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RE: Detail of the progression of my Singularity Painting: Pandora

in #art6 years ago

I want one of those floating lamp thingies! So very cool. In my world, the butterfly's are real, and following the light, like they do on my front porch. Or, they could be anamatronic, absorbing light from my porch, then taking it back to the floating lamp, and re-charging it. Think I've changed my mind here...

This is the joy of art. On both sides. You can take it anywhere you want, as the artist, with the mind and a LACK of idea, the only limitation. And that is one of many things I love about this series. As you say in comments, other's influence may take you on another turn. Oh the joys of Steemit.
To me, this kind of project is ideal. You can work on it over time. Adding and layering to it as you see things change, as others give input, and more importantly, as your minds-eye changes as the project develops, and your mood changes day to day.

Yet, each idea stage can be put out as a 'complete' piece. That is so ideal to me. In writing, I love to write something, then let is stew for days, then add layers into it. But with Steemit, it is often necessary to write and get it out ASAP, without this layering. I'm getting a bit better at it, but it can be a bit frustrating at times. And I know, folks say, "just write a bunch of things, then work on them over time". Easier said than done. They still take an inordinate amount of time to create. Maybe it's time to start mining things in my computer, that have been languishing there for years. [New, sort of related point here] - It is truly amazing how our mind/writing/art/etc change over time. I wrote very differently 10 years ago. Wonder if anyone would notice? Guess there's only one way to find out. “Put it out, Maynard, put it out”.

[Back to track 47] I think also this is what is so great about your series. With all the ins and outs of history of the 'times' you enjoy, and science you are setting it within, but also adding layers from all dimensions, as your ideas grow. And digitally, it is so very much more do-able. Rather than a 50x40 painting in the living room…."Darn, I'd like to add a traveling lamp with butterfly's, but there's no room, and I already painted the dog looking out the window, etc." You can change things up. Sort of a go-anywhere as my ideas change, things change. Yet each original is still a stand-alone. What fun.

Wow, I've really yammered away here. Guess I just wanted to say this is so cool, and such a big project that must be very exciting to work on. And as you say, it's never really done, as long as your brain is still firing away. Keep on firing and painting and enjoying. Cheerios.


I love your wordy responses and it always makes me feel like I'm not the only one rabbiting on like a mad person.

I'm so glad you like the development of this piece. I have to say I am really happy with this new world and series I am working on. I keep seeing it sort of overlayed into my 'real world'. I recently did a sketch from a garden I visited and then ended up putting a Singularity hybrid woman in as well. The worlds are colliding! :)

I hope you are having a lovely Sunday and give ole' Stinky cat a pet for me.

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