^ ^ They said no ! ^ ^

in #art7 years ago

Hello Steemits! happy to see you all again ^ ^

I would like to share with you my new draw work :D

Hope you'll like it as much as me ^ ^

{Pencils : 0.35 Mechanice Pencil}
{Paper material : 300 gsm/ Paper A5 15X21 cm , 180 gsm}


Step 1 Starting :))

Step 2 Middle :

Step 3 Done ^ ^

Hope you have enjoyed my drawing ^ ^

Have an awesome day :D Thank you <3

^ ^ Upvote And Follow ^ ^


Wow...Looks great. Especially the shadow and light. Did you learn drawing in school or just having talent in drawing? Just upvoted your drawing. Keep up the good work and post =D

I don't know about other parts of the world but .. but in Israel the art lessons is more like free time not really learning ANYTHING about art, I learned a lot from the internet and actually forcing myself to sit down and practice anyone can :D :D and thank you so much!! :DDD !! <33

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond Please consider upvoting this comment as this project is supported only by your upvotes!

Hey, Nice work again! Did you use just one pencil? No charcoal or darker pencils like 9B or 10B? Amazing! You have inspired me to post some of my works too! Do check them out 🙂

Yeah sometimes i use mechanic pencil 0.5 for filling spaces and thank you so much ! 😄💖

Welcome to Steemit! :)

How do you get this pencil so dark?? Wow here they are more greyish...

Nice drawing! I am happy that I quit smoking :-D

I think about maybe make post about give some advice and tools to all the artists
Give them some help ^ ^
I know that everyone can paint , everyone have the skill you just need to be patience :D

And thank you so much <3 :))

I'm quite jealous with your talent .....hahhhh! just joking😆😉😉
Nice art.

Thank you ^ ^

Hahaha, this little fella looks like me while i was shaving my beard and had long hair :D Great drawing!

Haha lol
Thank you <3

Brutal is the continuous illutration

really awesome! Resteemed!!!

Thank you so much <3

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