bullionstackers bersama tim @whalepower.

Salam hangat dari saya untuk anda semua

I hope my post tonight will benefit us all.
Thank you to steemians and also @hr1, @r2cornell, @bue, @artzone (art motivator) @poeticsnake, @bullionstackers with the @whalepower team.

Warm greetings from me to all of you


Wicked cool!

Thanks to @paradigmprospect, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Beautiful drawing, @drowkeudrow! I like to see you posting so consistently! Awesome stuff! 😆

Thank you for the support @trincowski, hopefully in the future I will be better.

Your post has been featured on @artzone..

Courtesy of @nmalove

Thank you @artzone.cutators, you chose me, and thanks also for @nmalove.

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