Porcine version of Spider-Man in Spider geddone

in #art6 years ago

Now we are talking about a character named Spider-ham. His real name is Peter Porker. Actions began on Earth 8311, in which all people are animals. It all started when an ordinary spider lived in the basement of May Porker, who was trying to create a hair dryer on nuclear fusion. May thought that her invention — the world's first atomic hair dryer — would introduce a revolution in the American beauty salon. Unfortunately, May tested her hair dryer on herself, something went wrong, and May, under the influence of radiation, bit the spider, which, after being bitten, turned into a pig with spider-like abilities and began to call itself Peter Porker. And so it appeared Spider-ham. His first supervillain was Utkor Doom (Doctor Doom in the form of a duck). Porker wanted to defeat the Doom alone, but nothing came of it. To help Peter came:

  • Captain Americat (Captain America as a cat)

  • Ghost Goose (Ghost Racer in the form of a goose)
    After that, Spider-ham fought shoulder to shoulder along with other teams, for example:

  • Fantastic pigs (Fantastic Four in the form of pigs)

  • X-bugs (X-Men in the form of bugs)

  • Krolk (Hulk in the form of a rabbit)
    Peter did a lot of good things and won a lot of supervillains.
    A few years later, the action continued in the Spider verse on Earth in 14512, when Spider-ham and the OldSpiderman recruit Spider-Man Mecha Immediately after this, all three are sent to help the rest of the spiders.
    Actions continue on Earth 91101, on which the "Alternative Clone Saga" took place, and on which Ben Reilly is still Spider-Man (Ben Reilly). During the fight with the Vulture (91101), Ben is rescued by the recruited Old Spiderman and Spider-ham and all three teleport to another Earth.
    Actions continued on the original Earth 616, on which the spiders recruit:

  • Silk

  • Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)

  • Spider-Woman (Anuyu Corizon)

  • Spiderman 2099

  • Spiderman (616)
    Actions continued on Earth 13, on which Spider-Man (13) left himself the cosmic power of the Captain of the Universe and remained the Captain of the Universe (Spider-Man (Peter Parker (13))). Spiders decide to recruit several more spiders.
    Actions continue on an unknown Earth. The spider team is recruiting another Chinese Spiderman.
    The action continues again on Earth 13, on which Spider-Man (13) left himself the cosmic power of the Captain of the Universe and remained the Captain of the Universe (Spider-Man (Peter Parker (13))). During the fight of the Superior and Parker (616), the rest of the spiders think who will win. After some time, Solus arrives on Earth 13, who immediately attacks the spiders and kills Captain Universe (Spider-Man (Peter Parker (13)). After that, the spiders decide to attack Solus, but they fail. After the battle of Solus and Leopardon, the spiders escape.
    Actions continue on an unknown Earth, where Verna is attacking the spiders along with the Beast Six. Immediately after this, the spiders escape to Earth 3142.
    Actions continue on Earth 3142, which was contaminated by radiation. After some time, the spiders will find out that the Heirs want to kill the Scarlet Spider (Kain Parker), Silk and the younger brother of the Spider-Woman (Mayday Parker).
    Actions continued on Earth 0, on which the spiders defeat the Heirs. After winning the Spider verse, Porker returned to Earth 8311.
    A few years later, the action continues in the "Secret Wars. Spider verse" in the World of Battles in "Oz Corp", when Spider-ham found and rescued Spider-Gwen. after some time, the Indian assembled its own team of spiders, which included:

  • Spiderman India

  • Spiderman UK

  • Black Spider-girl

  • Spider-Gwen

  • Spider-ham
    The Indian was able to detect the rest of the team thanks to spider sensors. After a while, Spider-Man India discovered another Spider-Man and, together with the team, rescued him. This spider turns out to be - Spiderman Noir. A second later, the team is attacked by the Sinister Six. A fight ensues, during which the Sinister Six wins. Spiders woke up in the building "Oz Corp", in front of Norman Ozborn. It turned out that Spider-ham informed Ozborn about his location and caused the Sinister Six. It also turned out that the spider sensors turned out to be splinters of the “web of spider worlds”. Norman said he wanted to find out where spider people came from. Spider-Gwen does not believe Ozborn and escapes. After a while, Paviter receives a message from Peter Parker on the phone. Spider-ham shows the room of the privacy of Norman Ozborn, where there is a mysterious chair and helmet. In a second, Thor (from the Thors' Corps) attacks the spiders, ordering them to leave the device. A fight ensues, during which a powerful explosion occurs. After that, Norman puts on his helmet and dies. After the destruction of the World of Battles, Porker returned back to Earth 8311.
    A few years later, the action continued in Spider geddon on the original Earth 616, when the spiders came to the secret base of Octavius:

  • Miles Morales

  • Spiderman UK

  • Spider-ham

  • Spider-Woman (Mayday Parker)

  • Spider-Gwen

  • Octavia Otto

  • Spider-punk

  • Spiderman Noir
    When they penetrated the secret base of Octavius, Octavia immediately tries to disarm the Octavius cloning machine. She does not work. An hour later, the Heirs, who instantly killed Spider-Man UK and Spider-Man Noir, moved into the bodies of Octavius. The remaining spiders, as well as Octavius and Octavia, are trying to figure out how to stop the Heirs. A minute later, one of the Heirs, by the name of Morlon, went to avenge Spider-Man.
    Superior Octopus ​​tells the rest of the remaining spiders to stop the Heirs. Spider-ham began to say that Octavius ​​was to blame for this, and now he is also in command. Miles Morales and Spider-Woman decide to follow Octavius's order. But the spiders fail to stop the Heirs. Spider-Punk and Spider-Gwen begin discussing how to stop the Heirs. Spider-Gwen thought comes. And Spider-Gwen asks Octavius ​​about the mechanism of self-destruction. The Superior Octopus ​​tells Spider-Gwen that there is a self-destruct mechanism at its base. Otto orders Octavia, who admires Octavius ​​technology, to launch a self-destruct mechanism. Octavia does just that. After launching the self-destruct mechanism, Octavius ​​tells all the spiders, and Octavia, to escape, but one of the Heirs, named Verna, grabs Morales by the throat. Spider-Gwen saves Miles and decides to sacrifice himself to contain the Heirs before the explosion. The rest of the spiders escape from the base. The secret base of the Superior Octopus ​​explodes. Unfortunately, at the time of the explosion of the base, the Heirs teleported to Earth 3142. The perfect Octavius ​​guessed that the Heirs had survived. A few minutes later, all the Heirs came to the center of Manhattan, through the portal, except for their father, Solus. Superior Octopus, realizing the essence of the problem, decides to teleport to Earth 0. The team did just that. Actions continued on Earth 0. Octavius ​​decides to collect spiders from other universes, but not those who were in Spider verse, but those spiders who are ready to Spider-slayers starts saying that this is a bad idea and wants Spider-punk to confirm it. But Spider-punk decides to support the idea of ​​Octavius ​​about Spider-slayers. Octavia also agrees with Octavius. Using interdimensional communicators, 4 portals are opened, one of which includes Spider-ham and recruits Spider-Man Mecha.
    A few days later, the action continued on the original Earth 616 in an unknown location when Miles assembled his team of Spider-People, as part of the Miles team were:

  • Miles Morales

  • Spider-ham

  • Spiderman (18119) and Spinneret

  • Spider-Ben and Petey

  • Spiderman Mecha

  • Spider-Girls (protecting Earth 18119)
    After a while, Moralez is associated with Superior and PS4, who said that his team plans to attack the Heirs right away. Miles also wanted to see the Spider-slayers in action. After some time, in the building of the New Jackal (Ben Reilly), Spider-ham carried the explosives into the cloning room. It turns out, Miles wanted to blow the Heirs. Unfortunately, the words of Morales heard Bora, who attacked the command of Miles. A fight ensued, during which Brix tried to eat Morales. Fortunately, the Spider-slayers broke into the building of New Jackal (Ben Reilly). The Morales team is saved by diverting the Heirs to themselves:

  • Spider-punk

  • Spiderman PS4

  • Web-Slinger

  • Spider-swarm
    The Miles team escapes into a Leopardon costume and flies away on Leopardon's shuttle.
    Actions continued on Earth 13, on which Captain Universe died (Spiderman (Peter Parker)). Spiders learned that the heirs were able to revive Solus. Octavius ​​regrets that at the moment there is no Scarlet Spider (Kain Parker) with them, who has the power of the Other. Norman says that for him, Spiderman is cannon fodder and he needs even more spiders. Also, Norman says that without Kain, they are gone. Norman didn’t like the idea of ​​Octavius ​​about the power of the Captain of the Universe. Superior said Parker (18119) was right about Spider-Norman. Peter (18119) was astonished by this. Octavius ​​told Norman to get out of this earth. Ozborn, in response, said that the rest of Spider-Man would not listen to Octavius ​​as leader. After that, Octavius ​​supported Paviter. After that, Norman and Spider-swarm teleport to Earth 0. PS4 offers to immediately come up with a plan to destroy all the Heirs. Octavius ​​says that Solus can destroy the sword of Leopardon. Morales offers Leopardon to kill Solus at the very last moment. Leopardon agrees. The team of Spidermans offers to recruit someone else. Octavius ​​permits. After a while, the team learns that the "web of fate" was destroyed. Octavius ​​finds out that Spider-Norman and Spider-swarm did it. After a while, Ben and Superior run away. Morales says he has the best minds before him:

  • Octavia Otto

  • Spiderman India

  • Superior (who, along with Reilly, quickly teleported to the original Earth 616)
    The spiders were surprised that Superior and Ben were gone. After some time, Prabhakar manages to establish a connection with the "power of the Captain of the Universe." After that, the "power of the Captain of the Universe" is associated with Spider-Mens.
    After a while, the action continued on the original Earth 616 in the New Jackal Building (Ben Reilly), when the New Captain Universe (13) (Spiderman (Miles Morales)) led the rest of the spiders to fight the Heirs. After a while, Spider-Girls join the spiders, and New Captain Universe (13) (Spiderman (Miles Morales)) kills Solus with Leopardon’s sword. Also, Parker (616) led the rest of the spiders from other universes to fight the Heirs. Immediately after this, Superior moves the Heirs' consciousness, except Morlon, into the bodies of infants and gives them to the Old Spider-Woman (May Parker). Immediately after this, the Power of the Captain of the Universe (13) leaves Morales. After winning Spider geddon, Spider-ham returned to Earth 8311.
    I hope you will like it.

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