[Art + Photography] The Heart of a Rose

in #art8 years ago

[Art + Photography] The Heart of a Rose

A close macro photograph I made of a rose (the second picture below) got me on the path of this series of renderings about what could be interpretations for the Heart of a Rose.

The first interpretation I present here is the one I like best, though it was not the first one I created.

Fire on ice
Fire on Ice Heart of a Rose

The transparencies, line details and the color combination could not point at anything else but Fire on Ice. Does it say something else to you?

Below is the photograph of the original rose, a beautiful salmon colored sample from my garden, that was naturally sun lit from behind producing an attractive transparency effect and highlighting the yellow tonalities of the flower.

Heart of a Rose original pic
Heart of a Rose original photograph

The picture was taken with an Olympus SH-25MR camera, and shot at f/4 and 1/40th sec. ISO 800 setting.

The next rendering of a Heart of a Rose seems like if forests and blue skies intermingle making it pretty obvious what this Heart of a Rose wants us to see in it.

Nature's Heart of a Rose
A full ecosystem in this Heart of a Rose

The next renderings are approximations at several different abstract or impressionist or expressionist styles and color palettes. Each one is an interesting and visually pleasing result, and I ordered them according to my preference, from more to less pleasing.

Abstract Cartoon-like Heart of a Rose
Abstract Cartoon-like Heart of a Rose

The one below somehow reminds me of a Miro or even a Kandinsky painting although using a palette of pastel colors, instead of the more primary ones those artists would likely choose.

Miro's Heart of a Rose
Miro's Heart of a Rose?

And this last one is more brightly colored and almost seems like a real painting, but I just didn't like it as much as the others, but YMMV.

Gaudy Abstract Heart of a Rose
Gaudy Abstract Heart of a Rose

Which one is your favorite interpretation of this Heart of a Rose series?

Light Drawing Photography

Some people seem to have a problem with accepting that Art and Photography are very closely related. Some very famous artists have also been accomplished photographers, like Andy Warhol for example, as well as Man Ray.

Sometimes the photographer colludes with the artist to become accomplices in producing a joint work of art within a photograph, and the first and most famous time this happened (to my knowledge) was when TIME Life photographer Gjon Mili visited Pablo Picasso in 1949 and they jointly produced a series of Light Painting Photographs where you can see Picasso drawing in the air with a small source of light and creating images like the famous Picasso Centaur light drawing, seen below, that got published in TIME Life magazine in 1950.

Is this not the maximum collusion of an artist and a photographer?

Picasso's Centaur
This is Picasso's famous 1949 light drawing of a centaur

Image source

That photograph, and all others of that same series taken during that visit, was the consequence of some previous work by Gjon Mili using stroboscopic lights (the origins of flash photography, by the way) and small lights attached to the skates of figure ice skaters:

"In 1949, while on assignment for Life Magazine, Gjon Mili was sent to photograph Pablo Picasso at his home in the South of France. While there Mili showed Picasso some of his light painting photographs of the figure skaters. Pablo was immediately inspired, Picasso took a penlight and began to draw in the air. Mili set up his camera and captured the images. This brief meeting yielded what would become known as Pablo Picasso’s Light Drawings. Of all of these Drawing the most famous is known as 'Picasso Draws a Centaur'."
History of Light Painting Photography

And the rest is history, as they say...

Although that wasn't the first time art, a moving light source and time lapse photography were first merged together, it was the most famous and most widely known occurrence of such an event, given the worldwide fame of a figure like Picasso and the publishing of these pics in TIME magazine. If you would like to know more about the whole light painting subject matter, check out this interesting article on the History of Light Painting Photography. It's a very interesting read.

Do you still believe photography is somehow not art, or that art cannot originate and live only in a photograph?

#art #photography #life #steemsquad #minnowsunite

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