
May the spirit of Steem be your guiding light until the very end of the age.

You bless me teacher. I am honoured. Bows deeply. I will go sacrifice a goat now.... Wait are we still doing that? It could just be a roasted pig at a really fancy beach resort instead. We gotta work on this cults branding... Lol call me.

I'm leaning towards a luxury yacht bejeweled with psychedelics.


Lol Steemit Jesus. Read from his book of Genesis 101.

The Book of Genesis was the first white paper after all!

ooh ooh, can I be a disciple?

We should all do drugs and have a steem rave <3


A rave? You mean mass wedding😊🎉... Drugs will of course be primary.

lol my head is exploding

ahaha mass wedding..

In this enlightened group you get all the "spirit wives" upfront but none of them are virgins. >,< lol.

This is the correct direction!

More like the brainwashed few we get to clean all our clothes and paint our outer buildings. You get to stay at the "ranch" and make hand woven socks to sell for Steemit Jesus. You get to prepare the food and beds. Never look at steemit Jesus or the paid staff in the eye - EVER! DO YOU HEAR ME! Nod your head if you understand. Good - now you missed a spot over there.

*clicks fingers *

Easy Marceline

HUSh! Do not defile temple rule and sass me. You are a level 1 on the ladder to Steemit Jesus and I am level transcendent light. Do you understand- you are so below me you should be kissing my feet and confessing all your sins to me. So that I might be a gateway to your Steemit Lord! Now make me a vanilla latte and then get on all fours so that I might use you as a human chair. While meditating on SJ the true path to Steemit success.

Whatever you say Patricia

LoL they called her Big Patty. After our fur burger conversations the nick name seems funny now.

This post including all the comments is the best thing i've read all day! Hilarious 😄

Oh hurrah! I love the portraits! Full upvote!

Loving the glasses.

Wow this is amazing, well Dan is worth all the digital works and paints

nice post keep up the great work, i vote for u

@pharesim is a better Steemit Jesus, for sure.

I will go to war with his people then lol. They must be taught the truth. (jk)

WOw I got upvoted by Jesus Christ himself. You know what that means? It means-- I speak the truth!

I'm so dumb today that I was really looking for Jesus Christ's upvote ahahahahahah

There is a guy named Jesus Christ his votes just small so he got pushed down. @jesus.christ was his name.

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