Cosmic Ghost Rider in the series "Cosmic Ghost Rider destroys the Marvel History" full story

in #art5 years ago

Now I will tell you about a character named Cosmic Ghost Rider. His real name is Frank Castle, also known as Fredo Castle, the Rider, the Ghost Rider, the Punisher, the Cosmic Ghost Phoenix Rider and the Spirit of Revenge. All actions take place in the past of the original Earth 616. It all began in 1944 when the Cosmic Ghost Rider, the young Frank Castle (616), also known as the Punisher (616), Roaring Commandos and the young Captain America (Steve Rogers) (616) attack another Hydra base (616). When Rider, using a repentant gaze, kills several Hydra agents, Steve invites the Ghost Rider to O. S. S. (616). The Spirit of Revenge agrees. In 1945, when the Roaring Commandos, the young Punisher, and the main character find out that Rogers is missing, the heroes set off in search of Captain America. Taking the Nazi officer hostage, the heroes began to knock out information from him. It turned out that Baron Zemo (616) captured Steve. After a conversation, Cosmic Ghost Rider kills a Nazi officer. After 1 day, the heroes arrive in France and find the castle of Baron Zemo. After the conversation, the Rider rubbed his skull with red paint and put on a black Nazi uniform, becoming like a Red Skull (616). When the heroes, wearing a Nazi uniform, come to the castle, they are met by Baron Zemo. After talking with Baron, the Ghost Rider's skull flared up, causing the Nazis to attack the heroes. When the Spirit of Revenge attempted to kill several Nazis, these Nazis were cut down by Rogers and Bucky Barnes (616). After some time, the heroes defeat Baron Zemo and take him hostage. A few months later, the main character kills Adolf Hitler (616).
A few years later, flying through space, Frank meets the Watcher Watcher (616). After the conversation, Castle notices the downed spaceship Marvel-1, which contains Reed Richards (616), Susan Storm (616), Johnny Storm (616) and Ben Grimm (616). Immediately after this, the Cosmic Ghost Rider, using his chain, clings to the starship. During the fall, the Rider, using his cosmic power, accidentally irradiates the four. As a result, the spaceship crashed. Coming out of the wreckage, the Ghost Rider notices and understands that it was he who endowed the entire four with various superpowers. Right after that, the Spirit of Revenge gets to know the four. After some time, the main character becomes a member of the Fantastic Five (616), which includes:

  • Mr. Fantastic
  • Human-torch
  • Invisible Woman
  • Thing
  • Cosmic Ghost Rider
    A few days later, the Fantastic Five defeats the Mole-Man (616) and the Moles (616). After 2 weeks, Frank leaves the Fantastic Five, which later becomes the Fantastic Four. A few days later, flying through outer space, Castle again meets Watcher Uatu, who asks the Rider to go to Galactus (616). Having found Galan, the Ghost Rider tells him about his future, and also offers him to eat the Skrull planet (616). When the Silver Surfer (616) flies to the Galactus and the Spirit of Revenge, interrupting their conversation, Norrin, with one blow to the skull, carries the protagonist into a neighboring galaxy. Returning to Earth, Frank notices that Galan and Radd arrived on Earth sooner. After the conversation, Castle and Galactus become friends. As a result, Galan says goodbye to Cosmic Ghost Rider and moves to Thron world. When the Shi'ar Empire put Mr. Fantastic on trial, the Spirit of Revenge became Reed's lawyer.
    A few months later, driving past the Oz Corp building, the protagonist spots Peter Parker jumping onto a wall. A few days later, Frank meets Peter and they both decide to perform in the ring as wrestlers. After 2 days, Castle finds out that a burglar who ran past Parker killed Ben Parker. After some time, Cosmic Ghost Rider and Spiderman team up to catch the burglar. Having found the robber, Spiderman beats him, and the Rider, using a repentant look, makes the robber surrender to the police. A few days later, Peter and the Ghost Rider settle in with photographers at Dailey Bugle. After 2 weeks, Parker and the Spirit of Revenge together save John Jameson. Immediately after that, J John Jameson called Spiderman and the main character threats, while calling the Cosmic Ghost Rider Russian. A few days later, Peter and Frank defeat Doctor Octopus (616). After some time, Castle brings J John Jameson pictures of Spiderman before Parker. A few months later, when the Rider, a fisherman near the pier, notices that Spiderman is fighting Venom (Eddie Brock) (616), whose costume is separated from Eddie and connected with Peter. A few days later, the Ghost Rider notices that Parker threw out Spiderman's costume and ceased to be Spiderman. After 2 weeks, the Spirit of Revenge notices Peter and Gwen Stacy (616), passing him on a motorcycle. A few days later, the main character learns that Kingpin (616) has committed complete lawlessness throughout the city. Arriving at Dailey Bugle, Frank asks Parker to become Spiderman again. Unfortunately, Peter refuses and quits the Dailey Bugle. After some time, Castle abducts a grandfather, similar to Ben Parker, from a nursing home. Arriving on the roof of Peter's house, the Cosmic Ghost Rider paid two thugs to beat his grandfather the moment Parker came to his home. Immediately after this, the Rider hides on the roof of a neighboring building and notices that his plan for the return of Spiderman has worked. A few days later, the action continued in the Clone Saga, when the Ghost Rider, pretending to be a nurse and meeting Peter again, strangled the fake Aunt May to death. After some time, a clone of Spiderman named Ben Reilly runs into the chamber in which Parker and the Spirit of Revenge are located. During the conversation, the main character tells Peter and Ben about the Jackal, the origin and possible death of Reilly, the fake Aunt May, the living Norman Osborn, as well as about the future collaboration of Parker and Ben. After the conversation, Frank suggests that Reilly, after defeating the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn), move to Canada and become a Canadian superhero. Ben agrees. A few years later, after the Secret Wars, Castle notices that Spiderman has become a Symbiote Spiderman. When Cosmic Ghost Rider tried to stop Peter, he ignored him. A few days later, the Rider notices that the Symbiote Spiderman is fighting the Daredevil (616). Fortunately, the Ghost Rider manages to interrupt their fight. A few months later, the Spirit of Revenge, pretending to be the guard of Doctor Doom (616) and teaming up with Spiderman, who was nearby, save Mary Jane Watson and Victor from unknown robbers.
    Flying through space, the protagonist notices that the X-Men (616) save people from a shuttle filled with radiation. The composition of the X-Men includes:
  • Jean Gray (616)
  • Cyclops (616)
  • Night Crawler (616)
  • Colossus (616)
  • Wolverine (Logan) (616)
  • Storm (616)
  • Angel (616)
  • Professor X (616)
  • Beast (616)
    After talking with Scott, Frank decides to take the helm on his own and gently land the shuttle. During the flight, the "Phoenix force" (616) invisibly invades Castle, which turned the shuttle into the hellish horse of the Ghost Rider. As a result, the shuttle was driven. Fortunately, the X-Men and Cosmic Ghost Rider survived. Having flown out from under the water, the Punisher notices and understands that "the power of the Phoenix" has infiltrated him. Also, the Spirit of Revenge notices that his armor has also changed. So the Cosmic Ghost Phoenix Rider appeared. A few hours later, Charles blocked the main character's memories of the "power of the Phoenix." Xavier also reminded Frank of where his rabbit foot had been lost in childhood. A few days later, a team called the "Hellfire Club" telepathically seduced Castle to take back the "power of the Phoenix." After some time, Professor X forced the Rider to dress up in the costume of the Black Queen (616), so that he infiltrated the Hellfire Club. As a result, the Cosmic Ghost Phoenix Rider managed to infiltrate the Hellfire Club. When the X-Men attacked the Hellfire Club, the Punisher was already influenced by Emma Frost (616). Fortunately, Jean managed to free the Spirit of Revenge from Emma's influence. Immediately after this, the "power of the Phoenix" emerged from the main character and moved into Grey. As a result, Frank ceases to be the Cosmic Ghost Phoenix Rider. A few days later, when Jin temporarily ceased to be a Phoenix, an alien race called the Shi'ar moved the X-Men and Castle to their ship to talk about the Phoenix (616). After the conversation, the X-Men began to fight for the life of Jean, and the Cosmic Ghost Rider began to watch the battle. When the Phoenix attacked the X-Men, the Ghost Rider attacks her. A battle ensued, as a result of which Grey succeeds in temporarily taking control of his body. After that, Jean sacrificed her life to save the Rider and the rest of the X-Men. Some time later, the Punisher flies into space on his space hellish motorcycle. A few months later, the Spirit of Revenge discovers that someone killed Frost. After that, the main character becomes a partner of Bishop (1191) to conduct an investigation. When Frank found the diamond bullet that killed Emma, ​​he locked all the mutants in Professor Xavier’s school (616). During the investigation, Castle and Lucas learned that:
  • beast drove the cuckoos to the theater when the murder happened
  • Frost's new favorite was Angel Salvador (616)
  • Kluvik (616), quarreling with Cosmic Ghost Rider about board game rules, is the new suspect
    After some time, the Ghost Rider and Bishop found a drug trail called "Kik", which was cooked in an unknown hut in the forest. Arriving at the hut, Rider and Lucas found a murder weapon and several meat eggs attached to the ceiling. Some time later, the Punisher and Bishop find Angel and her newborn children. During the conversation, Salvador said that she "killed Frost." Recognizing the lie and finding one of the Cuckoos, the Spirit of Revenge and Lucas realized that she had killed Emma, ​​not Angel. As a result, Cuckoo paralyzed the main character and Bishop, and then left. Waking up, Frank and Lucas told the X-Men about the real killer Frost. A few months later, Castle finds out about an unknown mutant who kills innocent people. During his own investigation, Cosmic Ghost Rider finds Logan, who immediately attacks him. A fight ensued, as a result of which the Ghost Rider defeats James. Some time later, Howlett and the Rider are attacked by the Gang of Half-Rivers (616). A battle ensued, as a result of which the Punisher defeats Wolverine and the gang of Polurostnikov. After some time, the Spirit of Revenge, while in the bar, meets Kitty Pride (616) (Cosmic Ghost Rider (811)). During the conversation, the main character learns about Earth 811. After the conversation, Frank (811) moves back to Earth 811, and Frank (TRN666) leaves the bar.
    A few days later, J John Jameson sends Frank to the Criminal Circus to take a photograph of Mechano. Arriving at the Criminal Circus, Castle notices and understands that Mechano is the Hulk (Bruce Banner). After the conversation, Cosmic Ghost Rider decides to anger and expose Bruce. As a result, the Ghost Rider manages to anger and expose Banner, who immediately attacks him. After some time, Iron Man (Tony Stark), Ant-Man (Hank Pym) and the Wasp join the Rider. A battle ensued, during which the heroes defeat the Hulk, after which the Spirit of Revenge learns that Captain America (Steve Rogers) is still frozen, and Thor Odinson has not yet moved to Earth. Right after that, the main character sets off to save Steve. Right after that, the protagonist quits from "Dailey Bugle". After 3 months, Frank rescues and defrosts Rogers. Castle also brought Thor, Captain America, Mockingbird, Black Widow, Hawkeye (Clint Barton) and Tony together, resulting in a team called Avengers.
    A few weeks later, Invisible Woman (De'Lila) invites Spiderman (Peter Parker), Rider, Gray Hulk and Wolverine to unite so that they fight with the villains together and avenge the death of the Fantastic Four. After some time, the heroes move to the Baxter Building. After some time, the Spirit of Revenge becomes a member of the New Fantastic Four, which includes:
  • Spiderman
  • Cosmic Ghost Rider
  • Hulk
  • Wolverine
    Having found the Mole-Man, mole-rats and Skrulls, heroes attack them. A battle ensued, during which the heroes learn the truth about the fake Susan, and then unite with the Mole-Man, mole-rats and scrulls. After some time, the heroes notice that the Invisible Woman (De'Lila) and Mr. Fantastic decide to steal the egg of an unknown monster that hatches. After the conversation, the heroes cease to be the New Fantastic Four.
    A few months later, the main character arrives at Castle House, in which Frank's family is still alive. Unfortunately, the Punisher (Frank Castle) was absent at this time. Immediately after this, the main character decides to save his family and the Punisher (Frank Castle) from Costa bullets and becoming the Punisher. And so Fredo Castle appeared. Entering the house, the main character meets Frank Castle Jr. and Maria Castle. During a conversation with Castle Jr., Fredo tells him how he created the Fantastic Four and fought along with it. A few hours later, the Cosmic Ghost Rider tells Maria about his friendship with Spiderman (Peter Parker) and the rescue of the Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) from death. Having met Lisa Castle, the Ghost Rider tells her about his friendship with the X-Men and about his alternative apocalyptic future. After some time, the Rider meets the Punisher (Frank Castle). After the conversation, Frank attacks the Spirit of Revenge. A fight ensued, during which Frank and the protagonist simultaneously ran out of steam, after which Fredo reminds Frank of how they both, together with the Roaring Commandos and Captain America (Steve Rogers), fought in World War II. After the conversation, Cosmic Ghost Rider becomes a member of the Castle family. When the Castles family came to Central Park, the Ghost Rider tells the rest of the Castles family how he gathered the Avengers. After some time, the Rider escapes. Finding a criminal gang, the Spirit of Revenge attacks her. A battle ensued, during which the main character kills the entire gang, including its leader. Right after that, Watcher Uatu moves to Fredo. After the conversation, Uatu, using the "Infinity Glove":
  • resurrects a murdered crime gang
  • forces resurrected gang to kill all members of the Castle family except Frank
  • erased all the heroes of the memory of the Cosmic Ghost Rider
  • erased the Cosmic Ghost Rider's memory of the intervention in the history of heroes
  • shut down Cosmic Ghost Rider in Raft Prison
    A few years later, the Ghost Rider recalls his interventions in the history of heroes and erasing memory, after which he is released by Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Daredevil, Luke Cage and Foggy Nelson. After the conversation, the characters are attacked by Carnage (Cletus Casedi). A battle ensued, during which the Rider rips Kletus to the floor, and then escapes. Some time later, the Spirit of Revenge settled in a cave, where he once killed Adolf Hitler with his own hands. A few days later, all the heroes come to the main character, including Canadian Spiderman. During the conversation, Frank tells the heroes about his origin, an alternative future, his interventions in the history of the heroes and erasure of memory. After the conversation, Iron Man (Tony Stark) invites Castle to join the Avengers. Cosmic Ghost Rider refuses. A few years later, the Ghost Rider, arriving on the dark side of the Moon 616, meets Nick Fury and Watcher Uatu. During a conversation with Nick, Rider tells him about erasing his memory. Also, the Spirit of Revenge tells Fury to kill Uatu, take the Watcher's eye and hide in an unknown place. After the conversation, the main character asked Nick to wait on the sidelines. Fury agrees. After talking with Uatu, Frank:
  • kills the Watcher and rips out his eye
  • gives Nick an eye, substituting him
  • asked Fury immediately to hide in an unknown place, while the young Punisher tracked him down
    Immediately after this, Castle flies into space.
    These actions took place before the Thanos Legacy.
    The Cosmic Ghost Phoenix Rider has:
  • hellfire manipulation
  • omnipotence
  • superhuman strength
  • future touch of vitality
  • superhuman longevity
  • explosive force
  • repentant look
  • quantum singularity
  • immortality
  • energy absorption
  • bending blood
  • flight
  • meta possession
  • vitality management
  • remote control
  • psionic bond
  • cosmic force
  • transmutation of matter
  • interstellar travel
  • space teleportation
  • energy projection
  • waves of decay
  • cosmic repentant gaze
  • resurrection
  • punishment
  • cosmic pyrokinesis
  • brilliant intelligence
  • time manipulation
  • extensive training in special operations
  • atmokinesis
  • blade weapon training
  • mastery of existence
  • indomitable will
  • making weapons
    Also, Castle is:
  • martial artist
  • weapons expert
  • master of possession of any weapon
  • professional shooter
  • professional pilot
  • interrogation master
  • professional tactician
  • carrier of the "Phoenix power"
    The disadvantages of the Spirit of Revenge are:
  • mental illness
  • necromancy
  • chaos magic
  • Iron Fist Energy (616)
    The protagonist’s equipment is the Punisher costume (616), the armor of the Cosmic Ghost Rider, the armor of the Cosmic Ghost Phoenix Rider and the “fragment of the stone of time”.
    Frank's transport is a space hellish motorcycle.
    Castle's weapons are:
  • firearms
  • Punisher Arsenal (616)
  • Cosmic Ghost Rider chain made from bones of Cytorac
    I hope you will like it.

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