Line Art Vectot to @sweetsssj

in #art7 years ago



Today I have the inspiration to try to make a special line art drawing using Corel Draw, this line art uses original @sweetsssj photo from its post, with corel draw software, original photo convert to bit bit bitmap, from bitmap to Corel Photo Paint, from here the photo in convert again become Black and white convert to 1-bit.

just take a few steps to complete this stage. then finish in convert with settings on radius option 150, click save
photo in convert already in corel draw
from corel draw, to the track bitmap convert again to the line art, its goal for the photo can get results as much as possible.

and photo above is my inspiration for @sweetsssj to try to pour my inspiration in playing Line Art Vector with Corel Draw.
I hope @sweetsssj love it .. many forms of digital image processing, but I prefer to play the impression of art.


hari ini saya memiliki inspirasi untuk mencoba membuat sebuah gambar khusus line art dengan menggunakan Corel Draw, line art ini menggunakan photo original @sweetsssj dari postingganya, dengan software corel draw, photo original di convert ke bitmap 24 bit, dari bitmap menuju Corel Photo Paint, dari sini photo di convert lagi menjadi Black and white convert to 1-bit.

hanya perlu beberapa langkah untuk menyelesaikan tahap ini. selanjutnya selesai di convert dengan pengaturan pada radius option 150, klik save
photo di convert sudah berada di corel draw
dari corel draw,menuju track bitmap di convert lagi ke line art, tujuan nya agar photo bisa di dapatkan hasil semaksimal mungkin.

dan photo diatas adalah inspirasi saya terhadap @sweetsssj untuk mencoba menuangkan inspirasi saya dalam bermain Line art Vector with Corel Draw.
saya harap @sweetsssj menyukainya.. banyak bentuk olahan gambar digital, tetapi saya lebih suka bermain kesan art.


Saya harap @sweetsssj menyukainya.. banyak bentuk olahan gambar digital, tetapi saya lebih suka bermain dengan kesan art.

@azkadzaky Design


good desing art brade @azkadzaky,i hope @sweetsssj like this

CERTAINLY! this design
inspired by @abunagaya design work
about @sweetsssj Special Design BW Miss. Delicious

Hahah.. Good Luck @azkadzaky

yeah @ridwant this inspirated from syifu @abunagaya.. this desain tutorial from my syifu @abunagaya.. hehehehehe, i don't know are this picture my design is good or no.

@azkadzaky : very good ! I like this I am also inspired

nice desing @azkadzaky.. i like this concept.. tip!

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