Disty's Fan Art Competition #1: My Favorite Games of the Year (35 Steem in prizes)

in #art5 years ago (edited)


Edit: Update to the Prize Pool. Gbic from the Curie Discord (Not sure his actual role in Curie) has offered to donate an additional 20 Steem to the Prize Pool, rasing the total to 35 Steem in Prizes. The Rewards will be adjusted accordingly.

So, I love good Fan Art, and I notice how many fantastic artists there are here on Steem. So, in part to help me find more artists to stalk, as well as give people a bit of motivation to post their art to Steem, I am here to announce the first of three Fan Art Completions I will be running over the next couple of months.

The Rules:

1.) I have compiled a list of my Top Ten Games from the past year, and I am seeking Fan Art dedicated to one or more of the games on my list, I'll include it here. So long as it is limited to those games, meaning you can mix up characters, locations, and costumes from any game on the list. For example, two of my games are going to be Atelier Ryza and Fire Emblem: Three Houses. You could do fan art just Ryza, you could do fan art of Ryza doing something with characters from Fire Emblem, or even just draw Ryza in the outfit of a character from Fire Emblem. Or be more imaginative, so long as it involves just the games on my list it's all fair game.

2.) Any NSFW submissions will be accepted as well, though if I get a few of those I'll end up revealing them in a second post marked accordingly, while I do enjoy me some lewd artwork I'm not exactly a poster known for such things, so I don't want to start sharing that unexpectedly with my followers. Just know that you will be equally up for consideration regardless of the level of lewd you wish to submit.

3.) It must be a new piece, you cannot submit something that you have already drawn. I'm not planning to do to much digging, so this will largely be done on an Honor System and I will likely just trust you are being honest, I am after all just one guy.

4.) One piece will be accepted per person entering.

5.) Upload your piece to Steem, and tag it #DFACGOTY (Disty's Fan Art Competition: Game of the Year) and post a link in the comment section of this post.

6.) No comic strips or multiple panels. I want to see what you can accomplish in a single frame.

7.) Should be a given, but no plagarized work.

My Guidelines are simple when selecting the winner, I will pick my favorites and give out a top three, as well as linking to all those who entered and highlighting some honorable mentions. I don't have an art background at all myself, so I don't really have a way to grade anything in any meaningful way, I am simply picking my favorites. So if you don't win, don't think it necessarily reflects badly on you.


1st Place: 15 Steem
2nd Place: 10 Steem
3rd Place: 5 Steem
4th Place: 3 Steem
5th Place: 2 Steem

There is no sponsor to this, this Steem is coming directly from my wallet, transferred to the winners upon contest completion.

Deadline: February 1st

I am giving this a long deadline because I don't just want submissions rushed out, I want to give everyone a decent amount of time, especially since we are in the middle of the holidays. So take your time, figure out what you want to do, and put in all the time and effort you care to.

As for this competition, that is pretty much all there is to it. It'll be a while, but I do plan do to one for 'Game of the Decade' as well as one for my 'Best Anime of the Year', though those will be a little while before I get to them, as I still have some games to play and anime to watch before those lists are done, though the rules will remain the same.

My Top Ten Games of the Year:

10.) Kingdom Hearts III
9.) Death;End Request
8.) Atelier Lulua: Scion of Arland
7.) Citizens of Space
6.) Touhou Luna Nights
5.) Fire Emblem Three Houses
4.) No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again
3.) The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening
2.) Atelier Ryza: Everdarkness and the Secret Hideout
1.) Code Vein

And with that, let the contest begin!

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