Bitch Move outta My Way self entitled Motherfucker 4 ! (BMW M4)

in #art7 years ago

This is a nice car or some shit (paint it gold Schrew-my-dinger) but a not so nice raging egotistical psychotic maniac (probably your boss) is screaming for you to get the fuck out of his way on the other side and the gesture and seizure like spasms they have somewhere to be right the fuck now and if this fancy ass sports car doesn't say I'm more rich and important than you and get the fuck out of my way maybe Ill throw a couple more thousand or billion so I can fucking pass you in the most aggressive high speed acceleration manner leaving your useless no good fucking piece of shit ear drums ringing like I screwed your mother in the ass with my drill on high! Where this faggot comes from they only know the gas pedal so you better get out of these self entitled rich ass egotistical motherfuckers drunk road-raging way because for some reason these people who pay billions of dollars for a fancy ass sports car that's says look at me I have way more money than you and I also have a higher net worth so I feel self entitled to the entire fucking road and everything on it

Fancy ass color and a fancy ass design complete with all leather luxury interior making you feel just that more important oh and taking your fucking money because we don't give a shit as long as you pay for the car after than you can act like shit all you want pimp it out until its a ricer to no end . If this design doesn't make you self entitled enough just roll by some SJWs or some feminist bitch and do donuts in the intersections with your window down screaming "I don't give a fuck!" that should trigger those gender oppressive whores "Why do mean get to drive fancy ass sports cars?" or even better "Oh I should dump my boyfriend for this rich money honey . " - The gold digging slut

God this car has everything to make a perfect night into a fucking temper tantrum of road raging self entitled egotistically mania even those fucking rims want to trigger me and wh- wh- whats that I'm a little bitch well how about if I roll on since 22" gold diamond chrome rims with exterior bass systems rolling down the hood blasting the whitest music a white person could play or the most self entitled or the most self entitled something to show you bottoms feeders I really don't give a fuck and I will just keep throwing money into my car until I'm doing it literally or its just solid fucking gold because what you didn't get the hint do I need a fucking mersades to show you I have the money how about that porche a turbo charger, golden exhaust tips, sapphire windows?

And some really nice blindly glossy paint to make sure when that sun hits in the faces it hits you twenty five thousand times harder than the biggest football player in the game or even better lets toss about fifty thousand dollars into those LED high-beams so you will know full on one hundred percent it's johnny motherfuckers, headlights so bright you'll have to get the fuck out of my way because they are as bright as the sun plus I could just throw another fifty thousand dollars in to make them excruciatingly bright or how about I pay one of my dealer buddies to get an LED car so I can have a fucking disco rave phycotic break down inside and out all those LEDs on the car just absolutely color flickering you know someone is just absoluteness gone ape shit and probably screaming at the top of their lungs to death-metal "I don't give a fuck!" because you cant have a normal car anymore just get one with LEDs so you can have rave mental breakdowns as your raging behind a granny van.

So if you ever so your boss he probaly just break checked you in a mercades, BMW or Porche and would like you to know you aren't important (according to some fucked up logic) and that he/she has a massive and I am talking fucking massive ego and sometimes the truth is opposite of what's told because you spin that hamster-wheel.

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