in #art6 years ago

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



That special Asian fruit, Durian, appealed to Hu Flung Dung.
It’s dubious praises, he readily sung.
A sought after fruit, sweet tasting, but with an obnoxious smell,
To avoid it, most Westerners would do well!
How could Asians think it sweet tasting and cute?
To partake so enthusiastically of this foul smelling fruit!
An acquired taste, to be most sure,
But given so many other fruits, what is the lure?

Hotels and public places often have signs,
Forbidding Durian eating within their confines.
Why? Because of the strong, cloying stink,
That follows a snack of Durian, we think.
Not to be confused with Jack Fruit or any others,
That don’t have a foul pong that smothers.
For example, lychees, rambutan, pineapples too,
All of them delicious, and without the “phew”.

Now, Hu Flung Dung checked in to a hotel,
In Sydney, Australia, secretly, no tell.
He’d smuggled in a whole Durian in a most naughty fashion,
He just had to, as Durian was his passion!
He gobbled it up, threw the skin in the bin,
The stink, like something long dead, was a sin!
He then retired for the night,
Sleeping until the sun became bright.

The next morning, the housemaid refused to service the room.
She said to the Manager, “Someone’s dead in that gloom.”
They called the police, who brought the forensic squad.
Convinced of foul play, by that smell, most odd!
They brought in a sniffer dog, to detect the cadaver,
They thought they could detect it, but they would rather,
Steer clear of that obnoxious pong,
The dog too, thought something most wrong!
For he flatly refused to enter that room.
No way, was he going to sniff in that gloom!
Finally, someone did flick on the light,
And what they discovered gave them a fright!
There was an awakening Hu Flung Dung,
And, around his neck, a Durian piece hung.
It had caught there, the night before,
As he gobbled up that fruit he did so adore.
The policeman questioned, “Are you Mr Hu?”
“It smells like you have, indeed, flung dung, or at least have some on your shoe!”

an indelicate smell.png


Hahaha, hilarious! I can't imagine how anyone could want to eat a fruit that smelt that bad, yuck!

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