If your ask who my favorite artist is I will shrug, then say it’s not a realist, I’m into abstraction. If I’m pressed to give names I’ll eventually say, the paper cutouts of Matisse, Miro’s fanciful world of microscopic animals, Paul Klee and Kandinsky.
So I guess it’s inevitable that these artists styles often find a place in my own work. As I’ve been working on my dot to dot series I began seeing Miro and just decided to go with the flow. Does it remind you of microscopic life?
This is an image I drew earlier this year, not a dot to dot, but microscopic life.
To see more of my work click @beginningtoend
Second pic reminds me of childhood days. It looks like a deep universe. Great work done. Thanks for sharing 😘
Many thanks.
You are welcome :-)
microscopic life!
WOW. This is so cool, dear friend. A piece of creative thinking. and a great drawing!
congratulations :)
Many thanks lovely lady.