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RE: Where Did I Leave My Mind?

in #art5 years ago (edited)

Indeed and indeed.

Actually with the right work and choice of murdering and getting away with it methods, as well as a very robust way to bring forward the ethical dilemma about it, a story like this could also evolve into a book/ series/ other form of art. Many movies, books etc have been inspired by an unorthodoxically acting hero, the best one for me that I can think of (more on the supernatural genre though) is the manga series Death Note.

As for the feeling that some didn't read through the end, yes, that's the same as in all the aspects in life in general. Most of the people for their own reasons will just take a glimpse and leave, but there will always be those who will stay until the end. You are here for yourself and for the last ones.


I had stated in another comment here that I think I can do more with this character. I have other work here as well that I could expand on. I'm all over the place though, just doing whatever, trying to keep things fresh.

Plenty of artwork around my world that could be reworked into more projects and expanded. There is some I intend to use for a much larger project, far off into the future. Plenty of concepts and experiments around as well.

Those who stick around to the end are probably the only reason I keep doing this.

That's great to know, for what it's worth I am looking forward for them! Also sorry for usually taking so long to answer, most of the days I am constantly on the move the last weeks.

PS: for some unknown reason in my previous comment I wrote 'superficial' instead of 'supernatural' that I wanted to, but I corrected it! 😆

No such thing as taking too long. I know people have lives, and so do I. I didn't sit here waiting impatiently! ;)

I didn't even notice the typo. Knew what you meant, most likely.

Lol, I know! Guess I'm being overanxious sometimes about things I don't need to.. But what can I say? Nobody's perfect! 😅

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