Combat Scene on Color

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Combat Scene on Color


This post in no way has the effect of promoting violence, its only intention is to publicize the Combat Sport, in addition to showing the process of the artwork in question.

Mixed Martial Arts, also known as MMA for its acronyms in English (Mixed Martial Arts), are a set of techniques that come from various martial arts both traditional and modern in order to be applied in the competition of Combat Sport or even , for non-armed personal defense. This combat sport based on the use of mixed martial arts is the highest existing contact, which allows the use of punches, punches, kicks. knees, elbows, among others. Techniques of projections and dislocations for the ground, grabs, throws, pulling downs, keys, strangulations and more, all these techniques have their origins in the various martial arts such as Karate, Boxing, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Judo, Wrestling, Sambo, San Da Kung Fu, Wushu, Capoeira, Taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, among others. The origin attributed to modern Mixed Martial Arts dates back to the ancient Olympic Games held in Greece, where fighters used primitive combat systems such as Pancracio.

The Process

Although this work is made with a pen and colored pencils, it was necessary for me to make the initial sketch with 2H pencil so as not to make mistakes in the proportion, since it is a work where the knowledge of artistic anatomy and movement was crucial. I consider myself a newbie in this style of drawing, the use of pen and colored pencils is something new in my work.


The illuminated shades of the wrestler's skin on the left are quite soft contrasted by the shadow of the muscles painted a dark brown color, in addition to the clothing that goes from a light yellow color to a Siena tone, even, with some black strokes, the badges marked on the wrestler's clothing they are made with a ballpoint pen to give these details a greater definition and contrast with the softness of the background colors.

The legs of the fighter on the right have a high contrast between the brightness and the shadows, for the latter that have the impression of being black, I marked the surface first with the pen and immediately before the ink dried completely , I painted strongly with dark brown color, this resulted in a pretty dark mix ideal for shadows.


The torso of the fighter on the right has much more contrast due to its skin color and the location of it with respect to the illuminations of the scene, so that its musculature gives the impression of being defined enough, this is a highlight that it is accompanied by a rather dark shadow under the arm, painted in the same way as the shadow of the legs (Technique explained in the previous paragraph).


As I was painting the two fighters located in the foreground of the drawing, I marked with a ballpoint the background in a uniform way leaving some areas with a reddish aspect to give the impression of a slight illumination, this background was what took me longer, About 7 hours of work to achieve uniformity of color and avoid irregular textures that would give a bad appearance.

The left arm and the head of the fighter on the right was the last thing I painted, the wrestler's arm has some tattoos that can not be distinguished very well, so I left this area last to work with a little more patience.

The Finished Artwork


"I'm just a common guy who had a dream and ran towards it"

Lyoto Machida

Spanish Version

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