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RE: Another hint at my current painting, What could it be?

in #art6 years ago

I started dabbling in some of the channels, I THINK it was Discord, but haven't figured it all out yet. I make you look like a pro. Still at the base level at almost everything, except maybe posting and commenting and voting. Sigh, or as I recently learned from ENH....Hhhhhhhhhhh. Maybe someday. I did not even think about the insulting part. I've probably insulted more than one person. "It's me, it's me, not you".

As for the new drawing/painting, keep on snippeting, keep on snipetting. I'm enjoying it. She looks to be plucking a red rooster with her mechanical hands, but I'm thinking I'm not just off-base, but not even on the platform. But guessing is fun, none the less.
That's great getting put on the Curation Lounge channel. (See, I don't even really know how to discuss it). But it is still way cool. I'll try to find it, if I can. Have a nice night.


Thanks for you

Well, I don't think anything could make me look like a pro at discord, even another's incompetence, and I say that with my own worn like a badge of honor or a warning to others.

As I said I very much probably seemed 'aloof' or made people frustrated that I wasn't responding to 'tags' but I just don't really feel the interface is intuitive, but that's probably just because I'm 200 years old! But, I'll keep trying? Why, who knows, I get a thing into my head and I charge forward like a bull in a China shop claiming I'll conquer the blessed thing.

I'm like the cook who wants to make the most delicate soup but in the bargain has broken all the kitchen crockery and upturned every pot and pan in the kitchen.

I still don't feel super comfortable in it. I found some interesting quirky people though, and when I happen upon them, we'll have a good time wasting moment of a morning (well morning for me, as we all over the globe I think)

No need to feel you have to, but if you ever do join let me know which channel and what time you will be on, I have a feeling our side chatting would make it all the more enjoyable to be on.

Ha haa, the bull in the kitchen. Sounds quite familiar. I'm working on a food thing for tonight, Progressive Chef style. Hope I get it done. But there is no crockery left to I am a true DD in the kitchen as well.
Got a kick out of the 200 year old remark. I am SO off-it in the world of the computer. But I suppose we DO get by. And you are a master computer artist, with your drawings on the tablet/computer. So if I'm banging rocks together on here, you have definitely graduated on up to some pretty finely-whittled sticks. If not way, way beyond.
As you say, if it ain't intuitive, it ain't happenin at this end. Then again, I'm blessed/cursed with that idea thing. Even if thwarted, I walk off, get mad, and dive in once more, like your bull, I'll plow on through till it's figured out. Such odd creatures we human beans is.

I am quite sure we could spend hours on a chat site. These 'penned' missives are much fun, can't imagine a running conversive. I may have told you this before, but I'll do it again anyway, I used to LOVE email. And spent many an hour in back and forth conversation with friends from afar. Zinging all sorts of highly thought out (ahem) stuff back and forth, running over each other's 'turn', never staying 'in line' with one another's response, crossing back and forth and piling up and on and on. It was SO fun. I miss it. Then again, I get more done now. Double ahem. Theories are so....theoretical, as theories go.
I shall let you know if/when I ever get it sorted. I signed up, then could not get any further. "Clack more rocks together, DD, more rocks". Hhhhhhh
Onward, to fine days on opposite coasts of the country...

PS. Were you 'on' the conversation on Discord, like an interview, or were they just talking about your art? See, I'm clueless at best... ( :

PPS. I replied in my COMMENTS feed, before looking here, and realizing I'd already taken up about 78 inches of electronic paper here. I wonder if there is a limit to how much a person can say on Steemit Comments? I guess I'll find out if I get 'invited to not come back', much like our family did in Florida once on vacation. Long, very funny story for another time. See, I'm taking up even MORE el papel of yours. Oh well, I guess Doris Day summed it up best. KaySarahSarah

You firstly get 1000 points from simply typing Doris Day and anything sung by her :)

I was thinking the other day, when going on and on in a comment, how it would be cool if there was a place that was sort of the antithesis of discord, in that it would be more about the long letter. And that place would be where one wrote, as we do, far too wordy responses and reflections on the mundane, and then 'posted' them to one another. I would be excited to see what was in my 'post box' each day!

I too used to write more email. And my emails were (and some still are) very much like your and my comments, long but fun to read and write. I love a long letter and email sort of was bringing back letter writing, but texting, skype, and social media sort of put a stop to it and we were back to responses such as :)

I do find I use the 'smiling' emoticon often in comments, though, as I feel sometimes if one doesn't the statement preceding it might not be read as facetious or in jest, as context is hard to get online and often people are ready to 'fight' it seems on social media.

You know, I still pen actual letters. Not many, but I take my nib or my grandfathers old fountain pen and scribble away and even make my own envelope to mail it in. There is something about writing it that gives me the same feeling I get when sitting down and drawing: trying to convey a feeling and a story to someone with simple lines on paper.

Concerning your post scripts, firstly it was more like a discussion. My post was shared to those on the channel (most were on microphones talking) and I simply typed answers to any questions asked. They were all very kind. They do this each Monday as each host chooses 2 posts to highlight.

Now, your second post script I shall say, try and make it 80 inches of space taken up. I LOVE comments and long responses. It, as I have said before I think, really does have that feeling of going to the post and with trepidation, pulling out letters, sorting through, with hope and suspense, and finding one with your name proudly printed at the top. A letter, for just you! I love that feeling.

I wish we could joint own a steemit page, as we could designate one a 'post box' and the goal would be to write a letter and the comments be long letter responses :) The problem would be others calling out the unfairness of earnings, and I suppose they'd be right, these future protesters I envision. If there was just a way to do it and fairly share the wealth, as it were.

But, for now, we have our comments sections. And as sung by Doris herself, we'll just have to use them to take our 'sentimental journey' recalling the past of pre digital life whilst typing away upon it, like old codgers on a front porch sipping tea, swatting bugs with tattered old magazines and recalling rolling hoops on the grass back when 'we was just knee high to an Apple 2e or Commodore 64'.

I am so far behind on here. I greatly enjoyed this, but must go on a bike ride now. But just wanted to say, I really like this idea of a post box. It might work without protest, as the only people voting on it would be us ( :
I use those smiley faces all the time, like you, comes from being in the eggshell family, and making sure of intent is important to me.

One thing I have been contemplating, if Steemit ever goes away, and we have some warning (as Tsu did last summer or so), I am pondering starting another email, that is separate from my normal life-one, and collecting all my peeps likewise special email addresses, so we don't lose contact completely, if it all goes gunny bags. That would be SO sad to me, as I love this place...but it does happen. Not likely, but I don't really think of it as negative thinking on my part either, just pre-planning. Another friend on here told me she has a gmail account that is only for the internet. I like that idea, since this is WORLDWIDE and folks don't often want to share emails, photos, names, etc. At least we old-fashioned'ers. Just a thought.

Your take on mail and email and mine are very similar. I make my own envelopes too, though they are crude, and only made because my cards are too big for other envelopes. But what fun. Better go, thanks for the most brilliant responses. Make my day often. Steemail away...

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