in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



To my total amazement I saw on the news,
That is to say, American Cable news views,
An interview between a psychotherapist and Anchor,
Quite serious with their discussion, without rancour.
To the effect that some U.S. citizens in every state border,
Have been diagnosed with “Trump Anxiety Disorder.”
Yes, it’s true, believe it or not.
For folks who don’t like Trump a lot!

These people give forth pitiful accounts,
Of how their anxiety, stress level mounts.
When they hear the latest exploits of Trump.
Boom-te-de-boom, their hearts do thump.
They declare no confidence in their leader,
If you are Blue, Trump is no confidence breeder.
The Blue indicates Democratic persuasion,
Red, of course, show Republican invasion.
But here we have the elected citizen President,
Being firmly rejected as White House resident.
Not only that, and despite success and wealth,
They permit this feeling to ruin their health!

Now I ask you, should such a simple expedient,
So severely ruin the mix of life’s ingredient?
To have to shell out good money,
To a psychotherapist isn’t funny!
Why can’t they simply be like the rest of us?
And stop all this whining and ridiculous fuss.
Secure in the knowledge that politicians are not,
What we may have expected to be our lot.
Rat bags for the most part to be sure,
And, as such, so rarely effectively mature,
Into anything remotely worthy of an Anxiety Disorder,
Even while they fall short of worth for an applauder!



but do I have to worry about not being anxious or do I have a free road to politics?
I think I will interfere with the Algernoon

No! politicians, for the most part, are not worth a second thought. The only thing that you can count on them for, is they will most likely be liars.🤥

Hahaha. To have this kind of anxiety is a decision. One can decide not to worry about that because anxiety is useless and bad for our health.

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