"Red Vase With Plums"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago

Painted from a setup in my studio.

”Red Vase With Plums” 6”x10” (#1081) oil on masonite panel
by Lee Gordon Seebach

It doesn't take much to inspire me. (Does that mean I'm "easily entertained?" 🤓 ) A few simple objects set against a backdrop illuminated by a single light source and I'm off and painting!

Working on a large watercolor of Canyon de Chelley in my new studio near Artesia, New Mexico.

My website: Seebach Fine Art


The artist life :)

Love the post broo

Yup...It's a good one, although it's like everything else: struggles and successes. It's worth it, though. Thanks for commenting @crastty32

Beautiful as always :)

Thanks so much my friend! @samuel-earp-art

I know what you mean about the inspiration. I am so easily distracted and before you know it, hours have passed. The joy of being a creative person. Your painting is wonderful. Keep it up. Upvoted and Resteemed!

Beauty is all around us, isn't it!? I don't have to look far to find it. Keep up the creative work, and thanks so much for your support! @samanthajbarnes

Love the painting! I envy those who can paint and draw because I can do neither.

When you paint what do you think about? Is it a form of meditation to you?

What do I think about? Hmmm...yes, it's a form of meditation to be sure...but I think mostly about what a painting in progress needs in order to complete it. But my mind wanders, too.

Thanks for commenting @capitalpink

If I were to attempt to paint right now all that would be on my mind would be "what should I paint and where do I start" lol

I have no artistic vision for anything beyond website design. (weird huh)

It's an art form, yes? A person can be an artist at anything. 😀

superb! :)

@masterofdesaster Much appreciated! Thank you for commenting. 😎

Oh, how wonderful! I love this post!

I really like your painting~
Followed you for more of those work!! Keep up and Steem On~

@biuiam Glad you like it and thanks for following and commenting!

you are very welcome, good arts deserved to be appreciated~

Awesome buddy.

I like the composition and combination of colors. It is harmonious.

Good to hear @motivator Thanks for commenting.

So beautiful.

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