Electric Yorick - Digital Art

in #art7 years ago

This, actually, was the first in the series with the new material, the original. And probably the last for time being, it's fun but I move on pretty rapidly, too. "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy." Well, if he isn't excellently even fancier now, I don't know if he ever will be. Also, weird scene, right? Oh cool, you're digging up my old childhood friend's grave? Hand me the skull and let me tell you about kissing it and stuff.


Bonus Crossview 3D stereogram! Cross your eyes until the 3rd skull in the middle pops out in 3D.


This is cool! I can't seem to make the 3d thing work though. Maybe it only works at a certain size.

Crossview is usually the easier, more flexible of the two versions. You'll see 3 skulls lined up if you're crossing your eyes right. The middle one is the good 'un.

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