Spider-punk in the series "Spider geddon" full story

in #art6 years ago

Today we will talk about a character named Spider-punk. His real name is Hobby Brown. He was bitten by a toxic trash spider. This was started when it came to several spiders. After the Heirs attacked this Earth, Hobby escapes through the portal to the Safe Zone. After some time, the Heirs attacked this Earth. After the victory in "Spider verse" Spider-punk returned to Earth 138.
After some time on Earth 001, Hobby built a robot that was sent to Earth 3142.
A few years later, at the start of Spider geddon on Earth 138, Spider-punk dealt with Thunder Punk. Hobbies explained to Sunderstrike two rules:

  • Neither Gods
  • Neither lord
    It turned out that Sunderstrike (Thor Punk) is Eric Masters, who broke both the rules of Spider-punk. Sunderstrake said:
    "My powers come from the All-Father, Odin of Asgard."
    Spider-punk, in response, said that he scoops superpower from a bug from a poisonous dustbin (it was a joke), and that he could not move the sanderstrike's hammer. Brown also said:
    “You have a brilliant idea in your bank - to return to get a hammer. We'll have our own Ragnarok-n-Roll party. Missed chip? Ok, now if Red Skull wants to strike another blow to the Bowery Community, tell him that I ...
    He does not have time to achieve the main character, because the Sunderstrike was destroyed by violet lightning. A second later, Kang-Kanglomerat appeared. He said he came from 2099. It was at this time, because in the future, the private advertising company KANGCJ INC owns the rights to the person, image and intellectual property dedicated to Spider-punk. Kang also adds that he earns well on the image of Spider-punk, and now he arrived at this time to take Spider-punk with him in 2099, because then his profit will simply skyrocket. Hobbies are completely unhappy with such treatment and attacks on Kang. In response, Kang summoned an army of strange mini-spiders. While Brown is fighting aggressive toys, Kang says that people love Spider-punk the most about fighting. That's what mortals find in it. Because of this, people are ready to buy any goods. They love the rebels. Fleeing from the captivity of mini-spiders, Hobby takes off into the sky and calls Captain Anarchy (Captain America Punk), who at that time fought with aliens. During the battle, Spider-punk asks Captain's gamma cassette. Leaving the captain alone with the aliens, Hobby flies to his home, persuading his friend Robbie to listen to the tape. When Brown was again attacked by mini-spiders, Robbie listens to the tape and turns into Hulk Punk. After Hulk Punk has crushed all enemies, a portal opens, from which a spider-girl emerges, who speaks of a new impending threat. Spider-punk quickly jumps into the portal.
    Actions continued on the original Earth 616. The spiders arrived at Octavius' secret base, including:
  • Miles Morales
  • Spiderman UK
  • Spider-ham
  • Spider-Woman (Mayday Parker)
  • Spider-Gwen
  • Octavia Otto
  • Spider-punk
  • Spiderman Noir
    When they entered the secret base of Octavius, the Superior Octopus immediately discards them. An hour later, the Heirs, who immediately killed Spider-Man UK and Spider-Man Noir, entered Octavius' bodies. The rest of the spiders, as well as Octavius and Octavius, are trying to figure out how to stop the Heirs. A minute later, one of the Heirs, named Morlon, went to avenge Spider-Man.
    Superior Octopus ​​orders the rest of the spiders to stop the Heirs. Spider-ham began to say that Octavius ​​was to blame, and now he also commands. Miles Morales and Spider-Woman (Mayday Parker) decide to follow Octavius's orders. But the spiders could not stop the Heirs. Spider-Punk and Spider-Gwen begin discussing how to stop the Heirs. Spider-Gwen has an idea. And Spider-Gwen asks Octavius ​​about the mechanism of self-destruction. The Superior Octopus ​​tells Spider-Gwen that there is a self-destruct mechanism at its base. Otto orders Octavia, who admires Octavius ​​technology, how to launch a self-destruct mechanism. Octavia does exactly that. By launching a self-destruct mechanism, Octavius ​​orders all the spiders and Octavia to run, but one of the Heirs named Verna grabs Morales by the throat. Spider-Gwen saves Miles and decides to sacrifice himself to keep the Heirs before the explosion. The remaining spiders escape from the base. The secret base of the Superior Octopus ​​explodes.
    Unfortunately, during the explosion of the base, the Heirs teleported to Earth 3142.
    Superior Octopus realized that the Heirs survived. A few minutes later, all the heirs arrived at the center of Manhattan through the portal, except for their father, Solus. Superior Octopus, realizing the essence of the problem, decides to teleport to Earth 0. The team did just that.
    Actions continued on Earth 0. Octavius decides to collect spiders from other universes, but not those who were in Spider verse, but those spiders who are ready to kill.
    Spider-ham says it's a bad idea and wants Spider-punk to confirm it. But Spider-punk decides to support the idea of Octavius about the killer Spiders. Octavia also agrees with Octavius. Using interdimensional communicators, 4 portals are opened, one of which includes:
  • Superior Octopus
  • Octavia Otto
  • Spider-punk
    The action continued again on the original Earth 616 at Parker Industries. Spider-punk immediately teleports to another Earth, where he stops and recruits Spider-Norman.
    Actions continued on Earth 616 at Parker Industries, when Superior Spider-Man gathered several members of the Spider-Slayers team, including:
  • Spiderman PS4
  • Web-Slinger
  • Spider-swarm
  • Spider-punk
  • Spider-Norman
  • Octavia Otto
  • Leopardon
  • Scarlet Spider (Kain Parker (who was sent to Earth 3142 a few minutes ago))
    After talking to Octavius ​​and Norman, Hobby supports Octavia and says he will help him. Then, unexpectedly, the Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) leaps from the ceiling. Brown decides to take Ben to the team, saying that Reilly understands his cloning techniques better, and Octavius ​​agrees, but still does not believe Reilly. After talking with Octavius ​​and Morales, Hobby says it is better to help Miles, but the Superior does not agree. Then Ben convinces Octavia what Punk said. After a while, the killer Spider invades the New Jackal building (Ben Reilly). Punk leads the Miles team. After a few minutes, the Spider Assassins run away into a Leopardon costume, and then Leopardon takes off on a ship.
    Actions continued on Earth 13, on which the Spiderman Universe died (Peter Parker (13)). Hobbies teleport to the rest of the team and say they have a big problem. It turned out that the heirs managed to revive Solus. After talking with Norman and the Superior, Octavius ​​backs Brown. After that, Norman and Spider-swarm teleported to Earth 0. The team of Spider-People offers to recruit someone else. Octavius ​​permits. After some time, the team learns that the "web of fate" was destroyed. Octavius ​​learns that Spider-Norman and Spider-swarm have done it. Morales says that before him are the best minds:
  • Octavia Otto
  • Spiderman India
  • Superior (who, along with Reilly, quickly teleported to Earth 616)
    The spiders were surprised that Superior and Ben were gone. After a while, the power of the "Captain of the Universe" is associated with Spider-Men. Miles began to insult and curse the power of the Captain of the Universe, which, after that, connected with Morales, making him the New Captain Universe (13) (Spider-Man (Miles Morales)).
    After a while, the action continued on the original Earth 616 in the New Jackal Building (Ben Reilly), when the New Captain Universe (13) (Spiderman (Miles Morales)) led the rest of the spiders to fight the Heirs. After a while, Spider-Girls join the spiders, and New Captain Universe (13) (Spiderman (Miles Morales)) kills Solus with Leopardon’s sword. Also, Parker (616) led the rest of the spiders from other universes to fight the Heirs. Immediately after this, Superior moves the Heirs' consciousness, except Morlon, into the bodies of infants and gives them to the Old Spider-woman (May Parker). Immediately after this, the Power of the Captain of the Universe (13) leaves Morales. After winning Spider geddon, Spider-punk returned to Earth 138.
    Hope you appreciate it.

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