Evil version of Mr. Fantastic from the series "Venom"

in #art6 years ago

Today I will talk about a character named Maker (Creator (Ultimate Mr. Fantastic (Ultimate Reed Richards))). Actions began on Ultimate Earth 1610. It all began in the Ultimatum when Reed Richards wanted to make an offer to the Ultimate Invisible Woman. Some time after that, the city was flooded with water. Reed and Sue were able to escape. On the roof of an unknown building, Richards told Sue that Ultimate Namore was to blame for the flood. Invisible woman tried to hold the wave, but suddenly turned off. Ultimate Ben Grim climbed onto the roof, who said that Susan, Johnny and Mr. Storm would not help. After some time, Reed finds and overcomes Ultimate Namor. 2 seconds later, Richards receives a telepathic message from Ultimate Professor X, who says Ultimate Magneto is responsible for the flood. After a while, Reed and Namora are saved by the Ultimate Doctor Doom. Victor said that the best way to find Ultimate Nick Fury.
Actions continued on the Land of the Supreme Authority. Doom and Richards arrived to return Ultimate Nick Fury to their native land. It turned out that Dr. Doom was guilty of flooding the city. After that, Reed pounced on Doom. Richards was stopped by Nick, who decided to return to his land.
The action continued on Ultimate Land 1610. When Victor, Reed, and Fury returned to their land, Nick immediately killed Magneto. During the funeral of Mr. Storm, Richards wanted to make Susan an offer again, but she refused. After a while, Reed returned to his parents' house. A few days later, Kang came to Richards (Ultimate Invisible Woman from a distant future), which showed Reed the death of Ultimate Earth 1610. A few days later, Richards staged his death and blew up his own family. Thus the Maker (Creator) appeared. After some time, Reed and his subordinates broke into the Pegasus project and took everything that was there. Richards was attacked by Susan, who was shocked by Reed and went into the Negative Zone.
The action continued in the Ultimate Negative Zone when Ben Grim tried to enter unnoticed, but it did not work. Ben brought with him all the other heroes who took revenge on Richards for the suffering he caused. The heroes destroyed all the works of Reed and teleported back to Ultimate Earth 1610. Richards stayed in the Negative Zone, where he found the Stone of Time. The creator tried to repair his computer, and he succeeded. Then, Maker moved back to his land.
The action continued on Ultimate Earth 1610 after the death of Ultimate Spider-Man (Peter Parker). The creator found himself somewhere in European forests, in which he gathered like-minded people like him. Richards developed a plan for endless learning and created the Dome, in which, thanks to the Stone of Time, time went much faster inside than outside. After some time, children began to do in artificial incubators. So the Ideal Children of the Future appeared. The Creator created the artificial intelligence of the Dome, which ordered Reed and the Children of the Future to develop outside the Dome. At this moment, Richards was about 1000 years old. After some time, the Children of the Future defeated the Ultimate Torah and destroyed the rest of the Asgardians. At that moment, he released the Torah with a warning. After a while, Ultimate Hulk was dropped onto the Dome, and they promised to return Betty Ross. The creator personally met the Hulk and convinced him that they had deceived the Hulk and hid Betty even further. After that, the Creator and the Hulk unite to take revenge on America. The maker sent a child to the White House, named Death, which blasts the entire White House. A few days later, the States gave Richards the Ultimate Iron Man. Immediately after this, Stark's tumor, named Anthony, contacted the Dome's artificial intelligence and wrapped all the inhabitants of the Dome against the Creator. After a while, one of the mutants blew up the Dome. After that, Susan arrested Maker. A few months later, when the Altimates collected almost all the Infinity stones and found two Infinity Gloves, Kang released the Hulk, who attacked the Altimates and took the Gloves. After the battle with the Ultimate and the Hulk, the Creator took one of the Gloves of Infinity. Immediately after that, Ultimate Mercury brought Maker the Stone of Time. Richards collected the entire second Infinity Glove and attacked the Altimates. Unfortunately, Reed failed to erase the Altimeets from reality for some strange reason. Immediately after that, Ultimate Captain America diverted the Creator and the Hulk to himself, while Thor teleported the rest of the Ultimate to another location. Then Kang appeared. In 24 hours, using the Stones of Infinity, the Creator could change the world for the better in this way:

  • He stopped the war, through force

  • Changed the copyright that interfered with the development of science

  • Got rid of money problems on the planet

  • Created smart seeds

  • Implemented waste-free hybrid technology for energy
    After that, Maker launched a techno-virus that even Anthony could not cope with, leaving Stark without armor. During this time, Reed has already learned how to control his pieces and grow them into full-fledged copies. Immediately after that, the Altimates attempted to secretly penetrate Richards and take Rogers, but nothing came of them. After some time, Mercury penetrated the base of S. H. E. L. D. and opened the head of Tony Stark. Pietro brought Stark to the Creator. It turned out that Anthony had been the Soul Stone all that time inside Stark's brain. Immediately after that, Reed killed Tony Stark and took the Soul Stone from his head. After a while, Mercury brought the Creator to the Ultimate Human Torch. Richards immediately made a radio-controlled zombie out of Johnny, who took out the Stone of Power from the core of the Earth. Immediately after this, the Dark Avengers attacked the Creator. After a while, Reed was also attacked by the Altimeets. Kang offered to give her Infinity Gloves, but Maker refused to give up the gloves. Stark wrenched the Stones of Infinity from the hands of Cang and the Creator and resurrected himself. Richard was arrested again. A few years later, the action continued in the Secret Wars, when Fury ordered the Creator to observe everything that happens in the entire universe of 1610. Maker sent his aircraft carriers to deal with unknown guests from the original Earth 616. Then, Reed moves most of the supervillains 1610 and Spiderman (Miles Morales) in his ark.
    Eight years later, the action continued in the World of Battles, when the Corps of Thors opened the ark, from which all the villains (Ultimate), including Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and the Creator, left. The villains killed Odin and fled. After some time, the Corpus Torals attacked the villains. Reed was able to defend himself. After a while, Doom teleported all the heroes of 616, Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and the villains of 1610 to an unknown place. A fight ensues, in which Cyclops dies (616 (possessing the power of a phoenix)). Strange throws all the heroes and villains, except Doom, in different parts of the World of Battles.
    The actions continued in the World of Battles inside the statue of the dead Ant Man from an unknown Earth. The Creator and Mr. Fantastic (616) united to defeat the Doom. The Richards saw an unknown prophet, who turned out to be a nonhuman, named Maximus (1610). Then, the Creator sent Parker (616) and Morales to find the source of the power of Doom. After a while, the Creator, Mr. Fiction (616) and Star Lord (616) penetrate the Kingdom of Thought.
    The action continued in the World of Battles in the Kingdom of Doom. The Star Lord (616) decided not to go with the Richards because they know what to do. The Creator and Mr. Fantastic (616) walk past the statue of the Molecular Man (616) to find the source of the power of the Doom. Richards are found by the Invisible Woman (616) and Valeria (616). After a while, the Richards find a secret passage, by entering into which the spiders find the source of power, the Doom, which is the Molecular Man (616). Maker turned Mr. Fantastic (616) into a monkey. Immediately after this, the Molecular Man (616), with one hand movement, cuts the Creator into pieces. After the destruction of the "World of Battles", all the heroes return to their lands. Think this is the end? Not!
    A few years later, the action continued on the Anti-Earth in the series "Ultimates 2", as well as during the "Secret Empire". The Creator unites with the Highest Evolutionary. The creator created a special device, thanks to which, Reed was able to unite all the Earths into one common universe. Then, Maker brought the First Altimats (Avengers 1610) back to life, including:

  • Ultimate Giant (Hank Pim)

  • Ultimate Hulk

  • Ultimate Iron Man

  • Ultimate Captain America

  • Ultimate Wasp
    Also, the Creator erased the First Ultimates the memory of the Creator. After some time, the New Ultimates, who wanted to arrest the Creator, who had set the First Ultimates on them, teleported to Anti-Land. During the battle, the First Ultimate remembered everything about Maker and his death. Immediately after this, Reed turned Ultimate Captain America to dust. Immediately after this, the living electromagnetic energy sucked all the energy from the body of the Creator, turning it into a glass statue, which the Highest Evolutionary immediately smashed. Think this is the end? Not!
    A few years later, the action continued on the original Earth 616. People from the "Supervision" project took Venom (Eddie Brock) and brought him to the Creator. Maker introduced himself to Eddie and tried to find out where the sample of Grendel (a symbiote resembling a dragon) is. It turned out that Venom erased himself and Eddie the memory of Grendel. Symbiote became brainless symbiote, which can only protect its carrier. It turned out that the creator was able to find a sample of Grandel, but the sample was stolen. It also turned out that during the capture, Venom killed several people of the "Supervision" project, and he was taken away at the door of his own father. It also turned out that Brock stayed in the Creator's chamber for 1 month and 2 weeks. After a while, Reed tells Eddie that Flash Thomson is dead. A few days later, Brock approached Flash’s grave, which turned out to be a hologram made by Maker. After some time, the Creator showed Eddie a piece of symbiote, which contained a copy of Flash Thomson’s memories. This symbiote was called Codex. Immediately after this, Richards put the Codex in storage and told Brock that he would dig up the grave of Flash Thomson. Venom did not like it and he attacked Reed. Brock stole the code, leaving his symbiote to fight the Creator. A fight ensued, during which Venom escaped from the "Supervision" project with the Codex. After a while, Maker erased from his computer all the records of the conversation with Brock. Then, the Creator walked into the observation room, watched all the actions taking place in the original 616 universe and thought what would happen next.
    I hope you will like it.

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