ART is a delicious PARADOX

in #art8 years ago (edited)

I recently had a life changing revelation about art that I wish to share.

What I have discovered is that art is a paradox, but this paradox is beautiful because in a strange way it goes some way in defining what it is to be human and unique creatures in this universe. It is a serious thing but at the same time the artist must never take him/her-self too seriously otherwise one loses sight of what art creation is really about. For art puts meaning into the meaningless and then laughs about it at the same time. In order to explain what I mean we need to look at some questions in order to put ourselves into the frame of mind outside of what we would call "normal daily life". First, what exactly is art for, does it actually have any practical use in our daily existence? And I don´t mean "design" as in designing a house or a car or a bridge, those are all practical uses of being able to draw and use one´s creative imagination. No, I am talking about just someone creating something that someone calls "art" and it has no practical use at all. OK so perhaps someone paints a picture of a landscape, does that have a practical use other than you can hang it on a wall? So then it has some practical use in that it is a form of decoration for your house or office. So does that mean all painting and sculpture is merely decoration? And what about things that capture our attention and fascination for a short period time such as a popular toy at Christmas. 


Of course what I am talking about is novelty. Is art merely just novelty, something that captures our attention for while until we get bored of it? Is art based upon its novelty value then?  Picasso once said "Novelty is the curse of modern art". What did he mean by this?  Well he meant that art is exactly the opposite of novelty. For art must stand for something and fill us with wonder every time we see and never lose its power of curiosity. Like a great oak tree, it is magnificent in its wonder, or a tiny flower hiding in the grass, it captures our attention so much that we have to stop and look closer at its intricate beautiful secrets. Of course it is easy to see the wonder and curiosity in nature, this is why nature programs have some of the highest viewing figures on TV. We can explain nature in terms of evolution but just because we know how it came into being does not detract from its magnificence nor stop us from admiring it. But nature too has a function. It has a delicate balance upon which all living things, including humans, rely on to exist. 


But can you honestly tell me there is any function for art? I mean when you really look at it, the whole idea is nonsense. Art serves no purpose. The idea of making an object that has no practical function at all and for no other reason than one particular type of human-being, "we", call an "artist", wishes to create something that has no practical use but that we just might find interesting or some meaning in it. It is utterly ridiculous. But you see that is the point. It is the very fact that we (human-beings) do this that makes art the fundamental activity that defines us as unique creatures. Remove this activity of human-beings making "non-practical creations of wonder" (art) and what kind of human race would we be? Could we still class ourselves as human. Well let´s look at that for a moment. Well we certainly would still be a clever race in that we still build houses, bridges, cars, aeroplanes, shopping centers etc. And that means we can have a job/income and make procreation a more easier and more pleasant experience. We would certainly be a practical race and perhaps a somewhat machine like one. But wait! I hear you say, I can still enjoy life without art because I can enjoy the occasional activity of swimming in the ocean whilst on holiday or driving a sports car fast down an open road. Yes that is true, but now it is my turn to say back to you, but wait! - what is practical about making a sports car, and why would someone want to drive fast down an open road? 


Is it an ego thing? Perhaps it is but surely it is more than that. Isnt it also something to do with the feeling that it gives someone? I mean what is the purpose or function of a game of football? 

22 people kicking a ball shape around a specific area with the intention of putting that ball into a shape that has netting behind it. It is utter nonsense yet millions watch it every week end. But is football practical? Ah yes of course now we come to the idea of entertainment. Yes yes entertainment. Is that what art is then, is that its function, its purpose, to entertain us? Perhaps in one way , but I suggest singing and theater does that far better. "Non-practical creations of wonder" (art) do not always entertain us. For example, what about Picasso and his painting/mural Guernica, is that entertaining? 

Well it is and it isnt. Guernica is tragic, horrific and even comical. And that is the vital distinction between entertainment and art. For we can all agree on what entertainment is but art can never truly be placed into that category . In that sense perhaps Opera is more closer to art and art more closer to opera than it is to entertainment. 

Ok perhaps it is  time I came to the point. What I am trying to say here is that the very idea of creating "non-practical creations of wonder" is a really really special activity that human-beings do that lifts us higher, way higher than merely being creatures existing for the sake of making living conditions better for our descendants to make procreation easier. 

Now here is the twist, the paradox. Art should never take itself too seriously. In fact, if an artist ever comes to believe that they are some kind of "profit"  - meaning someone who has some secret knowledge of the cosmos and that their art is some kind of message that they need to share with us, thus making them of fundamental importance in society, if they ever believe that of themselves, then that is the moment they no longer are artists but "assholes"or perhaps "piss artist" who create NOT objects of art but objects we can confidently call, "bullshit". 

And here is the crux of the matter and why I call it a "delicious" paradox. For an object, or performance, to be called "art" it has to make us give meaning to something that is utterly meaningless and, for some unexplainable reason, find it so hypnotically fascinating that we simply can not stop ourselves from looking at it. Such a creation might shock us, inspire us, make us smile or make us laugh or cry, or it might do all those things at the same time. You see it is this very ridiculous notion that we can find meaning, as well as fascination within a creation or a performance, that we (human-beings) have made ourselves (rather than God or nature) that transcends us into, for want of a better word, "divine" creatures in the universe. But, and here is the vital point, for at the same time we can do that, we also have the ability to laugh at ourselves for the same reason. Literally, a delicious paradox....Now if you have managed to take that all in then I have a wonderful reward for your patience for reading this, for I have found a wonderful performance that I believe fits all of what I have been saying. It is entertaining but it defies what we would normally call entertainment. Perhaps it is performance art  Im not sure, whatever, watch this and tell me it is not hypnotically hysterical and fascinating at the same time, or at least perhaps it brings a smile to your face. And yet just look how serious people take it, even using binoculars in order to see more detail. They take it seriously because the artist does and yet can anyone tell me that the "artist" takes himself too seriously? and yet he works hard on every detail of his performance right up until the very end (watch his eyes), also imagine the effort that went into creating his "look" his costume and the entire set just for one single performance. Therefore it is a "non-practical creation of wonder"  that has no function other than for us to share in, and possibly find, some bizarre meaning, (finding sense in the nonsense) and at the same time laughs the hell out of itself. Welcome to the wonderful crazy meaningful nonsense world of art. 

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What the fck was that about?


An artist and an exceptional writer. Look at me spotting the new talent in our midst ;) That was excellent. You have a very strong, clear voice. I feel your last question/statement when it comes to performance art. There's a place in Vermont called the Bread and puppet theater that I visited, and it was fascinating in a small dose. Not something I would want to do everyday, or more than once a year, ha, but that there are people who live in it-is also fascinating. I almost can't imagine what goes on in their minds, and I'm usually fairly perceptive. I love art that makes me feel things deeply, but that type of art tends to make me feel strange, like things aren't quite real, slightly off track somehow. And it never alters, no hard lefts or rights with that, just a step to the side. I examine things like that, wondering if it's a fault or limitation in myself. Maybe their center is different then mine and that's all. I enjoy being pulled into wonder or heartbreak, I love art that inspires strong emotions. But I always have to come back into balance. Wow, this was very thought provoking. Thank you! I'll look forward to your posts :)

What can I say @dreemit your comments fill me with encouragement. I have never viewed myself as someone who could write anything of value, I simply try to write from the heart. I actually have dyslexia which means I have to focus hard but that doesn't deter or bother me. I also more or less had to teach myself English, the reason being because I missed so much early schooling due to my mother dying when I was 7. I was moved around from relative to relative and therefore from one school to another. This seriously put my education behind and took me years to catch up - I still don't understand grammar ha ha, but anyway that's another story. I was fascinated to hear about that "Bread and puppet" place, in Vermont you mentioned, it sounds similar to place I once knew in Liverpool, England. It was a kind of nightclub/bar where transvestites would go and perform, (they preferred to call themselves "drag queens") I actually got to know one of performers through a friend of a friend. OK let's be truthful, it was actually my friend's brother. But it was years before I knew. One day I was at Pete's house and his brother came visiting. I had only met him a couple of times but I kind of guessed he might be gay from his effeminate body language. Suddenly he came straight out and asked if I was gay. I was shocked but responded by shyly saying that I very much liked girls. Ha ha I actually felt bad about saying it but not sure why. "I thought so" was his response, "Just maikng sure" he said. Anyway he invited me to come along to see him perform at this club (cant remember the name of it now). Well I reluctantly agreed, I mean how could I say no, especially when he was offering to get me in for free around the back door (no pun intended). To say I felt somewhat uncomfortable is a bit of an understatement but I thought "what the hell, life is meant to be experienced right?", but I made sure I kept what I felt was a safe distance from other guests. Well I must say the performances simply blew me away but at the same time I felt, erm, how did you put it "slightly off track somehow", yes that exactly. Needless to say I really enjoyed the whole experience and the performance of Pete's brother, James, whose stage name was Marilyn, (you can guess who he liked) was mesmerizing. However, I was also glad to get out of there alive ha ha, and I was pretty sure I was never going to go back there again. I later discovered that the club held a violent secret. You see the area it was located in was predominantly working class and back in those days (1980s) homosexuality was still struggling to be accepted in working class society. This meant that sometimes homophobes would wait in dark shadows for the performers to come out of the club with the firm intention of beating the shit out of them. Over the years Pete would tell me when his brother was in hospital after being severely beaten and it was more time than I care to mention. On one such awful occasion I went to visit James in hospital and I was horrified at what I saw. His head was dramatically swollen and his skin was black and blue. He reminded me of something I had seen on a sci fi movie or something. I asked him why he kept going back there if he knew was in danger of being beaten at the end of the night. His reply was rather sad but it was also one of the bravest things I had ever heard. He told that there were very few places in the city were people of "his disposition" could perform and he lived to perform. These drag queens were not even paid, they just id it because they loved it. Amazing. James payed a high price for his art but I guess for him the price of not performing was higher. Thanks for writing back. Apologies if I diverted into a story, a bit of a habit of mine. Anyways, cheers!

I thought I was the only one who could turn a response into a short story, glad to know I'm not alone :) Wow, that must have been something. The Bread and Puppet Theater was more along the lines of role playing with very bizarre costumes and improvisation. Along with music that reminded me of the video you shared, which probably had more to do with the feeling it gave me than anything else.
I've actually always wanted to see a drag show, just haven't had the opportunity. I don't think that would put me off balance necessarily. I certainly have nothing against it, one of my step-sons is gay, got married a little over a year ago in fact, and I adore him. He's also stereotypically gorgeous, he broke a couple of hearts when he declared his preference :) I'm glad he got to grow in a time where it was accepted, or mostly anyway, I can only imagine how awful it was for your friend's brother. And yes, that was brave of him!

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