Have you ever felt Stuck in a Corner?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago

  More from memories from my old college sketchbook

This one has meaningful memories, meaningful lessons, and meaningful feelings.
It is called; Stuck in a Corner . This is the story behind it.


Back in my art student days I was a naive teenager who had much to learn, not only about art, but about life.
However, I had a curious mind and was pretty much open to anything. At that time I had no knowledge of homosexuality whatsoever and it was during my first term at art college that I was first confronted with a person who was "gay". It was actually the first time I had even heard of that term being used for something other than "happy.  
A fellow art student in my class immediately got my attention because he dressed, well, how can I out it, rather provocatively. The idea that he was "gay" did not even enter my mind. I simply figured he was an eccentric type student. As I said. I had never met anyone who was "gay".
I was the 1980s, I was only 16 and was fresh out of school. Back then homosexuality was no longer illegal but it was still at the stage were it was struggling to be socially acceptable. However, my own father was vehemently against homosexuality. His generation was raised in a time were homosexual individuals were portrayed as dangerous predatorial perverts. Strangely, even though my father had been socially programmed to have a judgmental state of mind, I on the other hand, had no prejudgment of such individuals at all. Why this is I do not know but it is something I am grateful for. 

Anyways, as the weeks went by I noticed that this "gay" art student had, what I can only describe as, feminine characteristics, especially the way he spoke. At the time there was a famous pop star called David Sylvian and it was pretty obvious this was who he styled himself on.

One day I brought this up about him to another student at the college cafe;
"He acts like a girl and he thinks he is David Sylvian" I said.
"He´s gay Arthur. Thats´what gays are like. Haven´t you met a gay person before?"
I shook my head and felt a little embarrassed for revealing my naivety. 

After that I deliberately avoided speaking to the "gay" student.

It is not that I feared him. It was just that, now that I was now face to face with someone who was actually gay, my mind was racing with thoughts. I was suddenly unsure how I should act or react when around him.
Basically I was trying to come to terms with new information.

The art college was located on the top floor of a four story high building with the public library being on the ground floor. This was somewhat handy for students when they needed to study or if they needed books.
The building had a wide staircase but it also had a tiny lift that could barely hold four people if they squashed themselves in like sardines. Being a little claustrophobic I tended to use the stairs but one day after spending a few hours in the library I lost touch with time and realised I was late for a class.
I saw the lift door was open so I uncharacteristically jumped in.
Just before the lift door closed the "gay" student also jumped in.

I suddenly felt somewhat uncomfortable and pushed myself into the corner as best I could.
"Have you a problem with me Arthur?" He asked, starring at me intensely.
Again thoughts raced through my mmd trying to find an answer. "No, of course not". But then the curiosity in me could not be contained and I just had to ask; "Are you gay?"
He looked at me as though I was taking the piss and then smiled and replied; "Yes. And so?"
"No no, I don't mean anything. It is only that I have never met anyone who is gay before" I said.
"Don´t worry it´s not contagious"
He said. The lift doors opened. 

A few days later...

 ....I stayed behind to work on a large painting and had the whole studio to myself. As least for about half an hour and then the "gay" student came in with the specific intention of talking with me.
"Are you homophobic Arthur?" He asked somewhat confrontational manner. I did not even know what the term meant.  "It´s just that I feel you are avoiding me. Are you frightened of me? Do you think I am going to rape you or something?"" He said.
I looked at him trying to figure out what I should do. "No, of course not. Its just that, well…."
Go on say it, I dare you!"
"Well, I just find it difficult to understand why you would be attracted to a man rather than a woman. I mean, men are so ugly and woman are so beautiful. Men are course and women are soft. Im not against anyone being gay at all honestly, I just don't get it. I cant get my head around it"
I explained.
He began to laugh. "Is that what is going on that heteresexual mind of yours?" He said still laughing. "Well that has to be the most honest answer I have ever heard."

After that the tension between us seemed to vanish and we ended up going for a drink at a local bar.
He got great joy pointing out men whom he considered as "gorgeous" and asking my opinion if I could see why.
It was somewhat funny. Actually I could not see why one "guy" was more attractive than another.
"You know Arthur it is said that every guy experiences some homosexual feelings at some point in their life. Have you ever had any?" He enquired.  
"No never!" I wasn't lying either. I actually kissed my first girl at age five. It was my second cousin from Ireland called Moira. Her family come for a visit one Easter Sunday. We went behind the garage and kissed while we held hands. I can clearly remember it to this day.
"You know, my mother says that I pinched the nurses bottom when I was born.T hat´s how much I love women" I said. This time it was a lie. We both laughed. We ended up becoming good friends after that. Up until after the autumn half term that is. 

Sadly he was thrown out of the college for not being "good enough

Not him personally, but the standard of his artwork.
Back in those days it was very difficult to get a place at art college and even harder to keep your place. You actually had to be able to draw and you had to show that you were regularly improving too. These days all you need to do is throw a piece of cat shit at a canvas and you´re in. In those days colleges had to keep their reputation for high standards in order to be able to send students to certain reputable universities. But that´s another story.
So when he did not come back after half term I went to visit him at his home to see ow he was doing.
My new "gay" friend who opened the door was not gay at all. I mean mot in the original meaning of the word. Instead it was immediately clear to me that he was depressed. He felt rejected. His mum made us a cup of tea and we sat in the front room for a chat. "It is not easy being gay Arthur. You feel a bit rejected anyway and now I have been rejected the art college. I felt I fitted in there among you creative types. Now what have I got?" He said. I felt so bad for him and did not know what to say and I told him so.
"Just the fact that you took time to visit me Arthur means a lot. You are the only one of the class who has." He said as he stared down into his tea cup. And then he looked up at me. "Do you remember that day we found ourselves in that tiny lift together and you reacted by pushing yourself into the corner. I could see that you felt trapped."
I smiled. "I do remember yes. Sorry about that Paul. Forgive me for being an ass." I said, feeling a little ashamed that I had ever reacted in that way.
"No no, I don't mean to make you feel bad. I just wanted to explain that is how I feel sometimes. I did not ask to be born Arthur, and I did not ask to be born this way either. Sometimes I feel trapped inside a body I didn't ask for and trapped inside a society that judges people like me. I feel stuck in a corner." He explained.
It was just at that point that I had got a sense of his burden but at the same time I felt selfishly lucky that I did not have that burden.I do not know what came over me but what I did next was pure reaction. I put my tea down on the coffee table and went over to him and gave him a hug. It was the first time I had ever been so physically close to another adult male. He pulled me closer tightly and held me for some moments. Moments that seemed like ages.  

We gradually lost contact until I met him once again in the library.
He told me he had gone back to college to study drama and he was loving it. He seemed much happier. After some time catching up I told him I had to leave for class. We walked together to the tiny lift were our friendship had first begun and when the lift doors opened an idea popped into my head. "Hold the lift door one while I get something." I said. I went back into the library and grabbed hold of a chair.  "I want to do do a sketch of you in the lift. It won't take me long. I want to do a portrait of you as my final exam piece. The chair will make the lift look even smaller." I explained.
He giggled but did as I asked. I told him to try and look serious and it was then I saw how good his acting skills were.
This is NOT the original sketch I did from that day. It has sadly been lost.
However this is the ink sketch I made from that original sketch. (if that makes sense?)

Sadly. I never actually did a painting from it either.  

Seeing this sketch today brought back memories. I felt disappointed in myself for not actually doing a portrait of my old "gay" friend and wondered if I could fix that somehow.
So I scanned it into my computer.

Today I spent the entire day working on photoshop trying to recreate something of how I intended I was going to do the original painting.
Here is what I ended up with.
see below  

Just to finish, Paul went on to do a degree in drama and afterwards he got acting quite a bit of work in the theatre in London´s fashionable East End.
No he did not become the big name but for a while he get his 15 minutes of fame. The last I heard he was working as a clothes salesman in Savile row, London, in a Men Suits Boutique. I plan to make a visit to London in the spring of 2018. Perhaps I might pop in get him to measure my inside leg.
Thankfully attitudes towards gays are far more liberal and acceptable these days. A sign that we can move forward as a society if we really want.
Have you ever felt stuck in a corner?

What I write is merely my own thoughts from my own life experience.  
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I did not want to comment as soon as I saw this painting. I wanted to give it time to affect me in less obvious ways.

For instance, I kept trying to see melancholy, sadness in his eyes. I am surprised at you being so deep when you were so young. that you avoided making that shallow representation.

It seems you saw that he saw that his life will never be a joy, not with any permanence, and it is as if he is gazing off into the future, wondering what hope he has of mattering to someone and his posture says he does not think so. Was there such an ache in your friend?

A very deep response my friend. You tell of the matter so well and to touchingly.
I am taking t trip to London next spring. I may well see if I can visit with him and see how he is doing. Times have moved on of course.
Always a pleasure to hear from you Arthur

This is a great post Arthur with a really important message that the world needs to get! Especially some of the New Age teaching going on, saying we all chose to come to earth to work out our karma from past lives, this is so not true, and I totally agree with this statement below:

"I did not ask to be born Arthur, and I did not ask to be born this way either. Sometimes I feel trapped inside a body I didn't ask for and trapped inside a society that judges people like me. I feel stuck in a corner."

I have often felt similar when sharing the Truth that I feel and then feeling attacked and wrong for doing this, just because what I am saying is different to the popular teachings and beliefs. Society does pick on anyone who is different and not fitting into the 'standard mould' of what a good citizen is, which is to be totally compliant to mind programming being done to humanity. Anyone who speaks out against this will be attacked, as those doing it well know!

A thought provoking story, that we all need to consider other people's feelings more, so many people are living feeling 'stuck in a corner' and society needs to change and be more embracing of different, because 'all being the same' is kind of everyone being a programmed human robot!

Thanks for sharing this story and your art with us, it's amazing how a picture can have such a profound meaning and message for us.

Thank you Michelle : )
Yes we live in a rather judgmental society and it seemed to be getting worse. I suppose it has to get worse before it gets better. But I believe it will get better if we have the will to do it. I see positive happenings/movements going on all the time. People like yourself who genuinely wish for a better world.
Our hearts give off electro-magnetic energy which can be seen on a special magnetic camera in the form of colours. The "colour" of this energy visibly changes when we feel love or anger. We must then believe that our own personal energy has some affect upon the world around us. And the effect depends on wether we are giving off love or anger.
I could feel the sad energy on my "gat" friend that day when I visited him at is home. I suppose I gave him a hug with the intention of passing on some of my love magnetic energy to him.
I wonder if this is the reason why often our natural reaction is to give someone a hug when we see they are sad or depressed.?

Hugs do heal! It’s the same as a mother ‘kissing it better’ when a child falls or hurts themselves. The love energy causes healing hormones and endorphins to be released so the person does feel better with the change in hormones and so then more healing, emotional and physical can happen too!

Nature is incredible, has amazing powers to heal! It’s artificial that is the problem!

Yes I totally agree about the electro-magnetic energy that our heart emit, I’ve listened to quite a bit of Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton on this subject, Great to see the science catching up with intuition!!

I do believe that humanity is shifting also, we are creating a better world, and many people are working on doing this, which is very comforting to know!

Thanks for your comments!

Great chatting with you Michelle : ) Sounds like we are on the same page : )

Yes always great to chat to a like minded soul, great to chat to you also Arthur.
& you 're English too? So we have a few things in common! :)

It is difficult to say exactly what nationality I am Michelle lol

I was born and raised in Sierra Leone in West Africa.
My parents were Scottish and Irish who emigrated to Africa in the 1905s.
They decided to return to the UK after the onslaught of the Diamonds war.
You may have heard of Blood Diamonds? I was 12 when we returned to the UK and I had never seen snow or even knew what cold was.

I grew up in Liverpool but moved around a lot. I found it hard to adjust and missed my home in Africa. I planned on emigrating to Canada as I have an uncle who lives in Toronto. However, life had other plans it seems. I won an award from the UK Govt for an art project I did. "Art against Drug Crime"
It was given to me by the culture Minister Tessa Jowel... dont know if you remember her?
Norway heard about this award and their art society contacted me. They offered me to have an exhibition with all expensed paid. Hotel, meals and travel.
Well I could not turn that down seeing it as a free holiday. That was back in 2002. Anyway the exhibition was a great success and I fell in love with the country.
A year later I emigrated an have lived here ever since. Now I am what´s called a "Naturalised Norwegian". It took me 7 years and 3 nervous breakdowns to learn the language but now I am fluent. But yes I would say I was also english too. I guess I like to see myself as a world person lol.
We all are really : )

Wow you have lived in quite a few countries, I understand your position over what nationality you are Arthur!

West Africa to the UK was a change in culture! Yes cold up north in Liverpool and then you went to college in London.

Well done on winning your award, that is amazing! Great topic too. I don’t really follow politics and have issues with remembering names, numbers etc!

Wow an exhibition in Norway, all expenses paid that is also amazing and definitely too good to turn down! How lovely that you fell in love with Norway and stayed.

I suppose you are African by birth, but lived mostly in England so that is what resonates most.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with me. I worked abroad for seasons in a Frence ski resort, Switzerland and 9 months in Australia, which was really great to do! Apart from that I’ve lived in England all my life.

Great art and story. Its those unexpected things that will bring you to understand why things are. As he said, he didn't pick to be gay and it wasn't his choice so we should always remember that sometimes we have no control of who we are. What family we are born to. What color of skin we have. Thanks for sharing a story of how you got a gay friend for the first time and thank you for accepting him and not judging him. A person like you will make the world a better place.

Hey thanks : ) Yeah it was a learning experience and I guess a growing experience too. It certainly helped me to understand that we have no control over who we are when we are born and we have to make the best of our situations. I am glad that things turned out him at least. We all share this world together and we can sometimes forget that, When I came across the drawing in sketchbook I was reminded of that-
Thanks for the meaningful feedback @jon24jon24 : )

No problem @arthuradamson. Your story is something that I will look forward in the future.

Nice to read your memories, such a story! I have to say that I've always loved David Sylvian and I've always though he was so cool ^_^
Nice to see also how you work on the old sketch, great result! Sometimes old sketches, even if they don't become a painting, are great ways to remind us memories ;)

Thanks Silvia : )
Yes David Sylvian, what a fantastic voice ! His "Forbidden Colours" is a masterpiece .
Im having fun at the moment look through my old sketch books : )
See what other treasures I can find.
Always N´nice to hear from you Silvia.

Hi @arthuradamson, Thank you very much for sharing such an emotional story. Although the story is about a GAY(Unfortunately, our Society doesn't accept such people) but still I respect your response towards PAUL. I also love your sudden response:
I do not know what came over me but what I did next was pure reaction. I put my tea down on the coffee table and went over to him and gave him a hug. It was the first time I had ever been so physically close to another adult male. He pulled me closer tightly and held me for some moments. Moments that seemed like ages. THIS IS UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS FOR ME TOO.
No doubt you have a very kind heart and that's why you earned a lot of RESPECT. Keep smiling!

That was nice of you Jawa.
I suppose I just try not to judge people . I can not see the whole picture of this life and why we are all here. But I do know that love has something to do with it.
I try to image that "love" is a person. And this person can ONLY do acts of love.

And so, whenever I am faced with a difficult situation, or a situation I am uncertain of what to do, I ask myself one question. What would love do?
This helps me try to make the right choice.
Thank you for your kind works as ever my dear friend.

@arthuradamson you have many talent . this is a message you passed but you will not understand the help you did for the novice like us.great one.

I take your praise with a humble heart my good fellow.

That is an excellent art work.
You got some talent.
Keep posting more @arthuradamson

Hello Arthur, it was nice to read your story, and see this "cool" artwork of yours! What surprised me was, that you are an artist, and you said - "Actually I could not see why one "guy" was more attractive than another. " ! How could that be? I am sure you can tell a handsome man from an unattractive one, right? I would think so .. :-) ( i will follow you for some more great stories and drawings like this )

Ha ha ha well spotted : ) You actually hit on something that my friends and I have talked about for years. I know what you mean but it is completely true. I just can not see when a man is good looking. I cant explain it.

As you say, I am an artist and it makes mo sense.
I can see when a man is ugly, but not when they are good looking.
I literally just see a guy.
My mates and I would row for hours over this but I am not lying.

The only explanation I can come up with is that I am just so strongly made to prefer women that my brain just ignores a mans features as being anything special.
I can see a man´s heart as being beautiful, but their appearance has no affect upon me whatsoever.
Show me a beautiful woman that I feel attracted to and I become like jelly : (

All my life I have had problems getting a girlfriend because evert time i came up to the girl I was attracted to I just froze or my lips quivered like some blubbering idiot.
This could explain why every relationship I have ever had has happened by pure chance. A girl at a bus stop, a nurse who bandaged my broken ankle. A woman I helped after she dropped her shopping in a car park, a hair dresser who helped restore my hair after I ruined it with using too much peroxide. I was only supposed to leave it on for some minutes to lighten it a little. I fell asleep and when I woke up my hair was white. I mean really just pure white.
I ran into the first hairdressers I could find and begged the girl to help me. When I told her what had happened she almost wet her panties from laughing. She fixed my hair while she giggled the whole time. Afterwards she asked me out on a date. I was gobsmacked. There are many more I could tell.

But none of these women did I actually fancy, or was attracted to.
Dont get me wrong, I dont mean they were not beautiful because they were. On the inside as well. (Actually I think all woman are beautiful)
I guess what I mean is they were not women that I was initially attracted to and wanted to have a relationship with.
It seems I am not capable of over coming my nerves when I meet a woman I am attracted too. Their outer and inner beauty overwhelms me.
I hope this goes some way to explain.
Thanks for the follow @angneslaczo : )

Now i am just wondering how old are you... :-)
and thank You for the long answer, it was joyful to read it!
See you around! Best!

Thank you : )
Well I turned 50 this year ;-)

Whoa!! Yes I felt stock , when I already reach my limitation on my sadness 😑 but no matter what happen , I will not get freeze and do the evilness thing

I had a bit of a learning curve myself regarding this topic. Much of our mindset is determined by our upbringing and it's difficult (sometimes painful) to free yourself from the deeply rooted conditioning and prejudice. I've had a long way learning and parting with beliefs I once held absolute, but with every red pill I took I gained an incredible amount of new perspective and insight.

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