Artwork of love and some cartoon people.

in #art7 years ago


Keep in mind of what TRUE LOVE is its "God", remember what the bible says about LOVE. Doth not behave itself unseemly, SEEKETH not her OWN, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Calvinism teaches that God chooses or a.k.a SELF SEEKING His own WILL; which is NOT TRUE LOVE those to be saved and the ones God does not are condemned. Or in other words God chooses you even if they don't love God; because Calvinism teaches that people don't have a choose because the Calvinism doctrine teaches that people are totally depraved a.k.a NOT having a conscious a.k.a what is like a mind of "a serial killer" not nothing right or wrong. So for all the ones God does not are condemned. Lets define the 2 words total depravity. Word 1.) to·tal n. 1. An amount obtained by addition; a sum. 2. The whole amount of something; the entirety: The storm damaged the total of the housing units. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or constituting the whole amount; entire: the total population of the city. See Synonyms at whole. 2. Complete; utter; absolute: total concentration; a total effort; a total fool.

Word 2.)de·prav·i·ty
n. pl. de·prav·i·ties

  1. Moral corruption or degradation.
  2. A depraved act or condition.
    So another wording of total depravity would be. "ALL EVIL" REMEMBER Satan is all evil and was a murder from the very beginning (John 8:44)
    If everyone were total depraved; everyone would be serial killers.
    Well there are people the kill people but. Not everyone is running abound killing everyone.
    The world has some order to it. You know what I mean in not going in depth about it.
    Also ALL MAN kind are born in the image of God as well. So God has 100% NO sin. Sous being made in the image of God we are born with out sin.
    Gen 1:26-27
    26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
    Gen 1:26-27

Here it is ALL in ALL Calvinism teaches that God Choose those to be saved and those God does not choose are condemned.
They believe this because they believe that ALL MAN are born with sin, dont have chooses when it comes to right and wrong. They believe ALL MAN kind don't have a conscious, believe that ALL MAN are ALL evil.
Here a question for you Calvinist. Based on the doctrine of Calvinism that God choses people to be saved and people don't 100% dont chose or play any part in it.
Well what would be the point for God sending Hid only son yo die for the sins of the whole world?.
God is ALL powerful right?. God speak it and it would be so. God speaks what ever He wants and it what He wants.
Well God would just say to the ones who He would want to be saved you have no sin your saved and it would be so.
There would be no need to have Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the whole world. It would be pointless when God can just speak what He wants and it is so.
So does Calvinism teach a different Jesus?
That's between you and God.
God bless you ALL not some but ALL of you.!! I will be praying for you ALL as well.
I forgive you ALL with the power of the Holy Ghost even the Calvinist as well. I desire to be like God and offer MY forgiveness to ALL his like God does only thing is My forgiveness will not save you only Gods forgiveness can save you.
To be clear MY forgiveness can not save anyone.
Only Gods is the one and only one that can forgive you and save you.<\p>
So did you know that i an in love with some one who is smiling at me and i just found her yesterday i think she will be my life partner and i have just make a picture of life.
I have made another too but i have not better know about it so i just want to show my followers that drawinv i just copy this drawin through my books and i just really want to describe it more but actulli i dont know more things about it it is just a picture of people whose role is in cartoon and it is very difficult to draw this pictures.


This post has received gratitude of 1.01 % from @appreciator thanks to: @bikalsiwakoti.

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