Deadcountry's Pop Up Art Shop: Erotophobia

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit!

Welcome to my first pop up art shop, where I give access to an image file associated with my latest Diary of a Photographer post.
The latest post, a video on a series called Erotophobia can be seen here:

I have been working hard launching on several platforms and thinking about ways to promote my art outside of traditional settings. By that I mean galleries and so on. I do occasionally show work in gallery settings, my last being:
Seeing is a Nervous Habit
This was a show produced by a former professor of mine and all around wonderful human being, Kenda North.

Below is one of Professor North's images from the show:


One of my images from the show, a macro photo of dispersed sunlight and printed large on canvas.


With that said, I tend to pick and choose where I show work based on a number of factors. Essentially who and what is it supporting, and does it run afoul of my Libertarian values? I hold an MFA in Photography and have completed Teacher Certification in the State of Texas. The reasons I decided to avoid academia as a career choice are based on similar principles. As a result, I suffer for these values. Not only financially, but also in terms of getting my work out to a larger audience. This interaction is critical to my engagement with my art and that is a big part of why I am here. While my other platforms are important, Steemit is on the top of the list for a number of reasons.

Firstly because I am a big believer in blockchain technology. I own a small amount of crypto and my studies involving it are what led me to this platform. I am a huge believer in what is going on here and am in for the duration.

The community here is another factor. As I mentioned I am seeking engagement with the work and discussion. Some of the reactions to my work on other platforms have been things such as,"WTF" or "I see boobies in a bra". While I do appreciate these platforms and intend to remain engaged, I am clearly looking for a more diverse audience and Steemit provides this. Bitchute is a distant second in terms of alt-tech platforms based on response to what I have done to date.

Another is how much I am learning. Since I have been here I have been dabbling with formatting and html tags, which is a first . I also learned a wonderful recipe for a kabsa style chicken and rice dish from Angie over at @injiskitchen
There is a lot of wonderful content and I am having a blast learning how to curate and all the other cool stuff we do here. Being a teacher at heart I also want to share my knowledge about photography, music and food. It is a two way street after all! Teaching and learning.

What would I like to see? Feedback on the work, questions about process or concept, image suggestions for future Diary of a Photographer entries......whatever comes to mind. I am ditching the news coverage as my passion is art, music and food and moving forward this is what I will be covering. Besides, my wife is a journalist and we will be launching a channel soon.....more to come! My work can be found here:

I will be adding much more work soon. There are around 100 images up now.

With all of that out of the way, here is the link to the hi res TIFF file from last Diary of a Photographer post:
Pop Up Expired! Look for my latest Pop Up in my blog

Please do not share this information outside of Steemit! I beg you. It's an honor system you know!

I will leave this up until my next Diary of a Photographer post, I am aiming for one a week. After that the image will be removed and replaced with the next entry. Is this a good carrot? I hope so!

This work, I am giving to you, is for personal or educational use only. Print it and hang it on your wall, talk to your class about it, use it as an avatar, desktop background.........whatever. If you use an image of mine in a publication or online post please credit me. Please contact me if you are interested in using any of my work commercially. I do sell prints in limited editions, I will make those available as my audience, and interest in my work (hopefully) grows. Inquiries always welcome. Be watching for photography lessons, occasional harmonica lessons and entries on my favorite recipes and local food producers.

Finally, please upvote, sub and resteem if you find value in this content. Your support and feedback is very valuable to me! I will continue doing this regardless, you have my word.
Much <3


Hey this is a really cool idea! You are an interesting dude :) Cheers to actually living and working by your values system

@carlgnash Thank you for the kind words.

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