in #art5 years ago

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



New season apples, what a delight!
Juicy and crunchy, more that just “alright”.
Exploding with flavours, many, so varied.
So good for one’s health, preventing teeth from being caried.
Usually one must live in an apple growing area.
Or put up with supermarket offerings, infinitely scarier.
Because the supermarket product has been stored for years.
Pithy, flavourless, with no juicy “explosion” fears.

But recently we noticed two new names on the apple list.
“Jazz” and “Kanzi” varieties, if you get the gist.
We purchased a kilo of each, nearly giving them a miss.
How happy we were, each was an apple eating bliss.
It’s isn’t just because each variety tasted so nice,
It was the crispness and juiciness that did so entice.
These qualities you don’t see any more,
When apples on sale spend years in a store.
But because these varieties are brand-new on the market,
Generations of them haven’t been put in storage to park it.
And then sent to supermarket’s when desiccated and flabby,
Denying apple bliss, in a state so shabby!
“Pink Ladies” used to be our favourite kind
But years of storage cycling makes a fresh crisp one most hard to find.
We suppose, sadly, that in years to come,
These new varieties, to the storage cycle will succumb!

new season apples.png


I believe you can write a poem on any topic. And that is amazing. I wish I Could do that. But I think there's time for that. practice makes perfect.

Apart from that, I like the concept and how you stated the varieties of apples. Feeling of eating an apple. And a few good things about apples. I like it.

I have also written a few posts. So, if you have time then do check my posts. I'll be glad to see you on my blog.

Thank you for your encouraging comment.

These new apples sound delightful! I will have to try them before it's too late!😂

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