Yes we are made of stars, but we are also inter-dimensional beings 🚀 (original artwork)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Sex sells and death compels 

In these modern times, death is both denied and glorified at the same time.

The art world has been rather preoccupied with death since the 1990s Brit-art era. And it is surely time we moved on. Consider Damien Hirst´s  "Diamond Skull" or his "Shark in Formaldehyde". Both feature and glorify death as work of art. It has made him the world´s richest artist in the world.

AND IT IS LIFE, rather than death that, as an artist, is what particularly interests me and has become the focus of my own work.
Damien Hirst has glorified death, whereas I wish to glorify life. In particular in the experience of being aware of our own existence and cherishing of and recording of the journey. If I am allowed to play with the famous quote by Rene Descartes, what I mean is: "I think therefore I am. I am therefore I live"  😉

However, in order to make images/creations/paintings, of life and living, I must first understand what life means.
At least, what life means for me. What do I actually believe life is?
To quote the once British prime minister Margaret Thatcher: "I was young girl, my father told me. Margaret, decide for yourself what you believe in. Then go out into the world and live what you believe"

After several years in the wilderness of atheism, I finally came to believe in the existence of a soul.
I am not talking about God or a creator here, that is another matter, what I am saying is I believe there is something more to the human-being than mere flesh and blood. And when I talk of the soul I mean it as a kind of "cloud" , and may be it works in a way similar to that we now use to store data on the internet. And this soul-cloud, if you will, contains our consciousness, our memories and every one of our life experiences.
Our body is merely a 3 dimensional vessel in which it carries the soul whilst it is in this 3 dimensional dimension.
When our body dies, our soul continues on in another form and in another dimension and simply carries on with the task of gathering "living" experiences. Which then is added to the ever growing database of the universe itself.
To continue the analogy,  if my computer died, my many years of uploaded data would still be in the cloud.

And so if I take this "theory" as fact then the question of death no longer is relevant because there is no real death and as such brings forth another question:- Why do we not simply begin life as a multi-inter-dimensional being from the very beginning?
Logically speaking, perhaps one could assume that our life experience, in this three dimensional world, is an important, if not a vital, part of the whole experience journey.
We are inter-dimensional beings traveling though the timeless universe that has no boundaries, no beginning and no end. This then, as far as I am concerned, is an infinitely more interesting subject to portray than"death" .
lthough it it seems that my work does not fetch the same prices as the art of Damien Hirst, who is affectionately known as; the artist of death. However, in spite of my lack of fame and lack of funds 😏
I think I would prefer to be known as; the artist of life .
This then, in all that I have discussed, is the meaning of this painting; of which you can now see the whole of - below.

                           "The Inter-dimensional Journey" Acrylic on stretched paper - 33cm x 48cm

Thanks for reading and visiting.
All artwork and opinions are my own. @arthuradamson


Glorious work. Your use of colour is so delicate and beautiful.

Yes, I guess colour is what thrills me and never fails to transport me into other worlds. I came upon trying to paint such a scene after taking a walk one night when it was a full moon. I wanted to see if I could re-create the amazing lighting effects. Thanks for stopping by!

You've captured so much more than the moon in this piece!

Well it was an amazing night that night. I was walking in the valley where the fjord ends and just there is no street lighting at all.
So on such a moonlit night you can see all the stars so clearly. It was mind blowing and made me feel so tiny in the whole universe..if you get my meaning?
There is an old cabin just near the water and the owner had obviously been chopping down trees and left the stumps. They reminded me of black holes in space and the background is actually the wooden wall of the cabin. The model Angela, has posed for me a couple of times. I had her stand near a fire place so I could get the flickering light on her skin. She kept getting too hot from the fire because she was too close.
This painting is one of two I did in this style and I was planning on putting the second one out tomorrow. Cheers @opheliafu

Quick question. Are you familiar with the occult?

Hi, the occult, well only a little Im afraid. When I was an art student there was a lad who was into Alistair Crowley and he was always painting devils and shit

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