in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



Governance equal and supposedly stable,
Performed by the Knights of the Round Table.
The account can be readily found,
In King Arthur tales of legend renowned.
The knight was billed as a great paragon,
From whom the light of excellence brightly shone.
Probably it was not really that way.
Knights were just out to earn their pay.
Jousting made the knights deliriously happy.
The exercise was performed in manner snappy.
Running a lance through opponent considered good form,
Vanquishing and pillaging were the norm.

Sir Galahad and Sir Lancelot,
Jousted until they became very hot.
Removing their helmets to get some air,
One saw they had very limited hair,
Wearing heavy helmets on a daily basis,
Is hard, not only on hair, but also on faces
We should be happy that such fashion no longer prevails,
(As indeed we are that we no longer wear coats with tails).
Armour, Broadsword, Lance and Shield,
Weigh heavily on one in the battle field.
You certainly could be readily betting,
That there must have been lots of sweating.
Of course, sweat is salty, so you could trust,
That, from time to time, their armour would rust.
Knights were really at their very best,
When saving damsels, severely distressed.

We all know the story of Sir Godwin Gravy,
Who left the King’s Army to join the Navy.
He fell overboard, one fateful day,
And sank to the bottom in a most rapid way,
The principle of science that he did flout,
Leaves one in absolutely no doubt,
That knights should remain firmly land bound,
To avoid the ignominy of being thus drowned.

If one was to be a Knight of the Realm,
It was so important not to overwhelm,
The Ladies in Waiting in the Kings Court,
By showing off armour you’ve just bought.
Clanking about on the round dance floor,
Would have been the funniest sight you ever saw.
The battlefield was the place for armour,
The Kings Court dance floor the place for amour.

Knights lived, not at all like us,
But in a castle with a portcullis.
There a code of chivalry did prevail,
Such a code of conduct could not fail.
If two Knights argued really bad,
Satisfaction just had to be had.
Form dictated a swipe with a gauntlet glove,
Across the opposer’s face, with a shove,
But when wearing armour this is a noisy affair,
And only the boldest would ever dare.
Clunking and clanking is not well met,
As armoured gauntlet hits metal helmet.
And, if the swipe, was particularly hard,
The recipient could be knocked across the yard.
Broadswords were mostly weapon of choice.
Swords were really mightier than voice.
The saying is, “the pen is mightier than the sword”,
Strikes a somewhat unconvincing chord.



Alright! That knight sure looks happy in his silver armor. Nice art work my friend!

Thanks for sharing. Great post.

"We should be happy that such fashion no longer prevails,
(As indeed we are that we no longer wear coats with tails)". How time flies, fashions come and go, kingdoms raise and fall.....master poet at it again bravo @beastlybanter.

This is a very interesting post, taking us back the memory lane, well done.

Sin duda alguna, increíble poema Richard.

another good work, poetry + story telling

My piece is always entertaining and thus teaches. The images used convey the message well. Nice write up with good expression. Your consistency is what i cherish most.

At your leisure time i would appreciate if you can check my work too. #poetry

Thank God we have no need to get apparelled in helmets, armour, swords etc before we can do a knights duty. Things and times have really changed. And for the tailed coats? It's all gone. Photographs would be our last hope in it's remembrance. Thanks for awaking these memories.

Very good and entertaining post...
Like it...❤
Thanks for sharing, @beastlybanter ... 😍
Waiting for your next posts... 😍

Very nice post.Your choise is very good.

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