Octavius in his new body from the Spider geddon series full story

in #art6 years ago

This time I will introduce you to a character named Superior Octopus. His real name is Otto Octavius. Actions began on the original Earth 616. It all started when Octavius ​​wiped his mind from the body of Peter Parker, thereby ceasing to be the Superior Spiderman. The fact is that Otto did not erase his consciousness, but transferred him to his web-spiders with artificial intelligence. After 100 days, the spiderweb turned on and connected to the Living Brain, moving Otto's consciousness into it. When the Living Brain got to the lab of New Jackal (Ben Reilly), the spiderweb climbed out of the robot and connected to Octavius' new body. But with the transfer of consciousness, the Living Brain remade Otto's new body so that Octavius's new body was young and had the abilities of Spider-Man. When Otto transferred his mind to his new body, he again erased Peter Parker from it. When New Jackal (Ben Reilly) returned to his laboratory, wounded, Octavius, in his new body:

  • burst out of his test tube
  • Killed New Jackal (Ben Reilly)
  • And escaped from the laboratory of the Jackal
    Escaping from the laboratory of the Jackal, Octavius ​​got into the car of a stranger who landed Otto somewhere on the west coast. Coming out of the car, the protagonist thanks the driver and assures him that he will change the world and will definitely reward his benefactor. Octavius's new body was Ben Reilly's best creation and a real present for Otto. Despite the fact that the basis of the new body has become the DNA of Spider-Man and Otto, there was no doubt that the new body is more like Octavius ​​and not Peter. Otto remembered what a difficult path he had to overcome: “Starting from the scientist, then the greatest enemy of Spider-Man and ending with the events of the Superior Spider-Man, including the events that took place at Spider verse. Octavius ​​was on the west coast at the auto-dump. secret base. Getting inside, Otto looks at all the latest news related to Parker Industries. Most of them are related to complaints and lawsuits against the corporation Parker. The main character is not happy about this turn of events. After all, instead of continuing the legacy of Otto, Peter destroyed it. The main character decided that he would not allow Parker to destroy what was previously created by Octavius. At this moment, Otto dawned: “Although I did not appear in my secret refuge for a long time, for some reason it was very clean here!” After a second, Octavius’s spider sense began to play out in earnest, and the room was filled with a crowd of Hydra warriors. After a second, the soldiers of Hydra realized that this was an unusual intruder. Otto got angry not jokingly, and the soldiers of Hydra perceived the main character for one of the spiders. Even in the six, the soldiers could not overpower Octavius. Unfortunately, Hydra knew about the location of Otto's secret base, which means Octavius ​​would not be able to stay at her base for long. A few minutes later, Arnim Zola explained to the main character that he had passed the first test, at the same time defeating the six soldiers. Otto asks: “Why should I unite with Hydra?” Zola replies: “We have one common goal - the destruction of“ Parker Inustries ”!” This is exactly what Octavius ​​was interested in. Zola also noticed that the main character has a new body, which was created by the New Jackal (Ben Reilly). With the help of his brilliant intellect, resources, and great opportunities of Hydra, Octavius ​​can achieve a lot. Otto creates a costume with the emblem of terrorists, reminiscent of the Superior Spider-Man called Hydra Spider. So the Superior Octopus ​​appeared. After a few months, Peter came to "Parker Industries", when suddenly a "spider sense" worked at Parker. Then Spider-Man, in his suit, penetrates Parker Industries and notices that, despite the late hour, there were enough workers. Parker didn't recognize any of these people. When the fake employees noticed that they had caught a glimpse, they attacked Spider-Man with a shout: “Hail Hydra!” At first, Parker thought it was a joke, when suddenly a familiar voice sounded: “Stop everybody. Don't hinder him anymore. where Spiderman came in ... he will discuss with me. All the personnel will release the building. Do not let anyone in. Hold the Delta perimeter softly but firmly. "Peter realized that the voice sounded quite familiar, but Parker could not understand whose is he When Spiderman entered the office, he was told: “Bravo, Parker, why not arrange these scenes. You know me as well as I do you. In the end, I experienced so much in your body.” Superior Octopus ​​turned out to be this mysterious person . Peter was surprised that Otto is now working for the Hydra. Parker suggested that Otto leave the curve track and, in this case, Spider-Man was ready to help him. Octavius ​​responded to this: "Silence. Only I can offer something here, not you. I was in your head. I feel something like a relationship with you. That is why I give you the opportunity to peacefully transfer my ownership rights" Parker Industries "." Spiderman said he was not going to give Otto his company, to which Octavius ​​laughed and reminded Parker that "Parker Industries" founded Otto in Peter's body. After a few minutes, Superior Octopus ​​told Spiderman that the whole of Manhattan was covered with a dome of dark energy. Otto explained that Peter Parker would be blamed for this. A second later, a fight ensued. When Spider-Man was about to strike a decisive blow, a message came from Tony Stark about Hydra's attack. Parker quickly went to the scene. While Spider-Man dealt with Hydra and Captain America (Captain Hydra), Superior Octopus ​​destroyed the Parker Inustries felials one by one. Captain America (Captain Hydra) during this time defeated the milestones of the heroes, with the help of the hammer of Thor. After some time in Shanghai, near "Parker Industries", the Superior Octopus ​​and Spider-Man met again. Again a fight ensued, in which Otto wins. Peter tells all employees to destroy Parker Industries and succeed. When Spider-Man tried to catch up with Octavius, he was already gone. Based on the Hydra, Arnim Zola congratulated Otto with success. But Octavius was upset about the destruction of Parker Industries and decided to take Spider-Man to avenge it. When Captain America became the new leader of Hydra, Rogers created a new team of Hydra Avengers. Its members were:
  • Thor
  • Superior Octopus
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Vision
  • Taskmaster
  • Deadpool
  • Black Ant
    Also, the Superior Octopus ​​helped Rogers to find fragments of the “cosmic cube.” When the Hydra Empire was erased from reality, leaving memories of it, Superior Octopus ​​began to watch and secretly protect Aunt May. In another few years, the field of victory over the Red Goblin, the Superior Octopus ​​begins to save people in San Francisco. The main character also created his own black web, which resembles Venom's symbiote. He hired several villains and told them to save people too. Otto also got a job as a teacher in the nearest school, where he met his former love - Anna-Maria Morconia. Octavius ​​during this time built a new secret base, as well as an "instant revival machine." When the body of the Superior Octopus ​​killed Hydra, Otto's mind for a second was transferred to exactly the same body in the “instantaneous rebirth machine,” and then the Superior Octopus ​​was able to defeat Hydra once and for all. After a while, Otto defeated Count Nefariya. Immediately after that, spiders snuck into the base of Octavius:
  • Miles Morales
  • Spiderman UK
  • Spider-ham
  • Spider-Woman (Mayday Parker)
  • Spider-Gwen
  • Octavia Otto
  • Spider-punk
  • Spiderman Noir
    When they penetrated Otto's secret base, the Superior Octopus immediately discards them. An hour later, the Heirs, who instantly killed Spider-Man UK and Spider-Man Noir, moved into the bodies of Octavius. The remaining spiders, as well as Octavius and Octavia, are trying to figure out how to stop the Heirs.
    Superior Octopus ​​tells the rest of the remaining spiders to stop the Heirs. Spider-ham began to say that Octavius ​​was to blame for this, and now he is also in command. Miles Morales and Spider-Woman decide to follow Octavius's order. But the spiders fail to stop the Heirs. The Superior Octopus ​​tells Spider-Gwen that there is a self-destruct mechanism at its base. Otto orders Octavia, who admires Octavius ​​technology, to launch a self-destruct mechanism. Octavia does just that. After launching the self-destruct mechanism, Octavius ​​tells all the spiders, and Octavia, to escape, but one of the Heirs, named Verna, grabs Morales by the throat. Spider-Gwen saves Miles and decides to sacrifice himself to contain the Heirs before the explosion. The rest of the spiders escape from the base. The secret base of the Superior Octopus ​​explodes. Unfortunately, at the time of the explosion of the base, the Heirs teleported to Earth 3142. The Superior Octopus ​​guessed that the Heirs had survived. A few minutes later, all the Heirs came to the center of Manhattan, through the portal, except for their father, Solus. Superior Octopus, realizing the essence of the problem, decides to teleport to Earth 0. The team did just that. Actions continued on Earth 0. Octavius ​​decides to collect spiders from other universes, but not those who were in Spider verse, but those spiders who are ready to kill .How do you think about this idea? Write your answer in the comments. Spider-ham starts saying that this is a bad idea and wants Spider-punk to confirm it. But Spider-punk decides to support the idea of ​​Octavius ​​about killer spiders. Octavia also agrees with Octavius. Using interdimensional communicators, 4 portals are opened, one of which includes:
  • Superior Octopus
  • Octavia Otto
  • Spider-punk
    The action continues again on the original Earth 616 in Parker Industries. Spider-punk immediately teleports to another Earth, where he stops and recruits Spider-Norman. Octavius ​​orders Octavia to repair the spider and puts on the old costume of the Superior Spider-Man. So Superior Octopus ​​again became Superior Spider-Man. Oktavius ​​is looking for the Earth, which is inhabited by killer spiders. Octavius ​​immediately teleports to Earth 10.48, where he recruits Spider-Man (PS4). Later, Superior Spider-Man teleports back to Earth 616, only to Las Vegas, Nevada, where he recruits Scarlet Spider (Kain Parker). Hearing the conversation of Octavius ​​and Kain, the Scarlet Spider (New Jackal (Ben Reilly)) followed them through the portal.
    After some time, the action continued on Earth 51778. Superior Spider-Man and Spider-Man PS4 moved to this Earth to recruit Leopardon. After a few seconds, they noticed Leopardon fighting the next Kaiju. PS4 was very surprised by this. Superior and PS4 teleported inside the costume, the three of them killed Kaiju and recruited Leopardon, who immediately recognized the Superior. The action continued on Earth 616 in Parker Industries, when Superior Spiderman gathered several members of the Spider-Slayers team, which included:
  • Spiderman PS4
  • Web-Slinger
  • Spider-swarm
  • Spider-punk
  • Spider-Norman
  • Octavia Otto
  • Leopardon
  • Scarlet spider (Kain Parker (who was sent to Earth 3142 a few minutes ago))
    Octavius explained that he needed to deal with the Heirs immediately. After all, if they do not, then Jennix will resurrect Solus. Norman, who is in a hurry to the Superior, intervenes. Octavius began to tell Norman that, even on another Earth, Ozborn:
  • arrogant
  • pompous
  • not mad
    Superior explained that it was not Ozborn who was in charge of this team, but Octavius. Octavius ​​explained to the team that the Scarlet Spider (Kain Parker) had already gone for Solus's crystal. After the conversation, Hobby supports Octavius ​​and says he will help him. Then, unexpectedly, the Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) jumps from the ceiling. Reilly explains to the Superior that they cannot cope without him. Octavius's team takes Ben to himself, but Octavius ​​still doesn't trust Reilly. A second later, Morales is associated with Superior and PS4, who said that his team plans to immediately attack the Heirs. Miles also wanted to see the Spider-Slayers in action. Octavius ​​decides not to help the Morales team. Punk says it's better to help Miles, but the Superior does not agree. Then, Ben convinces Octavius ​​of what Punk said. Then, Ben and PS4 tell the team to hurry because Jennix has already captured Reilly's lab. After a while, the Spider-Slayers enter the building of the New Jackal (Ben Reilly). Octavia, Superior, Norman and Ben enter the cloning room. Ben quickly shuts off the Heirs clone production system. Norman doubted that all four had entered this room too easily and quickly. Octavius ​​quickly scanned Solus's new body to calculate his weaknesses, and he succeeded. Immediately after that, Bora and Brix broke into the cloning room. Because of this, the Assassin Spiders escape into the Leopardon costume, and then fly away on the Leopardon shuttle.
    Actions continued on Earth 13, on which Spiderman Universe died (Peter Parker (13)). Miles says that spiders need the power of the Captain of the Universe. Norman says that Spider-men do not need a force that only works on Earth 13. Octavius ​​says that if he scans this force of the Captain of the Universe, he can find the Captain of the Universe (616). Norman calls the Superior an idiot and says that it is better to collect a few more spiders from other worlds. Then, Spiderman intervenes (Peter Parker (18119)), saying that taking Norman Ozborn to the team is a bad idea. Octavius ​​asks them both to shut up. After a while, Punk teleports to the spiders and says that they have a big problem. It turned out that the Heirs were able to revive Solus. Octavius ​​regrets that at the moment there is no Scarlet Spider (Kain Parker) with them, who has the power of the Other. Norman says that for him, Spiderman is cannon fodder and he needs even more spiders. Also, Norman says that without Kain, they are gone. Norman didn’t like the idea of ​​Octavius ​​about the power of Captain Universe. Superior said Parker (18119) was right about Spider-Norman. Peter (18119) was astonished by this. Octavius ​​told Norman to get out of this earth. Ozborn, in response, said that the rest of Spider-Man would not listen to Octavius ​​as leader. After that, Octavius ​​was supported by all spiders and Octavia Otto, except for Spider-Swarm. After that, Norman and Spider-swarm teleport to Earth 0. PS4 offers to immediately come up with a plan to destroy all the Heirs. Octavius ​​says that Solus can destroy the sword of Leopardon. Morales offers Leopardon to kill Solus at the very last moment. Leopardon agrees. The team of Spidermens offers to recruit someone else. Octavius ​​permits. After a while, the team learns that the "web of fate" was destroyed. Octavius ​​finds out that Spider-Norman and Spider-swarm did it. After a while, Ben and Superior run away. Actions continue on the original Earth 616 in the building of the New Jackal. Having penetrated into this building, Superior is cut down by Reilly. Octavius ​​brings Ben to the Heirs. Superior offers to give Reilly to them to be eaten, in exchange for the Heirs not touching the original Earth 616. Solus agrees.
    After that, Octavius ​​was about to leave. During the departure, PS4 attacked the Superior. It turned out that during a conversation with Miles, PS4 learned about the exchange of bodies and that Octavius ​​was in Peter's body (616). A fight ensued, during which Parker (PS4) learned about the plan of the Superior and Scarlet (Ben Reilly). Unfortunately, after when Jennix began to die, the rest of the Heirs began to attack Octavius, except Solus, Verna, and Morlon. When Solus was about to eat the Superior and the PS4, he was stopped by the New Captain Universe (13) (Spiderman (Miles Morales)), who led the rest of the spiders to fight the Heirs. A fight ensued, during which Octavius ​​and Octavia entered the room for cloning. First, Octavia released Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) from the capsule, then Octavius ​​recovered and resurrected Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly). Fortunately, during the resurrection of Ben, the Superior erased all memories of New Jackal (Ben Reilly) from Reilly’s memory, except for knowledge about cloning, recovery and resurrection. After a few seconds, the trinity resorts to Parker (616), who is surprised and displeased with the fact that in the Octavius ​​team Ben Reilly. Octavius ​​told Peter (616) to tell the rest of the spiders to destroy the bodies of the Heirs, except Solus, Morlon, and Verna. Immediately after this, Superior moves the Heirs' consciousness, except Morlon, into the bodies of infants and gives them to the Old Spider-woman (May Parker). Immediately after this, Captain Universe Strength (13) leaves Morales. After winning Spider geddon, spiders from other worlds returned to their lands, and Octavius ​​began to defend San Francisco again from supervillains, like the Superior Spiderman. Also, the spiders found out that Spider-Norman had a thread of “web of fate”, due to which Norman could move to other Earths.
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