in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



Have you ever met those,
With a very long nose?
Who are unable to contain themselves from prying,
Causing many folk to be outwardly sighing.
Yes, they pry into matters not concerning them at all.
Such activities delight them, yes, enthral.
They sneak about, looking for infractions of rules,
What monstrously obnoxious, obsessive fools!
We know that with this subject, your spirits will droop.
Indeed we are talking about the snoop!

One says, “Get a life of your own!”
But the snoop, to such advice is not prone.
They are self-satisfied, unctuous and platitudinizing,
On others’ affairs and conduct always arising.
Never pursuant of any self-inspection,
Their spying and snooping, an insidious infection.

Oswald Snortsnout was what you would call,
A super snoop who made it his business to spy upon all.
He was clearly looking for snoop votes,
Because he kept photos and copious notes.
He went to the meeting of the C.W.A,
Clearly intending to note what the old ladies did say.
When Mrs McGillicuddy shared her scone recipe,
The snoop had replicated a batch in time for tea.
Then it was time for old Mrs Witting,
To share her secret for cross stitch knitting.
The snoop took meticulous notes,
Of the secrets involved with cross stitch coats.

Now Snortsnout did energetically pursue.
Other townsfolk to see what they did do.
The vicar was seen going into the Pub,
Snortsnout told the bishop, what an obscene grub!
The school head master was seen, his attitude to soften,
When he visited the tearooms, rather too often.
There the waitress, Sally McFloozy, did work each day.
And the head master did spend much of his pay.
It was preferable to going to the pub,
But Snortsnout only wanted to deliver the drub.

Perhaps we will wrap it up about here,
We could look into other matters quite queer,
But then all attention may readily droop,
Because you may conclude we’re a snoop!



I'm so curious to know how the story of Oswald Snortsnout ended up becoming a nosy fellow myself:)))

No more on Oswald because that would be snooping :)

obvious of course!;)

Really hilarious poem. I know someone like this. He is my friend but he never stop poking and prying into matters that don't concern him. 😂😂

I've met so many people like this. This is so funny, and the names you come up with are legendary

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