in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



Lo and behold! Aren’t Costa Lotte politics unstable?
Another Coup, but with the same political label.
El Presidente had not been out often,
Hiding away in his Firing Squad coffin.
But now his political party had mated,
With another party, El Presidente now reinstated.
“Back to normal”, El Presidente did chide.
Hugely relieved, that he no longer need hide.
He listened with pleasure at the successive gun bangs.
He looked out his window, at Firing Squad gangs.
Happily blasting away with abandon,
As the Presiding Officer, with his hand on,
His sword, gave the command, “Ready, Aim, Fire!”
Instantly less enemies, as the State did desire.

As El Presidente puffed his cigar, he began to feel odd.
Perhaps it was the excitement of the huge Firing Squad.
He sat in his chair, thinking it strange,
How he had so often cheated the Firing Squad Range.
Should he change the political model to Democratic?
Yes, release this from the political attic,
All very well if you wanted to grovel for votes,
Against which, Firing Squads were antidotes.
No, he would maintain the Status Quo!
Happily holding Firing Squads wherever he’d go.
Otherwise, he’d miss the boom and the bang,
Firing Squad music, as out it rang.

“El Presidente!” It was the Presiding Officer coot,
“We have run out of people to shoot.”
“Should we have a general suspect round up?”
“Starting from the Plaza Central ground up.”
“So that they can be randomly shot,”
“Irregardless, whether they’re guilty or not?”
El Presidente gave the nod,
He was a heartless sod.
Having manifold real fears,
Firing Squad shots, music for his ears.

Suddenly, the door burst open,
An assassin was there, clearly hopin’
For a chance to shoot this callous brute,
He cried out to himself, “Ready, Aim, Shoot!”
He hit El Presidente between the eyes,
Leaving a large wound of some size.
He who lives by the gun, dies by the gun!
Having it any other way wouldn’t be fun!

firing squad 5.png


good is the right conclusion, hoping that these totalitarian regimes will end. Greetings Richard. Do you know Richard Tipping?

Thanks for your comment Armando. No I don't know Richard Tipping.

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