Creating Cover Art for My New Short Story / SNAKES

Snakes is a three part short story I will be posting soon. It is about a small town that becomes overrun with snakes and how the people react.
In the meantime, to get you further interested in reading the story, I decided to post the cover art I created.
What you see above is the final art. This image began as a pencil drawing of a ball of snakes that I had done some time ago. I scanned the drawing to Adobe Photoshop where I added a blue background color. From there I cropped out the section I wanted and imported it to Adobe Illustrator where I added the text.
This is the original drawing I used as part of the cover. It started out as a doodle in a moleskin notebook, then became a much larger drawing on Arches paper, and finally a digital image.
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Nice, good looking kids.
Brave little beasts too!
Real concentration needed to draw that ball of snakes, superb work!
As I recall when I drew it I had sort of a system to get all the intertwining correct.
Can't wait for the film version to be released, starring Samuel L. Jackon. ;)
Thanks, me too.