in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



(CIRCA 1960)

Marvin ran a small grocery shop,
Of the type they call “a Mom and Pop”,
A pound of spuds, a tin of beans,
A time when one didn’t live beyond one’s means.
The food was much plainer too,
A fry up, a soup or perhaps a stew.
The spuds were for mash,
The beans were for hash,
And if you wanted spice, of course,
Always on hand was tomato sauce.
To pack up your items was a brown paper bag,
None of this non-degradable plastic drag.
Of course, you would always pay with cash,
No-one used today’s credit card trash.
But if the grocer was a real good mate,
It was possible to put it “on the slate”.
Life was simpler in so many ways,
Before we reached today’s complicated phase.

Now Marvin’s shop was open all hours,
His regulars would totter in and browse.
“I’ll have half a loaf of bread today”,
“And a quarter pound of cheese if I may”.
Cheddar was mostly the only cheese,
No Gorgonzola or Parmesan if you please!

Mr McGillicuddy came quite often,
Pinching the fruit to test if it would soften.
Mrs Finch came for sanitary paper,
For her family to use in the usual caper.
And we mustn’t forget old Mr Clod
Who tended to be a cantankerous sod.
He’d come right in, in a surly mood,
To any who didn’t know him he’d seem quite rude.
“Whotcha got behind the counter there?”
“It looks like my knitted underwear”.
“Oh no”, said Marvin, trying to be nice,
“It’s just a bag of Pakistani rice”.
“I’ve no use for rice”, declared Mr Clod,
“To be gobbling that, to me seems odd”.
“Spuds are what I like to scoff”,
“Rice is alright for a fancy toff”.
“English grub is good enough for the likes of me”,
“Now I’ll take some crumpets home for tea”.
And so the day would slowly pass,
Marvin awaiting customers to spend their brass.

One day came a fellow who looked like a gorilla,
Who wanted a bottle of fizzy Sarsaparilla,
“Sarsaparilla is an excellent tonic”,
“For malady you have which indeed may be chronic”.

Here comes Mrs McGooch with her cute little poodle pooch,
She’s in the market for a bottle of hooch.
Sherry is her tipple of choice,
That’s what she ordered in a loud voice.
Here we now see dear Felicity,
Coming to buy things for her tea.
Morbidly obese, she waddles along,
She sweats a bit and so does pong!
“I need some cheese, a pound or two”,
“I’m going to make a big fondue”,
“Then a slab of chocolate for a dessert”,
“I’m making not a mud cake but a cake of dirt”.

Store cakes would appeal to ma’s and pa’s,
Kiddies come in for lollies in jars,
Tuppence worth in a white paper bag,
And, if you were old enough you could buy a fag.
Marvin waited for closing time to come,
He wanted to close up and go home.
Home was at the back of the shop,
Which was good enough for a “Mom and Pop”.



Another great poem. This one full of nostalgia. I remember the days when my grandmother would send me to the grocery shop in the little village square. That shopkeeper had the same commute as yours and had a speech impediment to boot.

Very good point that you want to get across through your poem @beastlybanter. It is strategically embedded and arranged. I'm in anticipation of your next peice.

Ahhh, sounds like those were the days, so much simpler and so much less to stress about. I love the characters and their names, I can picture them in my mind as i'm reading. Really clever.

👨 You've set the rhythm well!
English is still a little harder for me. ahaha.

Real good poetry and the story with the theme as these were the days. Find it beautyful to read.

Not a fan of poems. So do not upvote this comment.

Yes indeed... Life was simpler in so many ways,
Before we reached today’s complicated phase...very interesting poem, remains me of Old school days...@beastlybanter nice one as usual.

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nice art!!

Excelente poema, me encantan los personajes, la ilustracion! Te ganaste el follow y el upvote una vez más!

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