Switch Off and Create Something.

in #art7 years ago


I have suffered from depression since I was 16. After my daughter was born postnatal depression kept me company, undiagnosed until it was almost too late. By then I was deep into a downward spiral.

It's still there. I wonder why I feel the way I do when I am such a blessed person.

This is something I manage and deal with.

In 2012, when Hubby introduced me to crystals it changed my life. I finally found a way to manage my "moods" without antidepressants and valium.

Since then crystals have been a huge part of my life and I use it for most things.

One of the things I used to do with crystals, this was before I got hooked on Steemit, was make Orgonites.

Today I decided to step away from Steemit world and take solace in crystals and the creative process in making orgonite.

Making orgonite has always required a higher lighter energy. Which means if I want to play with it and make it I need to leave the shit somewhere else, otherwise my distraction will lead to not only mistakes but a crappy product energetically.

This is what I like about the creation process.

It forces me to step away from drama and move into a higher vibration.

It was just pure luck that Hubby came home yesterday with beautiful copped swarf that called out to me as if to say..

"Don't worry about them. Come play with me."

So today, I put my headphones on, sang and danced (things that make me happy and joyful) while I played with crystals, copper, resin and glitter - Oh so much glitter.

Here are some of today's photos.


This was me this morning getting set up 😊 Picking out my Clear Quartz Point and wrapping it with copper. Trying to figure out which pyramid mold to go with.


The pyramid in different stages ❤

There's about 8 layers in this pyramid, I can't even remember how long it took to finish pouring but it's outside right now still curing.

I'm hoping it comes out ok tomorrow morning. 🙏


The Rainbow Charging Plate 💚

I've been wanting to make another charging plate for a while now and with a drum of resin in the cupboard still in it's box I figured I could afford to try my luck with it today.

It didnt turn out bad at all! As you can see it cured straight away. There was a point where I could smell it burning and was concerned it was going to crack, which it did, but its easily fixable.

I also made a few little bits like a koi fish, a cube and a pendant - all still outside curing.

Considering I havent poured resin in months Im surprised I didn't have more fails. That charging plate was a pleasant surprise. I thought for sure it would crack at the top but she didnt. Yay 😊

Right. Well I just wanted to get today's blog out to you guys and wish you all a great night/day/afternoon wherever you're at.

❤ Arly


These crystals are amazing, I almost fell asleep just by looking at them.
So this is the process you use to inspire yourself.
In addition to your perfect graphics skills, you also demonstrate real-world skills.
How to determine which crystal is for us?

You got a 27.78% upvote from @upme thanks to @suggeelson!

Aww thank you ❤
Its the one that calls out to you the most 😊 Youll know it when you see it. Make sure you remember the name so you can look it up when you get home.

It looks like you're doin' some baking. LOL
Nice..Very Creative!..

I am in a way! I always feel like I'm cooking something when I make orgonite :)

wow! what a good way to channel negative energy.

I know the ratios involved and the materials needed to produce a strong EMF harmoniser device, but it’s not my calling.

This one got me interested. What happens if you increase the windings of that copper wire?

It'll be a longer wave of frequency.

There are heaps of different frequencies around us. A lot are harmful. Electronics, wifi, 4g all of it is not our natural frequency.

The metals in orgonite draws those frequencies into it and with the crystals and the matrix turns that negative energy into positive.

The more different shapes of metals (twirls, fine, shavings) and different types of metals (copper, brass, bronze, titanium, gold, solver etc) you have in your matrix the better because you're inscreasing your scope. If that makes sense.

This is what makes this copper so intersting. Not only does it have long tendrils, it also compacts tightly allowing me to increase the density. Its not like hard steel or hard copper where theres many gaps between metals - they make it hard to monitor the organic to inorganic ratios.

wanted to try this

You got a 2.78% upvote from @upme thanks to @suggeelson!

I wanted to try this one. Just once. It seems tiring, exciting, and at the same time worth it.

It's life changing Gail. You should give it a go ❤

I definitely love to try this when I have the chance to do so and the luxury of money. Materials for that seems to be scarce here. T_T

Awesome work, I'm glad you could spend some time a this hobby

Thanks Phil. Yeh me too. Its been a while it's great to be able to jump back on the bike :)

Creativity, in all its glorious forms, surely feeds the soul. As do crystals! Combining the two has to be powerful. Interesting read xox

🌈 It truly does 🌈 It is an experience that's for sure. Thank you for stopping.

Great Posting!
Very Excellent Pictures! Upvoted and followed! :-)
Thanks for sharing! :-)

You were having fun without us momi @bearone.. i wish i could do that "switching-off" when i want to😍

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