What Does This Cuteness Have To Do With Crowdfunding?

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Everything. This is Zeph -- also, known as little man. He is a smart little guy.


That cuteness above -- He knew what art was at 9 months old. By 12 months old, he knew over 1,000 words. No, he does not say them yet, but at 12 months, he understood that an object had a word associated with and that a word could have an object.

His favorite food is croissants -- today, I spoiled him with a chocolate one. I love how excited he gets about life. It is this excitement that I want to bring to the world through Not Shakespeare's School.


In this age of instant gratification through television and movies and video games, many other pieces of life are getting lost. Too many people feel out of sorts, and you can see it in the horrific statistics of mental illnesses. No, I am not saying that these things are bad -- however, moderation is the key.

Many folks want to be wealthy. Do you know how millionaires watch 4 hours of tv or more a day? Close to zero. Wealthy people have time set aside to read. Or work on perfecting a talent or skill. They do not waste time living someone else's fake reality. Or enjoying the great outdoors.

Do you know what else happy people do? We make a difference. Zeph and I have such a ridiculously contagious "make the world better through caring" attitude that we have received quite a few blessings, recently. The biggest one being -- a client has bought me a brand new laptop. Nope -- not joking. When you decide to be a better person, better things happen because you surround yourself with better people.

At our favorite grocery store -- Hyvee -- we have developed a relationship with this amazing lady, below. Today, she gave Zeph a teddy bear. Even though I am kind and giving person, it is always humbling when Zeph and I are given such blessings.



This smart little man has been trying to get his hands on my laptop all month. "Work. Work." -- I ask him, "You want to work, like mama?" He nods his head yes. On a hunch, I went to Target today. And not only were LeapFrog products on sale -- there was a Cartwheel discount too!!! He got a laptop and a phone for $18 bucks of mama's money.

By the time we got home, Zeph's was super stuck on "Work. Work." and "Sit. Sit." And so on the couch we sat and worked -- side by side. And that smart little guy already figured out the buttons and the features. He was saying Zzzzz. Zebra. And we just got it!



Because of all his smartness -- He inspired me to work on creating a class that parents could use to bond with their infant, while exposing both the parent and child to art through flashcards. I am building my crowdfunding campaign at the moment. I want to help other parents bond with their children the way Zeph and I have. Not only does it help the child -- it makes parenting way easier!


Be sure to link your crowdfunding thing. This sounds like a great idea.

Thank you! I want to hire 25 artists to paint/draw/etc 2 pieces of work for the flashcards. ALL ORIGINAL pieces :) I am sooo looking forward to getting it moving.

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