"Arthur, why do you paint naked women!!!???"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

As an artist of 30 years exhibiting my work, this was the first time this question a had been demanded of me to explain. 


I live in a small village in western Norway called Balestrand. It is stunningly beautiful and is actually listed in book as one of the places to see before your die. Just to reiterate that, this photo (below) I took out of my living room window.


I moved to this idyllic village 17 years ago after I was invited by the local art society to exhibit my work. They paid for all of my travel expenses and my accommodation.
To cut a long story short, during my exhibition I met a beautiful norwegian lady and as soon as we saw each other we connected. She is was a local artist and 2 years later we were together as life partners and decided to open our own gallery. The local newspaper did a story on when we opened the gallery  (see below)


However, the area has a past history of pietism.

Pietism is not as strong today but it isa Lutheran based culrure and in a way it is still there. For example one Sunday I was washing the gallery floor.It was about 1oam. Some came me and told said ;"tut tut tut you are not allowed to work until after noon".
My work involves female nudity but it is nudity of the most subtly kind compared to what some artists create. Lucian Freud for example.
Anyway, when I first hung up my paintings there was a strong reaction in the area because of this lingering Pietism. Some could deal with it but the majority can not and still can not.
Then one day a guy ,whom I actually know very well, burst into my gallery demanding to know;
"Arthur, why do you paint nude women".  
I could see he was quite angry and so I had to take deep breath and decide what to do. His name is Andrea and he is a fisherman by trade so I guessed perhaps his knowledge of art was not that of an art dealer.

 Many serious artists, many of whom are friends of mine, refuse to explain their work.
I was the same.
Artists do not need to explain selves to anyone.
However, recently I have been doing just that because I have noticed over the last 10 years a distinct lack of understanding of art and this is leading to a reduction in art quality.
So I figured, OK, I will explain why I paint nude women and see if he still continues to judge me.
First I asked; "Andrea, do you see sex in my work?".  He looked shocked at first, then looked around at the paintings in my gallery and answered: "No. But I still don't understand why the women have to be naked?" He responded
"Andrea, I see you are wearing a rather stylish cardigan. It has a very distinctive pattern and very distinctive colours.
If I painted your portrait, as you are now, then it means I would be forced to paint that cardigan. I would be forced to paint its patten and forced to use the same colours. This means I have been denied some free choice. I also did not design the cardigan. The pattern is the work of another artist and I do not wish to copy the work of another artist. Serious artists want to copy only from nature."
I explained.
"I see. I never thought of that. Perhaps there is a way of having them half clothed?" He said.
"Andrea. Would you put clothes onto a mountain? Must I compromise my art for who exactly?" I replied.  He shook his head.
"Artists have been painting the nude for centuries Andrea. Both male and female. Would it be more acceptable to you if I painted naked men then?" I continued.
"Good God No, that would be worse!" He said.
"Oh why so?"  I asked, even though I had guess he might say this.
"Well, because your´re a man and and well...it would be right." He said, rather sheepishly.
"So then now you are saying it´s OK to paint naked women? If I painted men then there would be nothing wrong with that but I choose to paint women because I happen to be heteresexual and as such I find the female form beautiful. Should I deny that truth? I am a man and I know what it is like to be a man. But I do not know what it is like to be a woman. That means a woman is infinitely more interesting to me as a subject matter to paint."
"I see. It is just that I want to bring my son to look at your work but he is only twelve. I worry what he might think." He explained.  
"Perhaps you should worry so much about your sons opinions, but instead trust in your son´s integrity. After all, he is your son." I replied.
"There is much more I could say about this Andrea, but I perhaps I have given you enough to think about for one day. But before you go, look again at the painting that so bothered you".  (see below)

What do you see?  A woman who is apparently standing on water. She looks at her self in the water and is overcome by her own existence.


 "Is this me? Is this who I am?  She reacts by lifting her hands to her head. The conscious universe responds to her by parting the clouds an letting the suns rays reflect upon the surface of the water. She is now standing in sunshine. What is the universe telling her. Well, that is for yo to figure out"


After that day Andrea began coming in about once a month to see if had painted any new work. It is still a little difficult for him but I put a high value on that he does this. He is one of the few in my village who actually come to see my work. Most of my visitors ore either art collectors or art dealers.

NOTE: What I write is merely my own thoughts from my own life experience and existence.  I do not like to say follow me or up vote me because I prefer it you decide such things for yourself.  But I will say thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I give you a warm welcome back to you next time.


At first: I love to read how partner in life met each other for the first time and your story is really romantic! Sometimes happens that 2 souls feel to be connected and it's just WOW! ^^
About the naked portrait, it was really shocked for me to know about the problems that you had in your gallery! I've never heard about "pietism" and I have to say that I've always thought that here we have some problems with naked body because the presence of Vatican in the middle of our country, but to know about Pietism give me a new point of view!
Here we don't have problems to show paintings of naked people in galleries or museum or during some solo/cllective exhibition. Maybe some people (but very few) have some problems with them, but its just a very small groups that usually stay quiet and don't use to go to exhibition. I have a friend ( a spanish performer) who are doing some performance in some european museum (also in the most famous museum of Florence). He stay in silence in front of the most famous ancient painting in the museum, just for few minutes, naked (but covering his "jewelry" ^
^) as a form of homage to the great painting of the past. A sort of rapture. I love this performance, because I don't have problems with a naked body (for me, a naked body is like a white canvas where everything and everyone can add their own sensation), but some people have different idea on it. In this case, I think a reaction (bad or good) is always a sign of the good result of a performance because a performance have to "say" something. About painting, it's the same. Someone has problems with a painting of naked body? People talk about a naked body painted? Well, it's time to paint another naked body.
Ps: your painting is very very nice and it "talk" in a quiet and relaxing way ;)

Thanks so much for your wise words Silvia. It gives me comfort. I live in a beautiful place but it has not been all easy with the "pietism".
My wife and I have been together for 17 years now and our love grows stronger every day. She is my inspiration and I love her art too. I am trying to get her to join Steemit but she takes some persuading. In Norway, women are the boss lol

I love this sentence. "for me, a naked body is like a white canvas where everything and everyone can add their own sensation". A beautiful way of saying it.
Thanks again Silvia.

This is beautiful ! :) I understand where you're coming from I'm not a great artist but I like drawing naked bodies and people always ask me why. I always feel like I'm doing something wrong that I've cross some kind of line. But I hope that people would start appriciating their own bodies because I think that it is the most stunning work of art. Because no two bodies are alike, it has the lines and curves that makes each unique parts. And It never stops growing,moving and changing.

Beautifully said @ nessyquel, good to know there are others out there that see the naked form as a thing of beauty rather than an erotic object.

Loads of information. Many thanks. Love it. @arthuradamson Followed

Hey thanks. Followed back.

very nice colors! upvoted and follow you!
I invite you to visit my art blog, hope you will like it!

Hi, thank you @prostosun.
I make a point of following and supporting other artists here on steemit.
It is not easy to live as an artist and so I think it is important for artists to support each other. In fact I regularly look for other artists to support them. An upvote does not cost us dime. I am happy to add my upvote to your posts from now on.

I am actually trying to start a little collective to do this and I already have a few other atists who are interested in the idea. Basically we upvote each other as a way of supporting each other as arists. Ordinary folk have no idea how hard it is to live as an artist and every penny helps right.
Now following you

thanks, I follow you too!
I think its good idea to help each other!

Great. I just upvoted your latest post and I will support your posts from now on. Good to meet another artist here on Steemit. Nice watercolor work by the way.

thank you! I like watercolor, but also oil paint and acril))) all depens off my mood and inspiration!

I had always been a Great Fan of Paintings Like this... you truly have expressed your mind beyond Words

Thank you so much. I appreciate the kind words. Appreciation helps motivation.

Hello Arthur. Do you sell the originals?

Yes I do, all the time. They are expensive though. I live in Norway and art is expensive here because people have a very high standard of income. I also sell high quality prints though which I sign and date. They are printed with 8 colour tones and do not fade in direct sunlight.

Ok interesting. How expensive are the originals? Is there a website?

I do have a website but I dont sell through there at this time. Im looking into that. I have many collectors who buy my work so Ive become a bit lazy about internet sales. Im just looking into it after an online galley has offered to represent me. The website is detgylnehus.no You can see more of my work on there. This particular painting costs $1200. A signed print would be $100. Of course people can also use steem to buy my work.

Intriguing. There's a possibility I might have an unusual proposition for you in the future. Do you take commissions?

Hi, thanx :)
yes occasionally I do commissions but I have to fit them in to my daily schedule somehow. I am working on a commission right now so it would have to wait until I finish that one.
Let me know what you have in mind when you are ready. Sounds mysterious :)

Most beautiful lines from your blog are:
The conscious universe responds to her by parting the clouds an letting the suns rays reflect upon the surface of the water. She is now standing in sunshine. What is the universe telling her.
Great Answer to Andrea. I wish I was there in your Village. But this is just a thought, Practically I'm living thousands of Miles far from you. Stay Blessed!

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