Blog 5: How to Survive an Art Block

in #art4 years ago

Art Blocks. Kinda like Writer's Block, but ART! I've had many of them over the years, some so bad that I don't draw for LONG periods of time. Other's an occasional headache and needing to take a break for a day or two. Besides my sob story on my art blocks I want to share some tips and advice that has helped me get past art blocks and ready to draw again!

  1. Music, Music, Music

I LOVE music. Often I am playing music while drawing and such; days where I cannot think of anything to draw I just listen to music and let it inspire me to create pictures in my mind that I will at some point put on paper/tablet. Sometimes when I'm having a really bad block I will change up my music, listen to songs I haven't listen to in a long time, or listen around for new tunes. All of which has helped me get out of art blocks and discover new music!

  1. Admire Art

It can be difficult to look at someone else's art who is ABSOLUTELY amazing at what they do (STOP COMPARING YOURSELF), but when I am very uninspired to make anything I pull up my instagram or Pinterest and look at other people's art. I look up my friend's artwork and progress they have made in the art world. Doing so usually inspires me to create SOMETHING even at times I'll ask permission to make another version of their character or something similar because I was so inspired.

  1. Take a Break

Sometimes having an art block just means you have been overworking yourself and need to take a break from your art. If you're doing artwork consistently (especially if you're trying to make a career out of it) you are going to get tired of artwork at times and burned out. The best way to prevent burn out and giving up the pencil forever is to take consistent breaks and practice self care (Because it is important). Watch movies, eat good food, relax, go outside, discover other passions outside of art and then you will find yourself coming back to your artwork.

  1. Remember This Too Shall Pass

Everything has a beginning and an end. Art blocks WILL pass, maybe like a kidney stone or maybe it will take months or years for you to get out of your art bock. But you will get passed an art block it just takes time. And knowing there is a light at the end of a tunnel is sometimes the best way to help yourself out of an art block. Just hold on, it will be over before you know it!
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